Cetronia Chronicle
November 2021 | Issue #17

It is hard to believe that the end of the year is approaching so quickly. Our CFO and I recently returned from the American Ambulance Association's annual conference. I am honored to serve on the Government Affairs Committee for this organization. Our CFO was able to gather pertinent information on the requirements for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, among many other topics. It was great to be in a room with so many other like-minded individuals who strive to continue to make the EMS industry better each and every day.

Every other month I host an internal Town Hall meeting for our associates to keep them abreast of important information. In conjunction with that, we started recognizing our associates that have STEMI Alert (ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, a.k.a. those patients that are presumably having a heart attack) transports. Both the Paramedic and EMT receive a special pin to denote their efforts in helping to save a patient's life. In October we awarded the following: Medics Bryan Artz; Steve Narkin; Max Baptiste; Miguel Rivera; and Colin Brown. And, EMTs Gabriela Noga; Jason Lindtner; Zachary Hottinger; and Aaron Werntz. We also had our quarterly Above & Beyond award winner which is chosen by our associates. That winner was Tyneira Sharpe, paratransit associate. Congratulations to all!

We'd also like to congratulate Supervisor Mat Diffenderfer on his recent wedding. May you have a lifetime of love and laughter with your new bride.

Lastly, during this season of giving, I'd like to wish you and your families a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Stay well,

Robert F. Mateff Sr.
Chief Executive Officer

The giving season is here. Our Annual Appeal is in the mail to those residents and businesses in our emergency coverage area.

It is hard to believe that over six decades ago, a group of volunteers raised enough money to purchase the first Cetronia Ambulance. Now, our fleet has grown to 19 ambulances and 21 other vehicles.
We could not have done all this without the community's support.

Our goal has always been about service. We are committed to building a strong community where we can all live, work, and play safely.

Here's how your donation can help our day-to-day operations:

$50 = 4 Red Cross First Aid Student Training Kits
$100 = 4 days of fuel for 1 ambulance
$250 = 1 ambulance tire, including installation
$500 = 1 iPad for mobile patient care

Find out more, here.
Cetronia Ambulance Corps was happy to support the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce at its annual meeting on November 10 at Wind Creek Event Center as a bronze sponsor.

One of our crews had the opportunity to help in the opening act and are happy to report that President & CEO Tony Iannelli is perfectly fine with no injuries to report.

We'd like to congratulate the Milestone Award winners: Crayola Experience on 25 years; Lehigh Valley Planning Commission on 60 years (also serves on our board of associates); and PPL for serving 100 years in this community and beyond. And, kudos to Volunteer of the Year, Tom Groves of Equinox Benefits Consulting. Also a huge congrats to the Business of the Year, Boyle Construction Management who was also instrumental in our facility's construction. We salute all of you for being such strong community partners!
Car Seat Safety Check
LVHN Car Seat Safety Check: December 1 from 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. at 4300 Broadway. Reserve your spot, here.