Mechanics who have their Federal Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) Licenses have a range of career opportunities in aviation and beyond! It isestimated that 739,000 new aviation maintenance technicians will be needed globallyin the next 20 years, not including need in other industries.
Check out the typesof companies and career opportunities where mechanics can use their advanced skillset!
Our ability to place students is a primary goal of our institution. Beyond getting you trained and certified, our goal is to make sure you aresuccessfully employed in valuable and in-demand careers. Request More Informationto learn more about how you can get the training you need to start a lifelong career as an aviation maintenance professional!
Doing business during COVID-19? You don’t need to go it alone.
BayCare Employer Services, backed by the clinical guidance of the region’s largest healthcare provider, can help. BayCare offers one-on-one consultations to businesses to help identify risk levels in their workplace and to determine appropriate control measures to put in place, including how to respond when an employee tests positive. For more information, call BayCare Employer Solutions at (844) 420-8364 or learn more
Piper Fire Protection & Electrical Services are here for you! We are fully staffed and ready to help should the need arise for your Fire Protection or Electrical needs including:
All Chamber members are eligible to provide business updates and special member-to-member offers/discounts. Central Pinellas BizReach is distributed weekly on Fridays. Provide information/updates by noon the Wednesday prior. Images in jpg or png format with offer will be accepted.
Schedule a We’re Back Ribbon-Cutting to celebrate your return with the world. Cost is $150. Includes photo/video placement on Chamber social media platforms and a copy for your business to share. Call us to book a date/time today! (727)584-2321