"We don't want you to miss a thing - scroll all the way down for all the details!"

Pastor's Letter

Happy and Blessed New Year to you and your family!


When I was little, I remember my mother sending me to the supermarket near our apartment. As I walked the short block to the store (without a cell phone!), I would quietly repeat the shopping list to myself so I wouldn't forget a single item.


Sometimes, we all need reminders -- not because we don't know, but because we want to ensure we won't forget.


As we step into this new year, we need a similar reminder -- the word of God that brings us hope, joy, and peace. Not because we don't understand its importance, but so that we won't forget what God has lovingly spoken to us.


For many, January marks a time for new beginnings. Some of us set New Year's resolutions, reflecting on the past year with gratitude or perhaps some regrets, while embracing the opportunity for a fresh start. Others make important decisions as they look to the future. But amidst all these plans, I encourage you to ask: what spiritual guidance will shape your faith and soul this year? To help reflect on this question, we invite you to join us for worship and two meaningful sermon series that invite you to reflect on what will shape your faith and soul in the new year.


This January, we'll explore the series, "Seeing with New Eyes," reflecting on Epiphany -- the revelation of Christ's light -- and how it transforms our understanding of God, ourselves, and the world. In February, we'll dive into "Faith & Family: Building a Household of Grace," exploring how God's grace shapes both our homes and our church community.


We also warmly invite you to these upcoming events:

  • January 5: Blessing of the December Diaper Donation and Guiding Star Scripture. Pick a Bible verse card to guide your journey this year, just as the Magi followed the star to find Jesus.
  • February 16: Valentine's Day Cookie Decoration Event - a fun way to celebrate love with family and friends.
  • February 23: Black History Month Sunday with guest speaker Bob Carlson, presenting a sermon titled, “Using the Bible to Attack and Defend Slavery.”


As we step forward into 2025 together, may we be reminded that Jesus, our Light, walks with us every step of the way, filling our hearts with hope, peace, and joy for the journey ahead.


Blessings and Peace,

Pastor Sooah

In-person & Online Worship Service

January 5, 2025 at 10:15 AM

Epiphany Sunday 

*Scripture Lesson

Matthew 2:1-12


"Seeing the Light: Lessons from the Magi"

by Rev. Sooah Na

*Worship Assistant:

Bob Carlson

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Holy Communion will be served next Sunday, January 12.

Watch the Latest Worship


Prayer Request List Refresh

As we prepare to welcome the new year, we are thoughtfully updating our prayer request list in the bulletin to better serve and support one another.

To keep our bulletin meaningful and focused, we will be removing existing prayer requests unless we hear that you or your loved ones wish to keep them.

If you would like your prayer request to remain in the bulletin, please let us know by submitting the prayer request form available in the Narthex area or by reaching out directly to Pastor Sooah at pastorsooah@gmail.com.

We warmly invite you to share any new prayer requests as we enter the new year together.

Centenary United Methodist Church

The most recent worship service on the last Sunday of 2024 included the debut of Centenary's revitalized Bell Choir, under the direction of Alice Bennett. James Mojomick and Paul Manjourides led the...

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Get Well Cards

Get well cards may be sent to Tom Moyer, a long-time member, who is recovering from a recent stroke. Although he is still in the rehab center, cards can be sent to his home at

Tom & Nancy Moyer

42 Buchanan Road

Metuchen, NJ 08840-1012

January’s barrel offering is designated to UMCOR

UMCOR, the humanitarian relief arm of The United Methodist Church, supports those affected by disasters—natural or human-made—offering relief, recovery, and hope worldwide.

Centenary’s January barrel offering will go to UMCOR. Learn more about their impactful mission in the video below!

Every Wednesday & Sunday

  • Celebration of Found Cans (nonperishable item collection ministry from 9:30 am to 12 pm)
  • Bell Choir Practice at 2 pm at Music Room

January 5th (Sunday)

  • First Sunday of New Year

January 9th (Monday)

  • Sandwich Thursday (Sandwich Making Night) at 6:30 pm at Room 20

January 13th (Monday)

  • Board of Trustee Meeting at 7 pm (online)

We pray for...

Remember in your prayers: Tom Moyer Lester Heim, Jr. (son of Mary Ellen Heim); Family of Sandi (Bruce's sister in law), Carolee Szajko; Cathy Savoia; Heeja Park (mother in law of pastor Sooah); Josiah (The son of Nicole’s friend); family of Dorothy Lake; Janet Sweeney (friend of Donna Dingle); Howard Tarlow's family (Martino family's acquaintance), Kerwinna Ortega (Jegari's sister), Jennifer Ignacio (Jegari's cousion), Richard Heim (son of Mary Ellen Heim); Darla Downes; Michelle Moyer; family of Rosalina Magno (mother of Virginia Giordano); family of Young Oh (father of Se Hoon Oh); Harvey Schwartz’s family (Diana Lee-Cary’s uncle); Joseph Gehrmann’s family (James Mojomick’s friend); family of Miriam Dingle; family of Shirley Utts; Joelle Williams and her family of Metuchen School District; Fontaine Anzalone (aunt of Paul Manjourides); Rodrigues family of Metuchen; Rosanne and Chris Moxley; family of Doreen Jones (mother of Darla Downes); family of Kiara Gonzalez (cousin of Nicole Tierno); Michael Gabriel (friend of Ruth Lechelt); Jessica Elil (daughter of Stella, co-worker of Peggy Martino); Kenny Fischer (cousin of Charles Giordano); John & Portia Lashley; family of Celeste Ramsey (mother-in-law of Isabel Pichardo); family of Ed (friend of the Mojomicks); families of Sylvia Woodfield; family of Heather Vail (friend of Ruth Lechelt); Amelia (student at Edgar MS-Metuchen); Mary Ellen Heim; family of Sandy Baks; family of Rev. Dr. Hoo Sug Lee; family of Anne Beattie; parents of Lester Gesteland; mother of Asher Irfan; family of Rowena Principe (sister of Odessa Delos Santos); family of Rev. Gary Frieze; family of Samantha Nu Nguyen Hogan (friend of the Tiernos); Shirley & Steve Mosteller; family of Lewis Hause; Monika Van Houten; Patricia Thompson; family of Matthew Ferry (former teacher of Lily Tierno); Pvt. Brian Reppert (serving overseas and family friend of Ruth Lechelt); Poonam Chauhan (sister-in-law of Mala Roberts); Arthur Manjourides (father of Paul Manjourides); Terri Sgambati (aunt of Nicole Tierno); Lori Loza; Debra Martin (daughter of Mary Ellen Heim); Lee Lehman; Lester Heim, Jr.; Laura Vasile (daughter of Rita Vasile).

*Bold indicates new to the list.

Celebration of Found Cans


Centenary continues its weekly collections of non-perishable food items to help “REPLENISH” (formerly the Middlesex County Food Network) make a dent in food insecurity!

Food collection at Centenary takes place on WEDNESDAYS and SUNDAYS from 9:30 a.m. – noon. On Wednesdays, the green REPLENISH collection bin is located at Centenary’s front door; just drop off an item or two or more (follow your GPS to 200 Hillside Avenue in Metuchen)!

Click here to visit our website