February 1, 2023
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"Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief. Do justly now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it." (The Talmud) | |
Friday, February 3, 7:30 pm - Tu B'Shevat / Shabbat Shirah Service. Click here for zoom
Saturday, February 4, 9:00 am - Tot Shabbat, bagel nosh, family service -- RSVP for bagel nosh!
Sunday, February 5, 9:30 am - Religious School Tu B'Shevat program
Sunday, February 5, 9:30 am - TBC Gun Violence Prevention Action Group
Sunday, February 5, 3:30-5:30 pm - Sisterhood Tu B'shevat Seder -- Make sure to RSVP!
Wednesday, February 8, 4:30 pm -Hebrew School
See the TBC Calendar for more upcoming events.
TBC's COVID safety policy is posted here.
Raise Craze Kindness Wall!
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Religious School Raise Craze Program Wraps Up!
From Ellie Gluck: "Our Raise Craze fundraiser has ended and we couldn't be more thrilled! We participated in a few special programs over the last few weeks, including TBC's Mitzvah Day on Sunday, 1/22/23. Students, teachers, and parents delighted in all our Raise Craze activities and fulfilled the mitzvah of Tikkun Olam - Repairing the World! Our TBC Religious School students completed 225 Acts of Kindness and raised $4,748 with more coming in! Thanks to everyone's generous donations, TBC Religious School can finish our school year with amazing programming for our students! A big thank you to all who worked so hard to make this fundraiser a success - we couldn't have done it without you!"
* Fun Pictures Available Here!
* Additional contributions accepted through Friday!
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Join us on Friday, February 3 @ 7:30 pm to celebrate Shabbat Shirah and Tu B’Shevat
Please join us on Friday, February 3rd as we celebrate Shabbat Shirah and Tu B’Shevat with a musical, mystical service followed by a delicious Oneg sponsored by Ria and Bruce Miller, inspired by the traditional flavors of Tu B’Shevat. Not sure what that means? Join us Friday to learn more, hear The Song of the Sea and enjoy some of the foods that mark the New Year of the Trees!!
This coming Shabbat is also Shabbat Shirah - the Shabbat during which we chant Parashat Beshalach in which is found the Song of the Sea. It is a Shabbat celebrating our redemption from Egypt. In this week’s Torah portion, we cross the Red Sea and emerge on the banks singing and dancing to Mi Chamocha!
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You Asked, We Responded!
Saturday Morning Shabbat,
February 4: Tot Shabbat at 9 am, Family Service at 10 am
From Cantor Harriet: "Many of you asked that we try having Family Services on Saturday morning.
"On Saturday, February 4th, we will begin the morning at 9 am with brief, fun filled Tot Shabbat geared for all children up to age 6 - but all are welcome. At 9:30 am enjoy bagels, lox, coffee, tea and milk before our Family Service begins at 10 am. Continue to mingle and enjoy bagels, lox, coffee, tea and milk after the service."
Please click here to RSVP
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Please join the women of
Temple B'nai Chaim Sisterhood and
Norwalk Hadassah
for our annual celebration of nature and our environment at our
Tu B’Shevat Seder
Sunday, February 5
3:30-5:30 PM
More information here!
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TBC Gun Violence Prevention Action Group
Meeting Sunday, Feb. 5, 9:30 am
This Sunday at 9:30 am will be the first meeting of the TBC Gun Violence Prevention Action Group.
The group's agenda will develop from the brainstorming session held at our Year of Healing and Repair - Time for Action kickoff meeting in December. (The notes from that meeting are available here.)
David Shuster will be coordinating the group, and all congregants are encouraged to attend.
This group is one of the three "Time for Action" groups that were created based on the priorities that TBC members voted for during the High Holy Days. Information and updates about this initiative are posted here.
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TBC Is Now a Participant in the ADL Kulanu Program!
TBC's Time for Action Antisemitism and Hate Crimes Action Group will be leading our participation with the Anti-Defamation League's new Kulanu initiative. Bonnie Heft, coordinator of the action group, will be helping track our program milestones and opportunities for engagement.
TBC's First Kulanu Action Item ...
✓ Support the Holocaust Education and Antisemitism Lessons Act
"Last Friday, on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Rep. Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) introduced the Holocaust Education and Antisemitism Lessons Act, also known as the HEAL Act. This bill will commission a study on which schools currently offer or require education on the Holocaust. It will also assess the impact of Holocaust education programs.
It's vital that policymakers understand what gaps currently exist in Holocaust Education across the country so we can begin to address them, and ADL is proud to support the HEAL Act.
