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Registration Deadlines

Save money and register early!

Regular Rate Registration Deadline:  January 31, 2018

Early Registration Deadline:  January 31, 2018
Many Thanks to March, 2018 CPSI Sponsors!

Certified Playground Safety Inspector
March 7 - 9, 2018 - Newport News, VA

Becoming a Certified Playground Safety Inspector (CPSI) positions you as a leader and role model in the public playground safety community.   Invest in CPSI:
  • protect children from injury due to playground hazards,
  • protect your business or agency from costly liabilities,
  • open the door to more opportunities for career advancement,
  • increase your job mobility and choices even in the face of a tough job market,
  • reach not only your short-term job goals, but also position yourself for success in your long-term career, and
  • be associated with NRPA's strong and long-standing reputation in playground safety

Course Background:

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, over 205,850 injuries occur each year on playgrounds, and approximately fifteen children will die from playground related injuries.  CPSI is the most comprehensive training program on playground hazard identification and risk management methods offered anywhere and  is designed to educate and train individuals to identify and reduce risks.  Advanced reading and fifteen hours of training from nationally known playground safety experts will prepare participants to sit for the  Certified Playground Safety Inspector examination  offered at the culmination of the certification course; it is also approved for CEUs.

Topics include: 
  • identifying hazards on playgrounds
  • developing risk management tools
  • importance of comprehensive playground safety program from a legal perspective
  • test methods for entrapments, protrusions, and entanglement
  • national standards and guidelines.
The CPSI is a must for:
  • municipalities
  • schools
  • child care facilities
  • health departments
  • playground manufacturers and installers
  • insurance firms
  • food chain franchises
  • park and recreation agencies
  • maintenance facilities, and
  • others responsible for playgrounds.
* Please plan your registration and payment accordingly.  A minimum of three weeks of study time is recommended; NRPA does not advise sitting for the exam if materials have not been read thoroughly.

Regular registration rate ends January 31, 2018!


2018 Hands-On Athletic Fields

Monday, March 12 - Blacksburg
Tuesday, March 13 - Chesapeake
Wednesday, March 14 - Henrico
Thursday, March 15 - Loudoun

VRPS has partnered with Toro to offer a fun and educational workshop for your department's athletic field, irrigation, and turf maintenance personnel.  The course encompasses new material from years past, including equipment shortcuts, field priorities, and turf selection.  Invest in your hard-working staff!

Topics include:
Cool vs. Warm Season Grasses
Equipment Selection and Use
Field Priorities and Use
Skinned Area Management
Top Dressing
Turf Selection
Weed Control

8:00-8:30am:  Check-in
8:30-9:45am:  Topics
9:45-10:00am:  Break
10:00-11:15am:  Topics
11:15-11:45am:  Questions & Answers
11:45am-12:30pm:  Lunch
12:30-2:00pm:  Hands-On/Facility Tour

* Lunch included in registration fee.

Early registration discount deadline
is January 31, 2018.

About the Speakers

Jim Laiche (Blacksburg, Chesapeake) received his BS in Horticulture and Master's degree in Landscape Architecture from Louisiana State University.  He has worked professionally as a landscape architect and design-build contractor prior to working with The Toro Company.  Jim has been a Regional Sales Manager, Golf Sales Manager and is now the Water Conservation Business Manager with emphasis on central control equipment.  Jim has taught hundreds of irrigation workshops at various national universities including LSU, UGA, Mississippi State University, Penn State and Virginia Tech. He has worked with many large institutions on reducing their irrigation water use, including Disney, University of Notre Dame, Central Park, General Mills, the US Capitol, Marriott and Darden Restaurants. He is a licensed landscape architect, and a certified designer with the Irrigation Association. Jim was recently recognized by the American Society of Irrigation Consultants with the Roy Williams Memorial Award for contributions to the irrigation industry.

Chris Keating (Henrico, Loudoun):  a few highlights from Chris' career include:


  • District Sales Manager/Southeast, Toro Irrigation
  • Former GM, Smith Turf & Irrigation
  • Former GM, Virginia Turf & Irrigation
  • 43 year industry experience
  • Past Irrigation Association Board Director
  • Immediate Past Chair, Irrigation Foundation
  • 30 Year Certified Irrigation Designer


Dr. Mike Goatley, Jr. (all course locations)  is Professor and Extension Turfgrass Specialist in the Department of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences of Virginia Tech.  Goatley has B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Kentucky and the PhD from Virginia Tech.  Following 15 years on the faculty of Mississippi State University, Goatley returned to Blacksburg where his primary responsibilities are statewide development and implementation of educational outreach programs for all areas of turfgrass management.  Mike has co-authored four books on sports turf management, was elected to the STMA Board of Directors in 2008, and is served as STMA President in 2012-2013.

VRPS  | | 804-730-9447  |