THA 2017 Annual Conference January 26th - 27th J.W. Marriott 110 E. 2nd St. Austin, Tx 788701
ACHE Congress
March 27-30, 2017
Chicago, IL
Announcing the 2017 Central Texas
Board of Directors
Michael Nowicki, EdD,
Amanda Frye, MHA
Past President
Eric Weaver, MHA, FACHE
David Perez, MBA
President Elect
Beth Booher, MHA, FACHE
Dante Ridgell
Director of Membership
Jennifer Greenway
Director of Program Development
Richard Sanchez, MHA
Director of Communications
Lacy Ware
Director of Local Program Council
Maria Serafine
Director of Networking & Social Events
Members who recently passed the Board of Governors Exam
Kevin M. Denmark, Austin
New Members
Mark S. Hernandez, MD, Austin
Teresa Hutka, Holland
Chase Pederson, Austin
Wilson T. Digmore, Clifton
1SG Terrinita Smith, Copperas Cove
New Fellows
DeVry C. Anderson, MD, FACHE,
George N. Miller Jr., FACHE, Austin
Don Howard, FACHE, Austin
Curt L. Roberts, FACHE, Lakeway
Recertified Fellows
Scott H. Garner, FACHE, Waco
Sonia R. Greer, FACHE, Austin
Glenn A Robinson, FACHE, Waco
BG Cynthia A. O'Connell, FACHE, Fort Hood
Jayne E. Pope, FACHE, Fredericksburg
Bonnie J. Clipper, DNP, FACHE, Austin
Cynthia B. Dunlap, FACHE, Mount Calm
Kevin M. Ormand, FACHE, Austin
Vicki A. Pascasio, FACHE, Perryton
Maria L. Talamo, RN, FACHE, Cedar Park
Save the Date for the 2017 Congress on Healthcare Leadership
The American College of Healthcare Executives'
Congress on Healthcare Leadership brings you the best in professional development, opportunities to network with and learn from peers, and the latest information to enhance your career and address your organization's challenges in innovative ways. The
2017 Congress on Healthcare Leadership
, "Discovering Possibilities & Opportunities
," will be held March 27-30 at the Hilton Chicago/Palmer House Hilton.
Join us in 2017 and be part of this dynamic, energizing event that draws the top healthcare leaders from across the nation and around the world.
This premier healthcare leadership event provides:
- Access to more than 150 cutting-edge professional development sessions
- Networking opportunities with more than 4,200 professionals from around the globe
- Innovative solutions from the nation's top thought leaders
- The latest tools and techniques designed to enhance your career
The opening date for Congress 2017 registration and to reserve hotel accommodations was Nov. 16.
Forum on Advances in Healthcare Management Research at 2018 Congress on Healthcare Leadership
ACHE would like to invite authors to submit proposals to present their research at the 10th annual Forum on Advances in Healthcare Management Research. This session will take place during ACHE's 2018 Congress on Healthcare Leadership, which will be held March 26-29, 2018. The senior author of each selected proposal will receive a complimentary registration to Congress.
Click here for the selection criteria and submission instructions. Submit your up-to-400-word abstract by July 10.
ACHE Announces Nominating Committee 2017 Slate, and Call for Nominations for 2018 Slate
The ACHE Nominating Committee has agreed on a slate to be presented to the Council of Regents on March 25, at the Council of Regents meeting in Chicago. All nominees have been notified and have agreed to serve if elected. All terms begin at the close of the Council meeting on March 25.
ACHE's 2017-2018 Nominating Committee is calling for applications for service beginning in 2018. All members are encouraged to participate in the nominating process. ACHE Fellows are eligible for any of the Governor and Chairman-Elect vacancies and are eligible for the Nominating Committee vacancies within their district.
Houston Methodist and Baylor College of Medicine Host Intensive Bioethics Course
Houston Methodist and Baylor College of Medicine Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy would like to invite you to their Intensive Bioethics Course held Tuesday - Friday, April 18 - 21, 2017. A discount is available if you register before February 1, 2017. Course details and a registration form can be found
Central Texas ACHE Job Bank
If you would like to post a job opportunity, please contact
Richard Sanchez.
A message from your ACHE Regent
Michael Nowicki, EdD, FACHE, FHFMA
Happy Holidays and wishes for a prosperous New Year!
