Annual Meeting
Mark your calendar for this year's virtual annual meeting on Thursday, March 11th, 2021, at 6pm. Notifications will be sent with directions to access the webinar in the mail using Zoom; Webinar ID: 886 6976 9357 and Passcode: 173369. This will be an informational meeting only. The meeting packet will be sent with the notice and is also posted on the community website. If you have something you would like discussed online please email Ann Marie in advance.

Pet Etiquette
Owning a pet is a great responsibility. Signs that we have dogs in the community are being left in the grass, which means folks are not picking up after their pets. Please help keep our community clean by picking up your pet waste and be sure to keep your pet leashed at all times when not on your property.

Irrigation Bills
The Century Farm Community is serviced by multiple irrigation districts, and therefore is billed by multiple irrigations districts including: New York Irrigation, Boise Project, and Nampa Meridian Irrigation. Most residents will receive billings from two of these providers. 

ACC Approval
Even though winter is still here, many of you are starting to plan for spring/summer improvements that will need approved prior to construction. The process is simple, fill out the ACC Request Form and submit it with a site plan and or picture of your improvement request. Once received you should have a response within 1-2 weeks. 


Spring Garage Sale

Community info 
What's happening 
Catch up with neighbors NextDoor


Ann Marie Baird, Association Manager / Brighton Corporation

208.378.4000 /  
Hours: Monday - Thursday 8 am- 4:30 pm, Friday 8 am - Noon