January 4, 2023

"I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders."

(Jewish proverb)


Friday, January 6, 6:30 pm - Family Service Welcoming Shabbat followed by a Make-Your-Own-Sundae oneg - click here for zoom (but no ice cream!)

Saturday, January 7, No Torah Study

Sunday, January 8, 9:30 am - Religious School - Raise Craze Kickoff - Parents welcome to join!

Wednesday, January 11, 4:30 pm -Hebrew School

Friday, January 13, 7:30 pm MLK Themed Shabbat followed by a festive oneg click here for zoom


See the TBC Calendar for more upcoming events.

TBC's COVID safety policy is posted here.

Family Shabbat and Make-Your-Own-Sundae Oneg

Friday, January 6, 6:30 pm

Join us for a memorable Family Shabbat starting at 6:30 pm. It will be followed by a "Make Your Own Sundae" Oneg!


Come and bring a friend!

Civil Rights Themed Shabbat Service in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

January 13th @ 7:30 pm

Please join us on Friday, January 13th at 7:30 for a Civil Rights Themed Shabbat Service in honor of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Hear reflections from Cantor Harriet and from TBC Congregant, Barbara Dobbin, as they discuss their experiences with Federation’s Civil Rights Mission Trip to Georgia and Alabama. We will continue the discussion after our service with a beautiful oneg, sponsored by TBC Social Action!

Birthday wishes to our TBC family members who are celebrating birthdays in January! 

Baxter Barenberg

Olivia Beckman

Lew Bender

Jeffrey Busch

Lou Grey

Jason Katz

Nathaniel Nevas

Maxwell Nevas

Valerie Rosenson

Nan Ruben

Louise Shames

Simon Sondheimer

The Raise Craze Fundraiser is coming to TBC Religious School this year! There is a special schedule of events over the course of the next three weeks, and we hope parents will join us as much as possible for these amazing opportunities. (Please note that on Wednesday, 1/18/23, our K-3 students are also invited to come join us for a special program). If you have any questions, please contact Morah Ellie. See you all on Sunday morning!!

From Cantor Harriet:

"Please purchase one or more of these lovely kippot for $18 a piece so that we can use the proceeds to ship 100 Machzorim to the community and send the balance of the proceeds to purchase food! Please make checks payable to: Temple B'nai Chaim, with 'TBC Social Action Fund-Ugandan Jewry' in the memo line. Additional donations are welcome through the TBC Social Action Fund on the TBC Donation Page with a note indicating 'Ugandan Jewry' as the recipient.

"100% of the proceeds will go to feeding this community and shipping them High Holiday Machzorim!" Full-size poster here!

ADL's 2022 Top Ten Moments of Inspiration and Hope & Top Ten Heartbreaking Moments of Hate

In an annual tradition, ADL pauses at the end of December to take stock of the moments and people who shaped the last 12 months — for better or for worse.

For 2022, we compiled two Top 10 lists for you: One that celebrates moments of hope, progress and resilience and one looking back on the moments of hurt and hate — whether antisemitism, racism, extremism or other — that shaped the world.

Apply to Become an Eisendrath Legislative Assistant

The Legislative Assistant Program of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism is a year-long fellowship for recent college graduates or individuals with equivalent academic and professional experience, who are interested in Judaism, social justice, and policy. 

You can apply now for the 2023-2024 Eisendrath Legislative Assistant Program. The application deadline is Tuesday, February 21, 2023. For more information, contact Assistant Legislative Director Jacob Greenblatt. More information...

Your generosity will help Danbury residents in need stay warm this winter. The Dorothy Day Hospitality House has been providing meals and shelter to individuals since 1982. DDHH will distribute hats and gloves and mittens to guests who need them to get through the bitter Connecticut winter. More information here!

Share Your Simcha! TBC congregants are invited to share news of their family events and celebrations in Chailites. Please send your information to

A reminder that the Federation for Jewish Philanthropy of Upper Fairfield County schedules a variety of programs that TBC members may find interesting.

Their calendar of upcoming events is available here. Those wishing to receive their weekly mailing list will find the registration form here.

TBC is Here For You!

If you or a family member is ill or in need of care - or if you know of someone in our community who needs help - please contact Cantor Harriet. Our Caring Committee is here to provide assistance - meals, rides to doctors' appointments or shopping.

Ten Minutes of Torah!

The Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) provides rich resources for Torah study from a Reform perspective. Their Torah Study website includes "The Torah Explained," "Torah Portion Calendar" and an overview of each week's Torah portion.

In addition, several days a week, the URJ publishes Ten Minutes of Torah. Join the thousands of others who open their email to study a commentary on the week's Torah portion, read about a significant moment in Jewish history, connect with life in Israel, or learn about an upcoming holiday. In just ten minutes, you can add to your Jewish knowledge.

Click here to sign up today!

Yahrzeits January 6 - 12

Zeicher tzaddik livrachah!

Friday, January 6

Edith Stern, mother of Susan Farber

Sunday, January 8

Ronnie Kamber, cousin of Moses Alexander

Monday, January 9

Ruth Rader, great aunt of Jodi Simon Stewart

Tuesday, January 10

Mary Ransom, grandmother of Jason Stewart

Anita Shapiro, grandmother of Michael Bonheim

It is traditional to light a memorial candle at home on the eve of the yahrzeit. You may also find it meaningful while kindling the yahrzeit candle to offer prayers of remembrance or reflect on your loved one’s life. Many also choose this time to make monetary donations in memory of loved ones

Yahrzeit Memorial Plaques

When remembering loved ones who have passed away, we invite you to commemorate their lives and blessings with a memorial plaque for the TBC wall of remembrance. Ordering information is available here.

You Can Make a Difference at TBC

Have you been thinking about making a donation to support TBC in some way? We have made it easier for you to do just that! Please check out our new Donate Now button below!

Tree of Life

Tzedakah Fund

Yahrzeit Memorial

TBC Links

Website - Calendar - Membership

Previous issues of Chailites and other Temple News are listed

on the TBC website here

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Contact Us

If you have TBC community news you'd like to share, please send the information to!

Temple B'nai Chaim    

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 305, Georgetown, CT 06829

Phone: 203 544-8695    

Location: 82 Portland Avenue, Wilton CT 06897 (Directions)

Cantor/Educator: Cantor Harriet Dunkerley

Assistant Director of Education: Elisheva Gluck

President: June Mara  

Office Manager/Facility Use: Denise Seccurra