Facility Re-Opening Plans

In line with the  Guidelines of Opening Up Idaho (https://rebound.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/opening-up-guidlines.pdf) set by the Governor with the help of the Department of Health and Welfare, President Trump, and the CDC, below is an outline of how the Century Farm Owners Association will open its facilities:
Stage 1: May 1st - Playgrounds open with social distancing practices adhered to. 
Stage 2: May 16th - No change 
Stage 3: May 30th - Gatherings of 10-50 may meet in the green spaces, while still taking precautionary measures.
Stage 4: June 13th - Pools open, because gatherings of 50 or more may resume with continued precautionary measures.
If any of the stages in the Guidelines of Opening Up Idaho are extended, the same will reflect in our stages. We understand the delay in opening the pool is not ideal, but there is no way to limit access to under 50 and maintain precautionary measures. Please note that vulnerable Idahoans should continue to self-quarantine until stage 3, May 30th. Everyone should practice physical distancing of at least six feet, minimizing exposure to social settings, and continue to take precautionary measures. Anyone with symptoms or feeling sick in anyway should stay home. Everyone is encouraged to wear face coverings in public places, practice good hand hygiene, cover all coughs and sneezes, and disinfect surfaces and objects regularly. 
We understand that these unprecedented times are frustrating, but following these Guidelines is for the safety of us all. We appreciate everyone's continued support and willingness to adhere to the Guidelines.


Ann Marie Baird, Association Manager / Brighton Corporation

208.378.4000 / abaird@brightoncorp.com  
Hours: Monday - Thursday 8 am- 4:30 pm, Friday 8 am - Noon