Central Florida Landscapes ENEWS June 2017 |
"New" Landscape Weeds
By: Chris Marble, PhD, UF/IFAS Extension
Some of the most common weeds in lawns and landscapes throughout Florida include spurge, doveweed, nutsedge, dollarweed, and crabgrass. Luckily, because they are so common, we have gotten pretty good at identifying and controlling them. These common species are also easy to find in most lawn weed guides or on university websites and control information is listed on most herbicide labels.
The problem is that, of course, there are also many "uncommon" or "new" weed species that aren't in most weed guides or on many pesticide labels. These weeds may only be an issue in a small geographic location and can be harder to identify or might be confused with a more common look-a-like. In most cases, these weeds are not really new and are relatively common depending on what area you are in. The following weeds are some of the most common "uncommon" species in Florida that are not widespread but can still wreak havoc in planting beds or in turf.
Artillery weed or Artillery Fern (Pilea microphylla)
Artillery weed (also known as artillery fern) is a short lived perennial weed with small green leaves that has a fern-like appearance although it's not really a fern. It is one of the most common "new" weed species in landscape planting beds, hardscape areas, and even in turf. It germinates and grows almost year-round in Florida. People often bring this weed in to Extension offices because it is not well-controlled with glyphosate. For preemergence control, prodiamine (Barricade), indaziflam (Specticle), oxadiazon (Ronstar) and flumioxazin (SureGuard) offer good control. For postemergence control, glufosinate (Finale), flumioxazin (SureGuard), oxadiazon (Ronstar FLO), and diquat (Reward) have been effective in research trials.
Florida pellitory (Parietaria floridana)
Florida pellitory, also known as "clear weed" is an erect cool-season annual that prefers shady wet areas. It is very commonly misidentified as chickweed due to the similar leaf shape. The most obvious different between chickweed and Florida pellitory are the stems and the flowers. Florida pellitory has translucent or almost clear stems while chickweed does not. Florida pellitory also flowers in the leaf axil where the leaf meets the stem. Most non-selective or broadleaf herbicides are effective for controlling Florida pellitory if used according to the label.
Tassel-flower (Emilia spp.)
Tassel-flower is not common in most weed control guides but it is a very common species in parts of Florida and seems to be spreading. There are several species of weeds that are called Tassel-flowers and all are very similar in appearance. They have a dandelion-type seed head and flowers are typically red, pink, or purple. Seeds are spread by wind for the most part. If it is growing in a turf area that is mowed regularly, you may never see a flower head, but you can use the leaves for identification. The leaves have toothed margins and clasp the stem, that is, they have no petiole that attaches the leaf to the stem. Most postemergence herbicides provide good control of this weed, but controlling it with preemergence herbicides is much more of a challenge.
New and Updated Publications
This fact sheet describes the types of scale insects and mealybugs that can become pests in turf, explains the damage they do, and lists management techniques to control them.
This publication is updated and revised whenever there is a breaking development, to bring you the new information and management advice.
Plant-parasitic nematodes can damage athletic fields by weakening turf root systems and causing turf to pull up during play, which can create dangerous conditions for players. To help keep turf and athletes healthy, this fact sheet explains how to spot and manage a nematode problem in an athletic field.
The Florida black bear is the only species of bear in Florida, with an estimated population of approximately 4,030. Bears are excellent climbers and can access bird feeders that are suspended from trees. This fact sheet explains how to secure bird seed from bears so they don't become reliant on human food sources, a condition that puts them at greater risk of being killed from vehicle collisions, illegal shooting, or euthanasia.
Worker Protection Standard
On November 2, 2015, the EPA made significant changes to the rule's requirements.
Upcoming Events
2017 Central Florida Pesticide Training & Testing Schedule -
Click here
First Thursday of every month at 8:30am - Commercial Pesticide Applicator License Testing at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. 8:30am-12:30pm.
Pre-registration required. Must bring a valid picture ID and voucher.
June 1 - CEU Day & Worker Protection Standard/Train the Trainer
at the
UF/IFAS Extension Lake County, Tavares. 8:00am-4:00pm. CEUs Available!
June 15 - Green Industries Best Management Practices (GI-BMP)
at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County, Orlando. 7:45am-4:00pm. CEUs Available!
Jun 16 - Review for Ornamental/Turf and Private Ag Applicators at the UF/IFAS Extension Volusia County, Deland. 8:00am-4:00pm.
Note: No Exams Administered
Registration: 386-822-5778
July 26 - Florida Turfgrass Association (FTGA) CEU Round-up at the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County, Orlando. 8:30am-4:00pm. CEUs Available!
UF/IFAS Extension Orange County Classes & Events Do you want to find out what other kinds of classes the UF/IFAS Extension Orange County has to offer? Click the logo below to see class schedules and up-to-date information on horticulture, agriculture, family & consumer sciences and 4-H. Visit us to find Solutions for Your Life!
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Until Next Time,
Celeste White
Commercial Landscape Management
UF/IFAS Extension Orange County
6021 S. Conway Rd
Orlando, FL 32812
Phn: 407-254-9210
Fax: 407-850-5125
An Equal Opportunity Institution.