Centreville Day is this
Saturday, October 20!
Come for some fun or to help out at our table!
Right in our front parking lot and on down Mt. Gilead Road!
There's lots of music, entertainment, food and other vendors. St. John's usually sells coffee and hot chocolate, bakery items, and opens the historic church for tours. It's a good way to connect with the community and raise some funds.
We will
need volunteers to work 2 hour shifts
on that day, as well as
bakers who can provide things to sell. Small bags of cookies, brownies and other sweets sell the best.
We will also have 4 of Nita Amar's
quilts for sale!
(See left.)They are beautiful! Come check them out!!! They will probably sell quickly!
Defining Normal
The child simply did not fit in and was a constant, exhausting challenge for his parents and teachers. He was told he was too hyperactive. He also asked way too many questions concerning things that "normal" kids should already know. His school teachers finally declared him "too stupid to learn". He was expelled from school when he was only seven years old. To make matters worse he was handicapped by being totally deaf in one ear and having only 20% of his hearing in the other ear.
After being expelled from school his education consisted of what his mother would teach him and the books that he read. Yet the child would grow up to become someone many still refer to as the “greatest American inventor”. His name was Thomas Ava Edison. During his lifetime he held over one thousand patents in his name. His passion for inventing led to the creation of entirely new industries such as electric power companies, motion pictures, and music recording companies.
Thomas Edison's amazing accomplishments provides support for the theory that all that we consider "normal" is nothing more than a mutually shared illusion. The Bible provides evidence that God’s mysterious ways are revealed in unexpected, and often by “Non-Normal” means. For example, a young woman named Esther not only stopped a holocaust but also brought justice to her people. In the Acts of the Apostles, a few early Christians were accused of having so much influence that they were "turning the world upside down". Then there was that shepherd boy who slain an enemy that the entire Israeli army could not defeat.
These stories are remembered not because they are "normal". We recall them because they illustrate the amazing love and power of God towards those who have faith in Him.
For the 2019 Pledge Campaign, as you ponder how to use your God-given gifts of time, talent, and treasure consider what is beyond “normal”. For when you do you may decide it is time to bring some of those gifts:
David Weir, Senior Warden
- Donation Envelopes for Western Fairfax Christian Ministries Thanksgiving baskets now available
t's not too early to start thinking about helping our neighbors in need with food baskets for Thanksgiving! Envelopes are on the back table in the church to make donations to purchase the food for the baskets. We will be providing 10 baskets for Thanksgiving and 10 baskets for Christmas. Thanks (again!) to Marie McDermott for organizing this outreach ministry.
- Israel Pilgrimage Group To Meet Thursday, October 25
The group going to Israel in January will meet on Thursday, October 25 at 7:00 PM at St. John's. The Rev. Cheryl Wade, who recently went on a trip to Israel through St. George's College, will go over the "nuts and bolts" of the trip and talk about her experiences.
- All Saint's Day, November 4
We will be celebrating All Saint's Day on Sunday, November 4 and we will be reading the names of the beloved departed. If you would like to have the names of loved ones who have died read at the service, please send those names to Carol
- Ingathering of the pledge cards - November 4
The ingathering of the 2019 pledge cards will be on Sunday, November 4. You may return your completed pledge card by putting it in the model of the church by the pulpit on Sunday or you may mail it to the church.
-John Tucker, Jim Heller, Jim Elliott, Andrew Wade, Russell Jacobs, David Weir, and Carol Hancock who helped with the clean up day on Saturday. Thanks to Bob Faithful for the plenteous breakfast!
-David and David Daniel Weir for taking on the sexton duties on Sundays. (Did you know that whenever a sexton cannot come, David Weir fills in? Thanks, David!!!)
-Katharine Lavery for playing all the music on her trumpet on Sunday.
-Tom McDermott for continuing to updates all the office computers.
-Our sympathy is extended to Will Lambert, our former sexton, on the death of his mother. "May her soul and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace."
We can prepare our hearts & minds by reading ahead
for the Sunday Service lessons.
The Twenty-second Sunday
after Pentecost
October 21, 2018
9:30 AM
The First Reading: Isaiah 53:4-12
The prophet Isaiah addresses the injustice that is suffered by those who follow the way of the Lord. The evil, broken world will convict and kill them. In spite of this suffering, God will have the final word.
The Psalm: 91:9-16
The Epistle: Hebrews 5:1-10
Jesus Christ is the intercessor and high priest for each one of us; he knows intimately both our strife on earth and the truth of God's great glory. He ministers to us out of his compassion.
The Gospel: Mark 10:35-45
In opposition to the standards of success and greatness in society, both in the first century and today, Jesus tells his followers that servanthood is the way of life.
FROM 10:50 - 11:50 AM
(Rm. 205)
During the Service
Each week, St. John's children join with three of our Ministry Partners:
Fairfax Chinese Christian Church, Wellspring UCC & Grace Baptist Church
Room 207/208
St. John's Sunday School
class for ages 2-4, Room 215
Meets the first Sunday of each month from 10:50 - 11:30
Reception for Bishop Shannon Johnston
You are invited to a Farewell Reception honoring Bishop Shannon Johnston as he retires from service with the Diocese of Virginia. This event will be a time to gather, thank Bishop Johnston for his service, and pray for him as he transitions to a new phase of his life in retirement.
The reception will be Sunday, October 28, 2018, from 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. in Scott Lounge at Virginia Theological Seminary. Other receptions will be held for Bishop Shannon around the diocese, including one at our Annual Diocesan Convention in Richmond on November 2-3.
Sign Up Here
to be an altar server
or to donate flowers for a Sunday service, or to bring refreshments for Coffee Hour after the service.
(if you're not an altar server, and would like to be a Lay Eucharistic Minister (LEM), a Lector, or a Crucifer, please see Carol).
"We know that food can be one of the most expensive items on a household budget list. Our hope is that in allowing our clients to visit once per month they will save enough money to pay for other expenses such as rent or utility bills." - WFCM
Items are collected weekly in the baskets at the front door of St. John's Church.
AS OF 10/02/2018
Currently Needed Items
Food & Beverages
- Fruit Juice (individual size appreciated)
- Canned pineapple
- Tomato paste
- Sugar
- Canned vegetables (no green beans or corn needed)
- Flour
- Oil
- Pancake Mix/Syrup
- Pasta
- Canned spinach or collards
(NOTE: Toiletry items cannot be purchased by our clients with their food stamps)
- Body wash
- Deodorant
- Toothpaste
- Shampoo
Every Wednesday evening, we have a service of Holy Eucharist and healing at 6:00 PM. The service is about 30 minutes. It is a perfect alternative for those who cannot come to church on Sunday mornings, as well as a good spiritual boost in the middle of the week. Come join us!
Those who are inclined to pray in moments of great duress do not need to be prompted. They simply pray out their hearts, as if their life depended on their connecting with God at that very moment. Which it does. And this is one of the great paradoxes of life: the potential for God’s presence, God’s light, God’s love, God’s consolation to be absolutely consummating when, at the same time, we are being absolutely consumed by suffering.
-Br. Curtis Almquist
My email address is stjohnscvpriest@gmail.com,
and the office number is 703-803-7500.
May our ministry together spread God's love to all whom we encounter.
The Rev. Carol Hancock, Rector
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