The City of Centerville is open for business but remains closed to the public as leadership works on a plan to safely reopen. Please call (937) 433-7151 or email  with any questions.

See the  latest information  from  Public Health - Dayton & Montgomery County . Please check out our website for the latest local updates.
Is your favorite Centerville restaurant open?
While many restaurants have remained open for carry-out business during the pandemic, several local spots were forced to shut down. As operations change, Centerville will continually update the  Restaurant Carry-Out and Delivery Guide .
New to-go options at The Golf Club at Yankee Trace
You can now order take-out on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays for both lunch and dinner. Please  click here  to see the carry-out menu.

Yankee Trace will take orders from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.  Call ahead at (937) 438-3585 (press Option 2)  and pick up your order by driving up to the portico.

*There is no restaurant dining and no other menu items available at this time.
FAQs for Centerville Businesses

On the City's website, we have created a clearinghouse for Coronavirus information for businesses. has links to all of the latest data and local insight in one spot.
Special Waste Pick-ups Resume
Public Works has started taking requests again for Special Waste Pick-ups and will resume brush drop offs on the third Saturday of the month. 

Residents of Centerville may request a Special Waste Pick-up for additional trash that does not fit in the City Container. The charge for that service is $35 for the first 30 minutes of loading and $15 per additional 15 minutes. Those collections are typically scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 

Please learn more about the guidelines for special pick-ups and how to schedule one by clicking here .

*Yes! We are in the process of rescheduling Clean Sweep 2020. Stay tuned for more details.
Business Leader Forum
Centerville hosted a Zoom video conference with state legislators and business representatives from various sectors including healthcare, industry, skilled trades, real estate and retail to provide a venue to discuss policy measures and resources necessary to aid in the COVID-19 recovery.

The forum resulted in a series of action steps and a commitment from businesses, community leaders and state representatives to continue working collaboratively throughout the weeks and months ahead.
Centerville in the News

As a way to honor the 2020 Centerville High School graduating class during the COVID-19 pandemic, the City placed banners in the four corners of Uptown.

We know our seniors missed out on their senior prom, sporting events, banquets and all of the rest of what their senior year embodies.

We hope in some way to encourage our seniors and let them know the City supports them and that we can all get through this together.
Centerville Public Works crews will plant dozens of new trees next week surrounding the hillside of the Stubbs Park Amphitheater.

A fungus destroyed the Blue Spruces that used to sit there. The City tried to treat the trees for years. Unfortunately, the fungus spreads within the tree from the inside out and most of the trees continued to deteriorate. Luckily, Norway Spruces are resistant to the fungus, and we have had great success with them. Norway Spruces planted in another spot at 6 feet tall in 2010 are already taller than 20 feet.

Crews will plant 22 Norway Spruce trees along the east and west hillsides of the amphitheater. They will also plant 12 Green Giant Arborvitae along the back of the hillside to serve as an additional sound barrier and offset the removal of the mature Blue Spruces.
The 2020 Kalaman Blood Drive was a success, even in the midst of a pandemic. Centerville Police Officer John Kalaman and Washington Twp. Firefighter Robert O’Toole were killed as they responded to a single-car accident on I-675 in 1998.

If you were unable to donate blood at the recent Kalaman Memorial Blood Drive, the Community Blood Center (CBC), along with Kalaman's parents John and Paula Kalaman, strongly encourage donors to schedule an appointment at another blood drive. CBC is anticipating the traditional challenge of maintaining the blood supply during the summer months.  Donations from these drives will be added to the John P. Kalaman donations.

Upcoming CBC blood drives:
  • May 18, 2020 Centerville High School East Commons
  • July 13, 2020 Centerville High School East Commons

To schedule an appointment, click here  and enter code 93.
The deadline for filing and paying 2019 federal, state and local income tax is now July 15, 2020. The City of Centerville has several resources available online to assist you. Please call us at (937) 433-7151 if you have questions.
**Tentatively, the City plans to host public events no sooner than July 12. We will post a revised Summer Concert Series schedule as soon as we receive more guidance from the Governor's office.**


14 Washington Township Fire Department Blood Drive, 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
(Incarnation Parish, 55 Williamsburg Lane)

18 City Council Meeting, 7:30 p.m.

25 Memorial Day Ceremony, Veterans Memorial, Stubbs Park
(Not open to the public. We will create a video tribute.)


8 City Council Meeting, 7:30 p.m.
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