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In-person & Online Worship Service

January 19, 2025 at 10:15 AM

2nd Sunday after the Epiphany

*Scripture Lesson

John 2:1-11


"Seeing Miracles in Ordinary Moments"

by Rev. Sooah Na

*Worship Assistant:

Nancy Rapp

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A Blessing Bag Mission Project

We’re preparing 100 “Blessing Bags” to share hope and basic necessities with those in need. Each bag will include items like water bottles, snacks, gloves, and hand warmers—all conveniently packed in zip lock bags.

On February 2, we’ll come together to assemble these bags, and then distribute them to our congregation. That way, whenever they encounter someone who is homeless or in need, they can offer a Blessing Bag.

If you’d like to participate, please sign up in the Narthex to choose which items you’d like to contribute. For more information or any questions, feel free to reach out to Grace, our Family Ministry Coordinator.

Let’s come together as God’s hands and feet—spreading Jesus’ love one Blessing Bag at a time.

Centenary United Methodist Church

SUNDAY at CENTENARY Scenes from the most recent worship service at Centenary, which included the introduction of a new mission project, "Blessing Bags," by Miss Grace. Holy Communion was also...

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December Diaper Drive Mission Report



Bolstered by a very generous donation from the College Avenue Community Church of New Brunswick, Centenary collected a record number of diapers and wipes during its seventh annual Advent Diaper Drive for The Maker's Place, a United Methodist Hope Center in Trenton.


On Sunday, January 5th, after Pastor Sooah blessed the donations during our worship service, Centenary delivered 7,598 diapers and 4,192 wipes to Trinity United Methodist Church in Ewing Township, which serves as a diaper depot for The Maker's Place. Pastor Sooah expressed Centenary's deepest appreciation to Pastor Douglas Shepler and the congregation of College Avenue Community Church for their outstanding contribution of 5,143 diapers and 2,592 wipes to the drive.


Since its establishment in 2018 to address the high infant mortality rate in the Trenton area, The Maker's Place has distributed more than one million free diapers to families struggling to keep their infants clean, dry, and free from infection.  Each month, The Maker's Place diaper depot distributes some 26,000 diapers to needy families from eight distribution locations in the Trenton vicinity.


Special thanks to everyone who donated diapers and wipes to this year's drive; to Se Hoon Oh and Vika Chala, for making their pickup truck available on short notice to deliver the diapers (and to their children, Sophia and Nikolas, who were a big help unloading the diapers at Trinity UMC); and to the volunteers who helped load the diapers into Se's vehicle and mine at Centenary.


Bob Carlson

Missions Chairman

January- February Lamplighter

Read Recent Lamplighter

Prayer Request List Refresh

As we prepare to welcome the new year, we are thoughtfully updating our prayer request list in the bulletin to better serve and support one another.

To keep our bulletin meaningful and focused, we will be removing existing prayer requests unless we hear that you or your loved ones wish to keep them.

If you would like your prayer request to remain in the bulletin, please let us know by submitting the prayer request form available in the Narthex area or by reaching out directly to Pastor Sooah at pastorsooah@gmail.com.

We warmly invite you to share any new prayer requests as we enter the new year together.

January’s barrel offering is designated to UMCOR

UMCOR, the humanitarian relief arm of The United Methodist Church, supports those affected by disasters—natural or human-made—offering relief, recovery, and hope worldwide.

Centenary’s January barrel offering will go to UMCOR. Learn more about their impactful mission in the video below!

Every Wednesday & Sunday

  • Celebration of Found Cans (nonperishable item collection ministry from 9:30 am to 12 pm)
  • Bell Choir Practice at 2 pm at Music Room

January 27th (Monday)

  • Board of Trustee Meeting at 7 pm (online)

February 2nd (Sunday)

  • Blessing Prayer for the Blessing Bag Project

February 3rd (Monday)

  • Church Council Meeting at a 7pm

February 4th (Tuesday)

  • Prayer Group Meeting at 7 pm (Online)

February 13th (Thursday)

  • Sandwich Making Night at 6:30 pm at Room 20

February 16th (Sunday)

  • Valentine Cookie Decorating Event (Following the service)

February 17th (Monday)

  • Finance Committee Meeting at 7 pm (Online)

February 23rd (Sunday)

  • Black History Month Sunday

We pray for...

Remember in your prayers: Tom Moyer; family of Jim Taylor; Lester Heim, Jr. (son of Mary Ellen Heim); Carolee Szakos; Cathy Savoia; Steve Mosteller

*Bold indicates new to the list.

Celebration of Found Cans


Centenary continues its weekly collections of non-perishable food items to help “REPLENISH” (formerly the Middlesex County Food Network) make a dent in food insecurity!

Food collection at Centenary takes place on WEDNESDAYS and SUNDAYS from 9:30 a.m. – noon. On Wednesdays, the green REPLENISH collection bin is located at Centenary’s front door; just drop off an item or two or more (follow your GPS to 200 Hillside Avenue in Metuchen)!

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