Centering Planning:

Essential News and Resources for SAAs


The Newsletter of the NCJA Center for Justice Planning Issue Number 10 | July 2024


Pre-trial diversion programs can be a powerful and effective way to prevent further entry or return into the criminal justice system, with many diversion programs offering a wide range of comprehensive services. One promising pre-trial diversion program is Oklahoma’s ReMerge, which serves mothers of minor children facing non-violent felony charges in Oklahoma County. Beginning in 2011, the program serves high-risk high-needs individuals using evidence-based treatment and programming, with a focus on providing individualized support and services for mothers and their children and families. The 18–24-month program focuses on stabilization by providing sober housing, food, clothing, transportation, mental and physical health care services and additional support. As women move through the program, they learn additional skills such as coping, parenting and practical skills.


Each participant is referred by the district attorney and has a comprehensive care team staffed by a case manager, therapist, health and wellness program manager, child reunification program manager, education and employment coordinator and peer recovery support specialist. Upon completion of the program, mothers have stable housing, are reunified with their minor children, are maintaining sobriety and have a secure pathway to gainful employment. Importantly, ReMerge participants are eligible to have their charges dismissed.


The program has been extremely successful, with 206 graduates and 504 impacted children. The program has saved the state $51 million. But beyond the numbers, the program emphasizes sharing the stories of ReMerge mothers—for example, one participant now works at the same district attorney’s office where she was previously facing charges. The program has also expanded into rural counties in Oklahoma through support from a state grant.

ReMerge participants can learn important employment-based skills through a variety of programming, such as Grow with Google, an IT-based program, and Catalyst Cookies, a social enterprise program teaching participants marketing, customer service and entrepreneurship skills. Catalyst Cookies received a grant from United Way and support from Boeing, allowing ReMerge mothers to learn the basics of running a business.


Key Takeaway: Byrne JAG can be utilized to support pre-trial diversion programs in a multitude of ways: through pilot programs, expansions into new areas or program types, and/or other specialized support.

New From the NCJA Center for Justice Planning

The NCJP is proud to announce the release of a new resource designed to assist State Administering Agencies (SAAs) in identifying and engaging the right behavioral health partners for their Byrne Justice Assistance Grant or Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program. Leveraging Behavioral Health Expertise for Improved Systems Change, written in collaboration with subject matter expert Laura Usher, highlights key pathways for finding strong behavioral health partners and tips for building a foundation for successful and collaborative partnerships.

Monthly Poll

Please answer the following question. All responses will be kept confidential. Only one answer choice can be selected. 

Do you use Byrne JAG funds to support pre-trial diversion programs?
Not yet, but we're considering it

See results from last month's poll

Interested in submitting a poll question for your peers to answer in this newsletter? Email us here.  

Upcoming Events

Are you an SAA Director? If so, register for the Institute! The 2024 Institute for Criminal Justice and Public Safety Executives will be held September 5-6 in Washington, DC. Please register for the day and a half meeting, book your flight through the National Governors Association’s travel platform Egencia, and reserve your hotel room through the room block by August 1.


Do you need feedback on your strategic plan before you submit it to BJA with your Byrne JAG application? If so, please reach out to us!

In Case You Missed It

Read the latest promising practice about using the Scandinavian prison model for successful reintegration—learn about a specialized unit in a Pennsylvania prison.

Episode 35 of the NCJA Podcast discusses the importance of language access in discussions of equity and beyond, as well as key steps to creating an impactful language access plan.

Staff Recommends

Allison recommends reading this Joyce Foundation report, which analyzes the current crime gun intelligence landscape, focusing on gun violence and clearance rates. When applied appropriately, these tools can have a positive impact on clearance rates for gun crimes.

Simone recommends reading this report from the National Association of Counties’ Commission on Mental Health and Wellbeing—the report highlights policies related to enhancing local crisis response systems, bolstering the mental health workforce and advocating for changes related to Medicaid and mental health parity. 

Social Media For SAAs

Struggling to fill your social media feeds with content? Consider posting about the following items:

Celebrate National Nonprofit Day on August 17.


Honor Women’s Equality Day on August 26.


Celebrate the 61st anniversary of the March on Washington on August 28.

News from Our Partners

For SAAs with Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) laws who are planning to support ERPOs with Byrne SCIP funds, check out Johns Hopkins’ National ERPO Resource Center’s new flyer highlighting the help and support the center can provide.

About the

NCJA Center for Justice Planning

The NCJA Center for Justice Planning (NCJP) is the Bureau of Justice Assistance’s federal training and technical assistance provider for the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (Byrne JAG) and the Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program (Byrne SCIP). The NCJP provides guidance, primarily to state administering agencies and criminal justice coordinating councils, on strategic planning, stakeholder engagement, effective use of data and more, through direct assistance, webinars, tools, resources and peer-to-peer learning opportunities.

Learn more here

Available Byrne JAG and Byrne SCIP TTA

Direct assistance and trainings to improve strategic planning processes, including developing SMART goals and using data.

Assisting with stakeholder engagement, including survey development, focus group facilitation and navigating planning boards. 

Resources including promising programs and practices, The NCJA Podcast and a strategic planning toolkit.

Support for data collection efforts and program evaluation.

Request TTA

This newsletter is supported by Grant Numbers 2019-YA-BX-K002 and 15PBJA-22-GK-04999-BSCI awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance. The Bureau of Justice Assistance is a component of the Office of Justice Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Institute of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the SMART Office, and the Office for Victims of Crime. Points of view or opinions in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice. 

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