Welcome to the March/April 2018 Newsletter for the 
Central Mother Lode Regional Consortium.
Be sure to visit our  website  for additional information. 

Next CRC Steering Committee Meeting:

CRC Annual Meeting - Draft Agenda
Regional Toolbox - "Tools to Make it Happen"
Monday, June 11, 2018 through Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Come hear Guest Speakers: Dr. Matthew Reed, Vice President for Learning at Brookdale Community College and author of "Confessions of a Community College Dean" at InsideHigherEd.com; Vice Chancellor Van Ton-Quinlivan; CCCCO Dr. Matt Roberts; Kathy Booth, Data TAP; Panel Conversations on Adult Education, K-12 and Data; and Strong Workforce Regional Project and Sector discussions and activities. 
There's something for everyone on your college list!

Monterey Marriott - Monterey CA
For room reservations call 877-901-6632
or click here .

Regionwide Projects Updates:
Work Based Learning Pilot (WBL) - Foundation CCC
Work Based Learning Update:
We had our first site visit with the Foundation CCC on 3/1/18 at Clovis Community College. All of the participating colleges convened to dive deeper into the Career Experience Suite as part of the Work Based Learning Pilot Program.  The colleges were also given time to meet and collaborate on ways to begin implementing the pilot on their campuses. The team from Foundation CCC, Tim Aldinger, Haden Springer, and Nicole Scholes were on hand to give support and feedback as well. We are working on setting up another meeting to do some additional planning for the Career XP piece of the pilot. Stay tuned. 

To learn more about the Work Based Learning Planning Tools Pilot (WBL), go to https://www.careerexperiencesuite.org/pilot/

For Work Based Learning resources click here

CareerXP Training Accounts
Each Technical Lead will be issued a CareerXP Training Account. You can access the recorded CareerXP webinar here. The CareerXP instructions are available here

Here to Career Application and Development
The Here to Career app is free and available for download from iPhone and Android app stores. You are encouraged to download and explore the app yourself and begin to implement it as you see fit. 
Here to Career Webinar Recording can be viewed by clicking here

Development of Here to Career is ongoing. We welcome and encourage you to provide feedback and recommendations, which will help inform future updates. You will receive periodic survey requests to collect this information. If you have any pressing questions or feedback while using the application, please send an email to  egerofsky@foundationccc.org.

WBL Planning Lab II Scheduling
The next in-person lab will be scheduled between mid-April and mid-May. We will poll the group to identify a date that works for the greatest number of Pilot Participants. 
Teacher Preparation Pipeline (TPP)

TPP Updates from Kris Costa:  
The contracting for the participating colleges is finalizing and we are excited to see this developing project flourish in the region. Our regional partnership with the CSU Fresno Foundation and the Kremen School of Education and also taking shape. Exciting news for this regional project as it develops.
Statewide, the regional leads and coming together to establish regional goals and activities to expand the TPP model.  As the regional lead and model, West Hills College Lemoore is working to identify the point person for the Regional Teacher Prep Community of Practice.  All Central Region Colleges are welcome to participate in this work, regardless of Ed Futures Grant status.  If you are in the planning phases for your teacher preparation program and would like technical assistance, please reach out to Kris Costa, kriscosta@whccd.edu or James Preston, jamespreston@whccd.edu for any needs, questions or requests for support.  We look forward to convening the Central Region TPP CoP in the coming weeks.

Teacher Perparation Pipeline (TPP)
Scaling Teacher Preparation Pipeline Programs
The intent of the Education Futures Project is to launch a statewide effort to incorporate Teacher Preparation Pipeline (TPP) programs throughout California Community Colleges, to successfully recruit, train and support teachers to ameliorate critical shortages in STEM, CTE and other high need sectors, as well as to diversify and align education pathways. Regional Strong Workforce funds have been allocated to assist CRC colleges to support, strengthen and expand their TPP programs. For more information, please contact Kris Costa at West Hills Lemoore at (559) 925-3218.

Jobspeaker:  Career Services Platform


Our meeting at Bakersfield College was very enlightening. Stephanie Baltazar and Tony Cordova hosted the regional colleges to a day of learning about how they have successfully implemented Jobspeaker on their campus. Stephanie gave us a overview of the steps that they took to implement, and some of the creative marketing strategies that they have implemented to gain campus-wide recognition of the software. Jarlath O'Carroll, creator of Jobspeaker, was also available for support and questions. After the presentation, Stephanie took us on a tour of the campus and showed us the Career Center where students have on-campus access to Jobspeaker. If you have any questions, please contact April Farkas at 559-324-6444. 
California Trade Analysis Tool Summary
To learn how this can be used at your college, contact Jeanette Benson at 
merced@elite.net or (209) 384-5892.

