1 Noah Moore
6 Michele Flake
10 Cherri Ehrlich
12 Caren Doleys
12 Laura Gutenstein
14 David Joffe
16 Betty Milikovsky
19 Fisher Blass
19 Larry Goldstein
21 Steve Michael
23 Michael Gutenstein
1 Peg & Bob Abrams
16 Maryanne & Jonathan Herbst
Please keep the following friends and family
in your prayers for a return to health:
Shannon Anderson
Erin Baker
Michael Baskin
Kevin Belcher
Michelle Belcher
Gary Blum
Bill English
Robyn Gandleman
Daniel Goldman
Andrew Goldstein
Dana Goldstein
Sylvia Handel
Linda Hollingsworth
Sue Huebsch
Erin James
Shelli James
Mel Krupnick
Paula Krupnick
Eden Lazarus
Pam Lustgarten
Arnold Meyer
Jeff Meyer
Wendy Meyer
Carol Milsen
Earl Morris
Steve Murphy
Zulma Rosenfeld
Suzi Rubin
Brian Rudolph
Cat Tuman
Zach Tuman
Mak Yost
We pray for the safe return and recovery of the 132 hostages still held in Gaza.
We remember those who passed away this year:
Steve Finley (friend of Wendy Meyer)
Deanna Lerner (cousin of Sue Huebsch)
Barry Napshin (father of Stu Napshin)
Morris Pech (father of Heather Pacin)
Joan Long Solomon (aunt of Michael Gutenstein)
Carol Rosenfeld Goldman (sister of Joe Rosenfeld)
Frances Gilman Saperstein (grandmother of Kelsey Womeldorf)
With fondness and affection we remember
those whose Yahrzeits are in February
Bernard Baskin (father of Eric Baskin)
Robert Dempsey (grandfather of Robert Simon)
Michael Eramo (brother-in-law of Robin Flake)
Abraham Mordechai Goldberg (father of Serena Gold)
Martin Hager (father of Emily Lembeck)
Charlotte Huebsch (mother-in-law of Sue Huebsch)
Joann Huebsch (sister-in-law of Sue Huebsch)
Steveanne Lehrman (sister-in-law of Sue Huebsch)
Jeffrey Irving Lustgarten (brother of Elaine Gutenstein, son of Pam Lustgarten)
Sheldon Lustgarten (father of Elaine Gutenstein, husband of Pam Lustgarten)
Edythe Lichtblau Perlman (mother of Robin Flake)
Abe Perlman (father of Robin Flake)
Mildred Perlman (aunt of Robin Flake)
Maxine Rubenstein (great aunt of Brad Seitel)
Janet Seitel (great aunt of Brad Seitel)
Nathan Seitel (great uncle of Brad Seitel)
Mike Shalloway (uncle of Julie Berenson)
Edith Bimbi Simon (grandmother of Robert Simon)
Ira Ungar (father of Julie Segal)
Donald Ward (grandfather of Paul Kohler)
Yehi zichronam l'vracha - May their memories be for a blessing; may they rest in peace. Amen.
Observe the tradition of giving tzedakah (charity) to commemorate the annual Yahrzeit of a loved one's passing by making a donation in their memory. CLICK HERE to donate. To purchase a plaque in memory of your loved ones, please
contact Michael Gutenstein.