The community level in Middlesex County is Medium this week. Masks will be optional.

In-person / Live Streaming Worship Service

January 22, 2023 at 10:15 AM

3rd Sunday after the Epiphany

*Scripture Lesson

John 1:1-18


"How to Read the Bible?" by Rev. Sooah Na

*Worship Assistant:

Peggy Martino

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Grief Share Group (Starting Soon)

The support group, Grief Share, will begin their winter sessions, starting Tuesday, January 24, 2023 from 7:00-9:00 pm, at Community Presbyterian Church, 75 Glenville Road, Edison, NJ.

You are encouraged to join on any week. The sessions are self-contained. You can register online at or at a meeting in person.

Please feel free to contact Ruth Lechelt at 908-227-6670 for additional details.

Once A Month Prayer Group

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your mind in Christ Jesus. 

-Philippians 4: 6-7-

Prayer with and for one another is one of the great gifts of our faith.

As you navigate life's stressors, struggles, and challenges, we want to support each other in prayer. We gather first Tuesday of every month and our next meeting will be February 7th at 7 pm.

If you are interested in joining this group, please let pastor Sooah know. (

Sunday School Updates

Dear Sunday School families,

May the peace and grace of Jesus Christ be with you. 

I am writing this letter to share Sunday School updates and our plan.

As you may know, we are looking for a new Sunday School Director. We appreciate your prayers for the entire process and our next Sunday School Director. 

While searching for a new Sunday School director, we plan to have Sunday School twice a month.

I appreciate our Sunday School teachers, Darla and Shirley, especially Grace, who will help us plan Sunday School activities during this transition time. 

Our next Sunday School will begin on January 29th. From February, we plan to have Sunday School on the 2nd and 4th Sundays.

On 1st and 3rd Sundays, we invite children and youth to worship with our church family. We plan to provide the children's message and children's worship bulletin (coloring, maze, and word search related to the children's message).

May God provide us wisdom and guidance as we navigate this transition time. May God wrap God's loving arms around us and fill us with new hope. 

Many Blessings, 

Your pastor, Sooah 

January- February Lamplighter

Click Here to Read Recent Lamplighter

2023 Calendars will be available in the church office and Narthex, starting Sunday, December 24, 2022.

Please feel free to pick them up!

2023 offering envelopes are available in the narthex. Please pick them up on Sunday or duirng church office hours Mondays-Fridays 9 am - 11 am.

Our of state booklets will be mailed.  

31 Days Bible Reading Challenge

Do you want to read the Bible? Here is a great opportunity for you! We would like to invite you to read through 1 Corinthians and 2 Corinthians during the month of January.

You can take this challenge individually or do it with people with a Bible Reading Challenge small group. One bible study session (online) will be provided for the group during early February following this challenge. 

Click here to see Bible Reading Challenge Plan

Every Wednesday & Sunday

  • Celebration of Found Cans (nonperishable item collection ministry from 9:30 am to 12 pm)

Every Tuesday (January 24 - April 25) 

  • Grief Share Group at 7 pm at Community Presbyterian Church ( 75 Glenville Road, Edison, NJ)

January 25th (Wednesday)

  • Finance Committee Meeting at 7 pm (Online)

January 29th (Sunday)

  • Sunday School

February 7th (Tuesday)

  • Once a Month Prayer Group Meeting (Online) at 7 pm

February 9th (Thursday)

  • Sandwich Thursday (Sandwich Making Ministry) at 6:30 pm

February 12th (Sunday)

  • Sunday School 

We pray for...

Remember in your prayers: family of Rev. Gary Frieze; Rev. Hoo-Sug Lee; family of Samantha Nu Nguyen Hogan (friend of the Tierno family); Anne Beattie; Sylvia Woodfield; Shirley & Steve Mosteller; family of Lewis Hause; Monika Van Houten; Carolee Szajko; Patricia Thompson; family of Matthew Ferry (former teacher of Lily Tierno); Pvt. Brian Reppert (serving overseas and family friend of

Ruth Lechelt); Miriam Dingle; Poonam Chauhan (sister-in-law of Mala Roberts); Rosie Ciccone (sister- in-law of Beverly Bell); Arthur Manjourides (father of Paul Manjourides); Monika Korte; Terri Sgambati

(aunt of Nicole Tierno); Lori Loza; Reshma Rahi; Debra Martin (daughter of Mary Ellen Heim); Fran Koppell (friend of Bruce & Ellen Clarke); Melanie Spanko (daughter of Janet Spanko); Lee Lehman; Lester Heim, Jr.; Howie Reenberg (friend of Tom Moyer); Laura Vasile (daughter of Rita Vasile); Portia

Lashley; Mary Ellen Heim.

*Bold indicates new to the list.

Prayer Request:

If you have a request for prayer, or a joy you would like to lift up, please let pastor Sooah Know or send your requests to:

The requests will be passed along to Pastor Sooah. Please keep us updated on your requests.

Celebration of Found Cans


Centenary continues its collection of non-perishable food items twice weekly to help “Replenish” (formerly the Middlesex County Food Network) make a dent in food insecurity! Food collection at Centenary takes place on Wednesdays and Sundays from 9:30 a.m. – noon. The collection bin is located at Centenary’s front door; just drop off an item or two (or more)!

Centenary – “The Friendly Church On the Hill” – is located at 200 Hillside Avenue in Metuchen. All are welcome!

Click here to visit our website