Chabby's October Update
Chabby continues to be active to serve the Lord and help his people to KNOW God personally. Thanks to your financial gifts for Chabby, we have sent a lot of our spiritual books and bibles in english to help his outreach. He says our books contain the accurate truth of the Bible and he has spread them far and wide on his bike, through one-on-one visitations, to groups, and to churches, and open air meetings. We have heard from some what a blessings our books and the bibles have been to them, encouraging them of God's care for them personally. Some even doubted they could ever have their own bible or spiritual books to help them.
The photos provided below show Chabby on his bicycle, which is his only source of transportation, that takes him into the bush to help individuals or groups of people. He uses the funds we have sent him to faithfully buy bibles in their own language for those who do not know english. He gives clothes and food to some of the poor, the elderly and the orphans. He has a big heart to help others.
His lending library is becoming a main resource of education to many around him. He just keeps expanding his outreach with our assistance in making this all possible. His Thank you goes to you as well!
Now Chabby is requesting funds for 3 more bicycles for 3 home churches that each has a God-led leader that wants to do what Chabby is doing with Chabby's leadership skills. The bicycles will help each of these 3 localities to do the same to enlarge their circle of influence for the Lord to reach more people with Bibles and our books to help.
If you wish to help Chabby obtain 3 more bicycles to expand this outreach ... Go to our website home page > scroll down to the donate section and follow the prompts to donate.