Cetronia Chronicle

Archived Issues

October 2023 | Issue #40


As we head into the season of giving, I wanted to stress the importance of EVERY contribution that has been made to our nonprofit organization since 1955. It seems that every day I am reading articles of ambulance services closing due to a lack of funding. In fact, according to the Pennsylvania Fire and Emergency Services Institute, 22 percent of EMS agencies in the state have closed their doors between 2013 to 2017. That puts more pressure on the surrounding agencies to pick up the calls, which in turn leads to increased operating costs.

One of the biggest issues EMS agencies are faced with today, is that reimbursement from insurance companies has not kept up with inflation. We will continue to work with our legislators until a change happens on this front.

Also, did you know that there are no per capita taxes to cover emergency medical services in the areas where we provide 9-1-1 service? We are thankful that most of the municipalities we operate in do provide a small amount of assistance but combined it is less than 1 percent of our operating budget. These are just some of the reasons why we rely on corporate and private donations each year. To be clear, Cetronia continues to remain fiscally sound large in part due to all of the contributions that have been made over the years. Again, we thank you for your generosity.

Now is the time to check your mail! If you live in our emergency coverage area, you should have received a copy of our 2023 Annual Appeal. We have so many great stories to tell each year, but this year was dedicated to Baby Lincoln and his family's time of need. In order to save more lives, I ask you to help us reach our $90,000 fundraising goal which will be put toward new equipment. Your gift, no matter the size, will help us continue to grow and provide the services this community expects and deserves.

Lastly, I wanted to personally thank all those that sponsored and/or played in our Health On Wheels Cetronia Open Golf Tournament on Friday, September 29 at Olde Homestead Golf Club. We were extremely lucky with the weather holding out for us the entire day. With all the wonderful support we received, we were able to raise nearly $24,000 which will help keep our wheels rolling!

Stay well,

Robert F. Mateff Sr.

Chief Executive Officer

September 2023 Stats:

1,315 Emergency Calls

482 Non-emergency Calls

1,737 Paratransit Calls

(Title sponsor, LVHN's Erin Ludwig, with Cetronia's Chief Financial Officer Amy Ninos pictured below)

Celebrate Halloween with a Spooktacular Family Fest and Pickleball Paddle Battle!

Health on Wheels Family Fest & Pickleball Paddle Battle

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Calling all ghosts, ghouls, and little monsters! 

Mark your calendars and join us for an afternoon packed with excitement, laughter, and family-friendly activities!

Family Fest is FREE entry and will be held at Grange Park in Allentown! Bring the family for ambulance tours, hands-only CPR, trunk-or-treat, face painting, arts & crafts, food, bake sale, 50/50 raffle, music, & more.

Pickleball Paddle Battle:

  • $35 Entry Fee / Donation
  • Must provide own paddle. Pickleballs will be provided.


  • 11:30 a.m. Registration, court assignments & warmup
  • 11:55 a.m. Welcoming remarks & tournament kickoff
  • Noon Round Robin 1
  • 1 p.m. Round Robin 2
  • 2 p.m. Round Robin 3
  • 3 p.m. Awards & closing remarks
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Pickleball Registration

Congratulations to AJ Wilder on her new promotion to supervisor!

Read AJ's Q&A Here

10 Tips for a Safe Halloween at Any Age

Whether you are a kid or a kid at heart, Halloween is a holiday for all ages. And while how much candy you choose to eat or give away is your own business, there are plenty of ways to stay safe, while satiating your sweet tooth and the sweet teeth of those around you.

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Boscovs Friends Helping Friends

Wednesday, October 18, 2023 

8 am – 11 pm  

The Boscov’s Lehigh Valley Mall location will hold its annual Friends Helping Friends event on Wednesday, October 18, 2023, from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. This event is an opportunity for local non-profit organizations to raise donations.

Cetronia Ambulance Corps is pleased to participate again this year! Donate $5 and receive a 25% discount shopping pass (valid in store only and cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts and promotions). Select list of merchandise receiving 15% and 10% off as well as some exclusions may apply. At the store you can also register to win a $100 Boscov’s Gift Card.

Contact Teresa Szajkovics at 610-398-0239 x 525 to arrange pick up. 100% of your donation goes to Cetronia Ambulance Corps. Happy shopping for a good cause!

Donate Here

Health & Wellness Expo

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Cetronia Ambulance Corps is excited to host the 2nd annual Health & Wellness Expo partnered with Parkland CARES Food Pantry for a meaningful Fill-a-Truck food drive. The event will be held on Saturday, November 11, 2023 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Cetronia Ambulance Corps, 4300 Broadway, Allentown, PA 18104. The event is free to attend with free parking available.

Expo: Come out for free health screenings or to explore the many different vendors! Learn hands-only CPR, basic Stop-the-Bleed methods and much more! 

Food Drive Items: Small cans of tuna, small cans of chicken noodle soup, boxed macaroni and cheese, and Chef Boyardee products.

Interested in exhibiting?

Contact Kim Blichar at blichark@cetronia.org or 610-530-5511.

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Upcoming Events

The crisp autumn air is the perfect time to head out to some local events in the region. You can catch us at the following:

Save-the-date to get your FREE flu shot!

LVHN is hosting their drive-thru event at Dorney Park on Saturday, November 4 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. No reservations required.

Learn More

Car Wash for a Cause!

Kuhnsville Car Wash in support of Cetronia Ambulance Corps

Mention Cetronia Ambulance Corps during your next car wash for 10% of sales to be donated directly to our organization.

5627 Tilghman St. Allentown, PA 18104




Donate Today!


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