Spring is in the Air!
As we head into March we're starting to see the plants change and stores are putting out garden supplies, so the spring season is on the horizon. As you're getting ready for the season be sure to take a look at your property. Is it time to re-stain your fencing, or update some plants, or get a jump on fertilizing so your yard is not "that yard" on your street? These are all things that homeowners should be addressing. If you do re-stain your fencing, be sure to pressure wash first, then use the required Woodscapes Flat semi-transparent, Flagstone Gray #815-T54 (SW3023). If you want to paint your home a new color or add a pergola or something else, please be sure to get ACC approval by filling out the ACC form and returning it with your plans. This is a painless process and takes about 1-2 weeks for a response once submitted.   

Please be sure to use your garage for parking automobiles first before storage or anything else. If you have more cars than garage bays, please use the driveway for parking. We understand this requires the car shuffle but the street should be used  last.   
Annual Meeting
Please mark your calendar for the annual meeting on March 31st, at Hillsdale Elementary at 6 pm. 
Late fees have been assessed and statements sent. Please reach out to make payment before you are sent to collections. There is a new processing system for payment by credit card, and it charges the card holder the convenience fee. You may also pay by e-check online, or send a check via your bill pay. Just be sure to update the address with our new location 2929 W. Navigator Dr. Suite 400 Meridian, ID 83642.

Annual Meeting
March 31
Pools Open
May 22
Spring Garage Sale
June 13
Pools Close
Fall Garage Sale
September 12
Community info 
What's happening 
Catch up with neighbors NextDoor


Ann Marie Baird, Association Manager / Brighton Corporation

208.378.4000 / abaird@brightoncorp.com  
Hours: Monday - Thursday 8 am- 4:30 pm, Friday 8 am - Noon