October 6, 2022 – Volume 19 Number 15

I am so pleased to have seen so many familiar and fresh faces joining us for our High Holy Day services.

Thank you to all of our volunteer readers, singers, ushers, greeters, security volunteers and other participants. You are truly part of what makes our community a family. 

Thank you also to Anita Aronoff, along with our wonderful staff, whose planning and logistic efforts (often behind the scenes) help things go seamlessly.

Thank you to Rebecca Elkus-Ferst for all you do with our youth to engage them, teach them, and encourage them to be part of our Temple life as they grow.

Especially, thank you to Rabbi Jesse Gallop and Cantor Rita Glassman who celebrated their first High Holy Days with us as our spiritual leaders. Your warmth and inspiration are infectious. No mask can stop the feelings of happiness we have, to have you as our spiritual leaders.

In the coming days and weeks I hope you will continue to join your Temple family members as our season of festivities continues with Sukkot and Simchat Torah. Of course, we welcome everyone to join us each and every Friday evening for services when we come together as a community to welcome Shabbat. Lastly, if you are interested in sharing your interests, and expertise, join a Temple committee by filling out the interest committee online form at www.tinr.org/committees.

I look forward to continually welcoming you as we renew the warmth of our Temple family.


Brian Heaps

Temple President

Service Times for Shabbat

Friday, October 6th

6:00 pm Shabbat Evening Services led by Rabbi Jesse M. Gallop and Cantor Rita Glassman, in person, on Livestream, Facebook Live, and ZOOM (Meeting ID: 885 5732 2368, Passcode: 7wW055)

Saturday, October 7th

9:00 am: Shabbat Morning Blessings/Torah Study with Rabbi Jesse M. Gallop in person and via ZOOM (Meeting ID: 853 3548 4859, Passcode: 58QLMa)

Masked Only Seating Available

We want to make it possible for all to attend services in our Sanctuary. While Temple Israel remains Mask Optional, a Masked Only section is now available to all congregants. 

Sukkot & Simchat Torah are Here!

Join us as we celebrate these holidays!

There is something for every age!

Highlights for Sukkot:

Monday October 10th, 10:30am-12pm

Healing Service

Tuesday October 11th, 6-7pm

Pizza in the Hut. Click to RSVP on SignUpGenius

OPEN TO ALL. Deadline to sign up: TOMORROW Friday October 7th

Thursday October 13th, 7-9pm

Get to Know the Board of Trustees / Brotherhood Sukkah Happy Hour!

RSVP to Allen Fishbein to accommodate for refreshments and seating.

For all details on services and events, including Simchat Torah, and to RSVP for Simchat Torah dinner visit www.tinr.org/sukkot-simchattorah2022.

Mimi Rocah, Westchester District Attorney

Sunday October 16, 2022,

9:30 am - 11:30 am

Please join Sisterhood and Brotherhood as we welcome back Westchester County District Attorney Mimi Rocah!

THERE ARE STILL SPOTS LEFT, SO PLEASE RSVP TODAY! It's only a week and a half away...

For more details, and to RSVP for this FREE event, click here.

SAVE THE DATE: Sisterhood is inviting you to the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum on Friday, October 30th for an exhibit: "Alex Katz: Gathering." There are limited spaces. Stay tuned for more details!

Read With Us!

Dinners with Ruth: A Memoir on the Power of Friendships, by Nina Totenberg.

Celebrated NPR correspondent Nina Totenberg delivers an extraordinary memoir of her personal successes, struggles, and life-affirming relationships, including her beautiful friendship of nearly fifty years with Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Andrea Mitchell, NBC News Chief Washington Correspondent and anchor calls it “ a beautifully written memoir on the incredible power of women’s friendship.”

Visit our library website, or the library at Temple Israel, and reserve your copy today!

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