The Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (Byrne JAG) allocations are set by a federal formula. The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) calculates Byrne JAG allocations for the state and local levels. When a local unit of government’s Byrne JAG allocation is less than $10,000, these funds are added to the State Administering Agency (SAA)’s state Byrne JAG award. SAAs vary in how they allocate these under $10,000 funds, with some agencies awarding them to the state police or to particular jurisdictions. Rhode Island has a unique approach to distributing these funds: a competitive solicitation process and a planning committee, composed of law enforcement officials, to make decisions.
The Rhode Island Local Law Enforcement Planning Committee (LEPC) discusses and plans for the under $10,000 pot of Byrne JAG money. The committee is composed of 10 chiefs of municipal police departments, appointed by the Rhode Island Police Chiefs Association, and a representative from state police. The committee is representative of all geographic areas, including seasonal tourist communities. The unique aspect of Rhode Island’s program is that the LEPC creates a competitive solicitation for projects benefiting statewide law enforcement. In the past, these projects have varied, including supporting the Rhode Island Police Accreditation Commission, funding for the state crime laboratory, training programs at the municipal police academy, and allocating funds for hate crimes trainings for law enforcement and local prosecution.
Meet The NCJA Center for Justice Planning (NCJP)'s New Staff!
Since spring officially began on March 19, we asked our new NCJP staff to reveal their favorite spring activity. For full bios, click on the team member's name.
Priming vegetable garden beds and planting the seeds with her children is Program Manager Elisa Nicoletti’s favorite spring activity.
In the spring, Program Coordinator Iyana Crawford likes stopping by a winery and participating in a wine tasting.
Program Manager Anica Stieve’s favorite spring activities are planting flowers for her balcony and hiking.