Dear Children and Youth Families,
I hope everyone had a good summer! The following email includes information about important information and upcoming dates.
This Sunday, September 8th is Welcome Back Sunday. Church service will go back to its 10:15am start time and we will be celebrating with an Ice Cream Social during fellowship time. Please come out and enjoy ice cream and fellowship with all our friends!
Pastor Sooah will be blessing the children and their backpacks during Children’s Time. Please bring in your child’s backpack for a blessing!
Sunday School will also be starting up. We will be meeting in Rm 20 after Children’s Time each week except for Communion Sunday which is the first Sunday of the month. The children and youth will stay in service on these Sundays.
The following is a brief overview of what the children and youth will be learning for the upcoming months. September;( Deny Thy Selfie: God Calls Us), October; (The Body Of Christ: Church), November;( Ready, Set, Go: Jesus’ Early Ministry), December; (The Joy Of Christmas).
Pastor Sooah will be giving her sermon during Children’s Time and the Sunday School teachers will be following through with the lesson. Activities and discussion will be part of the lesson, along with fun art activities and games. We have a mixed age group, so you will see a variety of activities presented. A packet will be given each week that will include the bible verse in which the lessons are taken from. Parents of older children and youth are encouraged to read and further discuss at home. Packets will be in the narthex during Communion Sunday. The Sunday School teachers work hard to create a fun, loving and safe environment for the children and youth where they can enjoy time together while learning and being filled with the spirit.
Youth group will also be starting back up. The following are dates are for our meetings for the next few months. Meeting will be after fellowship time.
September 22
October 13
November 10
December 1
**In addition to these dates, we are currently planning an outing for Friday, October 18th in the early evening. Save the date and more details to follow.
October 6th World Communion Sunday (The children and youth will be working on a song for service)
October 27th Harvest Festival
Pumpkin Picking at St. Lukes (Date to be announced)
December 15th Children and Youth Christmas Service
December 29th Christmas Karaoke
We are excited for our new year of learning and fellowship!
Many Blessings,