


In last month's Developments, I called for our community to "act boldly and do the critical work that is Yachad’s mission for over three decades." Our work supports essential home repairs for lower income Black and Brown homeowners to ensure healthy living and the opportunity to build new wealth through increasing home equity. Thank you to those who responded with a donation. We can do more, still.

This week we celebrate the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. The festival reminds us of the fragility of our homes and to not take for granted the blessings of roofs and walls surrounding us. This is not the reality for many in our greater community. As we reflect on the year behind us and the year ahead, please consider a donation to Yachad of $100, $200, $500 or more. We can all do more, give more and learn more to address racial economic and health disparities in our greater community. It all begins at home.

Chag Sukkot Sameach–

Audrey Lyon

Executive Director

Please Donate NOW 

Words Do Matter, Especially Words of Appreciation

“Before and after” photos are a great way to highlight our work. However, this is not always possible for our clients as they have to make their homes open to us,again, and often during the work day. So out of respect, and with permission, we share with you instead, some of the unsolicited words of appreciation from families we have worked with recently.

202-296-8563 | www.yachad-dc.org