To increase the likelihood of getting this bill to President Biden's desk, we need as many congresspeople from both parties to sign on to sponsor.
Please take a moment to email your Congressperson and ask them to co-sponsor the bill.
We hope that you will share this with your congregation and wider community. Your support is vital at this time."
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Come enjoy an exciting and progressive acoustic band, weaving together Americana, folk, bluegrass, jazz and blues, with timeless Jewish themes.
Temple Shalom, Norwalk
Saturday February 11, 7:00 pm
Tickets 13+ - $36; 12 & under free
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ShopRaise for TBC - Double the Love!
This Valentine’s Day, when you shop for those you care about and use our new ShopRaise option, a percentage of your purchase will be donated to TBC. Let your Valentine know when you give them your gift that it also gave back to make the world a much sweeter place.
Take advantage of the many discounts and other options ShopRaise offers and help support TBC! You'll even be able to track the cumulative amount your purchases have contributed. More information about ShopRaise for TBC can be found here.
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NOTE: Amazon Smile To Be Discontinued: Amazon has announced that their "Amazon Smile" program, which TBC has benefited from over the years, will be ending officially on February 20, 2023. So make sure to sign up, bookmark and start using ShopRaise before then!
Sign up for ShopRaise for TBC!
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Find the Right Jewish Summer Camp
for Your Child
Summer is coming eventually! See the full list of URJ youth and teen programs here. Questionnaire to find the right Reform Jewish Camp here.
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Birthday wishes to our TBC family members who are celebrating birthdays in February!
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Amy Arnold
Mathew Arnold
Allison Berger
Babette Bloch
Audrey Bonheim
Madalen Brown
Ella Cederbaum
Simon Curtis
Suzanne Ellenthal
Senia Erlich Feiner
Jonathan Gordon
Dina Gumins
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Sam Gumins
Alice Hoffman
Ariel Langberg
Ian Marceau
Ella Misita
Jack Misita
Sandi Prince
Marlene Serby
Ethan Serby
Gary Wakoff
Steven West-Rosenthal
Michael Wolfman
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Handmade Kippot Still Available!
They kippot are $18 each, and we will use the proceeds to ship 100 Machzorim to the community and also send the balance of the proceeds to purchase food! Please make checks payable to: Temple B'nai Chaim, with 'TBC Social Action Fund-Ugandan Jewry' in the memo line. Additional donations are welcome through the TBC Social Action Fund on the TBC Donation Page with a note indicating 'Ugandan Jewry' as the recipient.
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Share Your Simcha! TBC congregants are invited to share news of their family events and celebrations in Chailites. Please send your information to | |
TBC is Here For You!
If you or a family member is ill or in need of care - or if you know of someone in our community who needs help - please contact Cantor Harriet. Our Caring Committee is here to provide assistance - meals, rides to doctors' appointments or shopping.
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Yahrzeits February 3 - 9
Zeicher tzaddik livrachah!
Friday, February 3
Eleanor Muirhead, mother of Simon Curtis
Saturday, February 4
Bernard Kanner, uncle of Jane Alexander
Katharina Hof, grandmother of Barbara Bloom
Monday, February 6
Arthur A. Wakoff, father of Gary Wakoff
Wednesday, February 8
Donald Curtis, father of Simon Curtis
Thursday, February 9
Clara Robbins, grandmother of Russell Robbins
It is traditional to light a memorial candle at home on the eve of the yahrzeit. You may also find it meaningful while kindling the yahrzeit candle to offer prayers of remembrance or reflect on your loved one’s life. Many also choose this time to make monetary donations in memory of loved ones.
Yahrzeit Memorial Plaques
When remembering loved ones who have passed away, we invite you to commemorate their lives and blessings with a memorial plaque for the TBC wall of remembrance. Ordering information is available here.
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Ten Minutes of Torah!
The Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) provides rich resources for Torah study from a Reform perspective. Their Torah Study website includes "The Torah Explained," "Torah Portion Calendar" and an overview of each week's Torah portion.
In addition, several days a week, the URJ publishes Ten Minutes of Torah. Join the thousands of others who open their email to study a commentary on the week's Torah portion, read about a significant moment in Jewish history, connect with life in Israel, or learn about an upcoming holiday. In just ten minutes, you can add to your Jewish knowledge.
Click here to sign up today!
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You Can Make a Difference at TBC | |
Have you been thinking about making a donation to support TBC in some way? We have made it easier for you to do just that! Please check out our new Donate Now button below! | |
TBC Links
Website - Calendar - Membership
Previous issues of Chailites and other Temple News are listed
on the TBC website here
Don't miss out. Like and follow us:
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