After careful consideration and collaboration with the Regent Advisory Council (RAC), this year's Regent's Awards will be presented to the following affiliates at the ACHE Breakfast during the upcoming
THA Annual Conference & Expo:
Cristian Lieneck, PhD, FACHE
David Shimp, FACHE
Mary Serafine
David A. Tapia, FACHE
The Horace Cardwell ACHE Affiliates Breakfast will be held Friday, January 27, from 7:30-8:45 during the THA Annual Conference & Expo at the Austin JW Marriott. This event is not part of the THA meeting registration, but you can...
Click Here to Read More.
Amanda Frye, MHA
Central Texas Chapter,
Happy New Year to all of you! I sincerely hope that 2017 is off to a grand start for each and every one of you. I am excited to announce that with a new year, comes a new Board of Directors to lead our chapter! I want to welcome all new and returning board members. I do not think our new President, Eric Weaver, needs much of an introduction. Eric has been involved with ACHE for many years as well as with several other professional healthcare organizations. He has contributed so much to the growth and success of the Central Texas chapter. Eric is going to be an outstanding President to lead us all towards even greater things in 2017.
I have had a wonderful year as President of our chapter. I commend all of our chapter membership for its engagement and participation. Together, through the hard work of our Board of Directors, committee members, volunteers and all of YOU, we accomplished great things in 2016. Here are some highlights:
- We grew our chapter membership by 8% (Current membership is 557; membership on 1/4/15 was 515 = growth of 42 members)
- We had 5 members pass the BOG exam in 2016.
- We had 3 members advance to Fellow in 2016.
- We held four educational events, offering our maximum amount of 12 Face-to-Face credits.
- We hosted three social networking events with record-breaking attendance.
- We delivered a consistent, informative quarterly newsletter.
- We held two chapter business meetings.
- We developed a 5-year strategic plan and board manual.
It has truly been my honor and privilege to serve all of you. Our Board of Directors is so strong and fortunately, almost all remain on our 2017 Board to continue our good work. I look forward to seeing many of you at our events in 2017 as we keep up the momentum of 2016 and accomplish even greater things!
All the best,
Changes in LPC Committee
We are excited for our new LPC Committee members!
Past Director - Jeff Blackwell - CRDAMC
Director 2017 - Lacy Ware - BSW
Vice-Chair - Jason Culp - McLane Children's
Committee Member - Liberty Adair - Providence
Committee Member - Mark Biehl - BSW
7 Ways Accomplished People Begin Their Morning Routine
Travis Bradberry, author of the best-selling book Emotional Intelligence 2.0, recently published an article on Forbes.com outlining seven early-morning habits people who want to be successful should adopt, summarized below.
1. Drink lemon water. The nutrients in lemon water improve physical and mental energy levels.
2. Exercise. Research has shown exercising can boost a person's energy as well as their outlook. Positive, energized people tend to get more done.
3. Disconnect from technology. Avoid jumping onto your phone before you even get out of bed. Texts, emails and social media alerts can clutter the mind.
4. Eat a healthy breakfast. There's a reason breakfast is called the "most important meal of the day." Eating a healthy breakfast can enhance short-term memory and concentration levels.
5. Be mindful. Many successful leaders begin each day by meditating. The quiet time allows the mind to focus, combat stress and be more creative.
6. Set goals. Setting specific, feasible goals helps leaders remain calm and productive in the face of a hectic workday.
7. Say no. It's important for leaders to honor their commitments, even if the commitment is to a quiet, work-free morning routine. People who can say "no" to taking on a new commitment that would encroach upon a previous engagement are less likely to overextend themselves.
How to Sustain Healthcare Improvement Efforts: 4 Keys to Success
There are few things more frustrating than pouring time and effort into a process improvement just to see those new workflows forgotten and an organization regress to its bad habits. Highlighted below are four tips to help overcome that obstacle.
1. Test new work processes in a pilot unit. Rolling out a new work model tends to be easier when the model has already been tested on a small scale. Having a pilot unit allows management to standardize good habits and ensure the new model is aligned with the organizational goals.
2. Implement improvements on the front line. Engaging frontline clinical staffers who deal with the day-to-day operations of an organization is critical to the success and sustainability of a process improvement. Without the frontline staff, systems frequently revert to their old ways.
