Annual Meeting
Thank you all who attended the community annual meeting. If you were unable to attend, you may review the minutes online.
Irrigation Water
Water will start being released into the major canals April 1st, and should make its way into the ditches that serve the community around April 15th. Once we've received water the pump station will be scheduled for startup. We'll let the system run for a couple days pushing through debris before opening up the system to the entire community. We'll send out updates as we get closer.

The community is implementing a watering schedule to help distribute water evenly throughout the community, so that pressure is maintained for everyone. When too many homes water at the same time it draws down the system rapidly, and can cause the system to shut down until it can recover or be re-set. Please make note of your watering days and try to stick them as best as possible:
  • Even ending addresses water Mon, Wed, Fri
  • Odd ending addresses water Tues, Thur, Sat  
Children at Play Turtles
The children at play signs should only be put out when you're out front playing and should NOT be placed in the road, but curbside instead. Please follow these rules.

5K Run/Walk & Kids Dash
Mark your calendar for June 15, for the 2nd Annual Century Farm 5K Run/Walk & Kids Dash. This date will sneak up on you, so it's time to start preparing now. we had just a great turnout last year and are eager to see even more people this year. Get more details and sign up online.
MARCH 2019

Pools Open
May 24
Spring Garage Sale
June 8
5K & Kids Fun Run
June 15
Pools Close
September 3
Fall Garage Sale
September 14
Community info 
What's happening 
Catch up with neighbors NextDoor


Ann Marie Baird, Association Manager / Brighton Corporation

208.378.4000 /  
Hours: Monday - Thursday 8 am- 4:30 pm, Friday 8 am - Noon