Texas Woman’s University’s Center for Women Entrepreneurs announces the call for submissions for its Women’s Enterprise Training and Microgrant Program. The grants are intended to encourage women-owned businesses in Texas to undertake new and innovative projects.
The grants are $5,000 each. Ten grants will be awarded in total.
Grant funding may be used for the purchase of machinery, equipment, or technology, acquisition of new inventory or raw materials, purchase and installation of fixtures or display units, property improvements, marketing, or other business-related activity that is aligned with the purpose of the program. Wages and salaries are ineligible for funding.
Awardees must complete a small business training course hosted by the CWE in order to receive funding. The course will cover topics such as business plan development, marketing, legal and accounting and financing.
Businesses wishing to apply for funding must submit a complete application
before 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 25