Special Populations Collaborative
Special Populations Collaborative coordinator, Alyssa Bahr Casillas, attended our Steering Committee Meeting on January 25, 2018 at Columbia College. She would like to serve as a resource to our region and we will use this portion of the newsletter to update and inform you on the collaborative. 

A Note From Alyssa:

The Central/Motherlode Regional Consortium sponsored a New World of Work training in March, hosted at Modesto Junior College. At this training, educators in the region went through a two-day training which certified them in delivering New World of Work, 21st Century Employability Skills to students. Lessons cover the "Top 10" essential 21st century skills in: adaptability, analysis/solution mindset, collaboration, social/diversity awareness, communication, digital fluency, entrepreneurial mindset, empathy, self-awareness, and resilience. Students gain the skills necessary for success in education and careers. Additionally, they can earn digital badges to display in an electronic portfolio format.
If you would like the Statewide Collaborative to host a workshop or series of workshops for your students, contact Alyssa Bahr Casillas at abcasillas@globallearningintl.org. To learn more about New World of Work, 21st Century Skills, visit their website at: https://www.newworldofwork.org.
Alyssa Bahr Casillas, Ed.D.
Special Populations Collaborative

CRC College Highlights:
Merced College Job Opening
Merced College has an opening a Professor of Mechanized Agriculture and Diesel Equipment Technology . This is a full-time tenure track position. 
For additional information, click here .
Valley ROP & Reedley College 9th Annual Joint Advisory Meeting (JAM)
Valley ROP and Reedley College 9th Annual Joint Advisory Meeting (JAM) Report
Although 222 people registered for the Joint Advisory Meeting on Tuesday, February 27th the total Attendance for the event was 247.
Dr. Caldwell, President of Reedley College opened the meeting with a welcome speech. John Leal, SCCCD Board President was our
guest speaker and honoree. The Business Partner Award went to Dr. Stephanie Murphy DVM. Dr. Murphy works with our Animal
Science department at Reedley College and 5 high School Ag programs. She was recognized by the entire Animal Science department.
Deborah Marvin, Superintendent of Valley ROP was presented with an Educational Award for her 25 years of work and leadership with
This was the biggest turnout we ever had for the JAM. Our partnership with the college is very strong because of
these events and the collaboration that we do during and after.

Fabrizio Lofaro
Valley ROP
Director of Instructional Services
Phone: 559-876-2122
Cell: 559-284-0920
Clovis Community College - Industrial Automation

If you're interested in technology, Clovis Community College is now offering a new short-term course, in Mechatronics. Click here for more information. 

Columbia College - CTE March Newsletter
Upcoming Events:
Hi-Touch Healthcare: The Critical Six Soft Skills

April 20, 2018
West Hills College Lemoore
Work Based Learning Planning & Tools Pilot Lab II

Wednesday, May 9, 2018
College of the Canyons
Santa Clarita CA

Our next convening is the Work Based Learning Planning & Tools Pilot Lab II!  All 32 colleges are invited and strongly encouraged to attend. We are designing a program that will create opportunities for you to:
  • Collaborate with peers from other colleges on strategies and tactics for implementing your WBL System Planning Goals, focused on: Student Readiness, College Personnel Engagement, Employer Engagement, and External Partner Roles and Responsibilities;
  • Dive deeper into the CES Tools: Here to Career, CareerXP, and Career Catalyst; and
  • Help surface policy, practice, and funding strategies that can help accelerate adoption of WBL across the California Community College system.
  Click here to register
NACTEI 38th National Conference

May 14-17, 2018
Renaissance Phoenix - Glendale Hotel & Spa
Manufacturers Summit 

May 17, 2018
Fresno Convention Center

2018 Future of Work MeetUps

Fresno - May 25, 2018 from 1:00pm to 3:30pm

For more 2018 Future of Work MeetUps click here
Emerging Leaders Institute: Train the Trainer

June 4 & 5, 2018 8:30am to 4:30pm
Merced College Workplace Learning Resource Center
CCCCO Updates:
CCCCO CTE Rebranding Campaign Updates 

 California's online college proposal ignites support...

What works? Evidence-based training programs do

The sharing economy, visualized

IBM CEO on 3 Big Ideas to Building New-Collar Skills

DisruptED TV aims to shake up education's status quo
Central Mother Lode Regional Consortium | 559-324-6444| april.farkas@scccd.edu | crconsortium.com