3. Celebrate small successes to bui
ld morale
. Change is difficult and asking for too much too quickly can be demoralizing for any staff. During the early stages of major process change, be prepared to recognize small, short-term achievements that could boost buy-in and momentum.
4. Address staff grievances with improvement efforts. Positive performance reviews and promotions are not the only ways to motivate employees; frontline managers are also more likely to stick with an improvement effort if it eliminates a daily hassle in their own work processes.
Central and South Texas Chapters of ACHE Hosts Continuing Education Events
By Jenifer Greenway
On Friday, November 4th, the Central and South Texas Chapters hosted the continuing education event, "Creating a Committed Workforce." A panel discussion featuring Michael Roussos, Hospital Administrator, University Health Services, Barry Burns, HR VP, Methodist Healthcare System, LTC David Parker, FACHE, COO, Brook Army Medical Center, and was moderated by Patrick Shay, PhD, Assistant Professor, Trinity University.
On November 4th the continuing education event, "Ethical Challenges in Healthcare" was also held. A panel discussion featuring Perry Ann Reed, MBA, Director, Ethics and Palliative Care, Texas Children's Hospital, Dawn Serry, MA, RN, Director of Ethics Integration, Ascension Health Texas, Courteney R. Bruce, JD, MA, Assistant Professor, Baylor College of Medicine Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy, and was moderated by Eileen Morrison, MPH, EdD, Professor, Texas State School of Health Administration.
IFD, ACHE Alliance to Expand Healthcare Internships for Diverse Individuals
The American Hospital Association's Institute for Diversity in Health Management and ACHE have entered into a strategic collaboration to co-promote the Summer Enrichment Program, which is designed to grow and strengthen the pipeline of healthcare leaders from underrepresented groups. The SEP places diverse graduate students pursuing advanced degrees in healthcare administration or a related field in 10-week, paid internships at healthcare organizations. As of Oct. 31, 2016, hospitals, health systems and other healthcare organizations interested in hosting an SEP intern in 2017 can register at
. IFD staff will work with organizations to match SEP students with host sites beginning in February. Internships generally will take place from June through August. The SEP will be administered by IFD and co-promoted by ACHE, primarily through ACHE chapters across the country.
For more information about the SEP or on becoming a host site, visit
or contact Jasmin Clark, membership and educational specialist, IFD, at
[email protected]
or (312) 422-2658
Terra L. Levin FACHE, CAE, regional director, Division of Regional Services, ACHE, at
[email protected]
or (312) 424-9329; or Cie Armstead, director, Diversity and Inclusion, ACHE, at
[email protected]
or (312) 424-9306.
Access Complimentary Resources for the Board of Governors Exam
- The Reference Manual, found at ache.org/FACHE, includes a practice 230-question exam and answer key, a list of recommended readings, test-taker comments and study tips.
- Fellow Advancement Information webinars provide a general overview of the Fellow advancement process, including information about the Board of Governors Exam, and allow participants to ask questions about the advancement process. An upcoming session is scheduled for Dec. 8. Register online at ache.org/FACHE.
ACHE Offers Tuition Waiver Assistance for Education Programs
To increase the availability of ACHE educational programming for Members experiencing economic hardship, ACHE has established the Tuition Waiver Assistance Program.
ACHE makes available a limited number of tuition waivers to Members and Fellows whose organizations lack the resources to fund their tuition for education programs. Those in career transition also are encouraged to apply. Tuition waivers are based on financial need and are available for the following ACHE education programs:
- Congress on Healthcare Leadership
- Cluster Seminars
- Self-Study Programs
- Online Education Programs
- Online Tutorial (Board of Governors Exam preparation)
- ACHE Board of Governors Exam Review Course
All requests are due at least eight weeks before the program date, except for ACHE self-study courses; see quarterly application deadlines on the FAQ page of the tuition waiver application for complete information. Incomplete applications and those received after the deadline will not be considered. Recipients will be notified of the waiver review panel's decision at least six weeks before the program date. For ACHE self-study courses, applicants will be notified three weeks after the quarterly application deadline.
If you have questions about the program, please contact Teri Somrak, associate director, Division of Professional Development, at (312) 424-9354 or
[email protected]
. For more information, visit