February 21, 2024
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"Since Israel is a democratic state surrounded by essentially undemocratic states which have sworn her destruction, those interested in democracy everywhere must support Israel's existence." (Bayard Rustin)
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Welcome Shabbat TONIGHT with Ellie Gluck at 7:00 pm!
Come join us tonight for a musical Shabbat service, led by Ellie Gluck, our AD for Education/Youth Coordinator.
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Urgent Request
Cantor Harriet has forwarded this urgent request for funding from Carmel Tadmore Kaminer, the Israeli woman who sang at our Vigil on Oct. 12. Her husband, Yuval, a former IDF Navy Seal, also spoke.
More information here...
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Share Your Simcha!
Please Share Your Simcha! TBC congregants are invited to share news of their family events and celebrations in Chailites. Please send your information to
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Rustin - Film Screening and Discussion with Long-Time Partner Walter Naegle
Join us at the Norwalk Public Library on Sunday, February 25th to watch a special screening of the film, Rustin, and engage in discussion with Bayard Rustin’s longtime partner, Walter Naegle on the questions: What would Bayard do now? How can we respond to witnessing this powerful life?
Presented by the Triangle Community Center, Wilton Quaker Meeting, Norwalk Public Library, and the NAACP CT, 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. NPL 1 Belden Ave., Norwalk CT, 2nd Floor Community Room. More information ...
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Save the Date, April 6th! TBC's Long-Awaited Progressive Dinner!
Our new, improved TBC Progressive Dinner is on the calendar for April 6th. If you would like to sponsor and host a dinner at your house (it's fun!) or help with hors d'oeuvres and desserts at the temple, please email Jane Alexander or Joe Sondheimer. If you are excited for a fun evening of good food and conversation with your TBC family, just mark your calendars.
We will meet at the Temple for hors d'oeuvres, spread out to host homes for dinner, then meet back at the Temple for dessert. Attendees, other than dinner hosts, will bring either an hors d'oeuvres or dessert. We will try to accommodate allergies or dietary restrictions, dependent on hosts. More details and an invitation to follow! PS: For newbies to this tradition, it has nothing to do -- necessarily -- with progressive politics!
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PLEASE volunteer for the Purim Carnival on Sunday, March 24th! Contact Morah Ellie. | |
Jewish Family Services of Greenwich's Refugee
Resettlement Program Needs Supplies and Donations
JFS of Greenwich would love contributions of both supplies and gift cards to help families they are resettling under the broader HIAS Resettlement Program.
Here is a list of Welcome Basket Items needed. Here is a link for purchasing gift cards.
Please send any questions to Jaymen Schneider, Volunteer & Marketing Coordinator, JFS of Greenwich.
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Sophie Barenberg's Annual Toy Drive for Yale New Haven Hospital's Toy Closet!
"Hi all! My name is Sophie Barenberg and I am a Senior at Weston High School and a “graduate” of TBC RS. Starting when I was 12 when I did my Mitzvah project, I have been organizing a toy drive for the Yale New Haven Hospital Toy Closet, an organization near and dear to my heart. I usually organize this toy drive around the holidays, but due to my busy schedule in December, I decided to do the Toy Drive during Valentine’s Day. I have a collection bin at the Temple and would greatly appreciate your donations. Donations include new and unwrapped toys from ages birth to teen. Thank you!"
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Summer Camp Funds / Connect to Israel Funds Available Now!
The Future Fund connects students to Israel through programs of their choice. Grants are $2000 per student. click here for more information
Summer Camp funds are available for kids who want to go to a Jewish camp. Submissions are ONLY accepted through a Rabbi or Cantor. Grants are up to $1800 per camper. click here for more information
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TBC is Here For You!
If you or a family member is ill or in need of care - or if you know of someone in our community who needs help - please contact Cantor Harriet. Our Caring Committee is here to provide assistance - meals, rides to doctors' appointments or shopping.
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Yahrzeits February 23-29
Zeicher tzaddik livrachah!
February 23, 2024
Gilbert Bloch, father of Babette Bloch
February 24, 2024
Mollie S. Hyams, mother of Sheila Wakoff
February 25, 2024
Joyce Sobel, sister of Ken Sobel
It is traditional to light a memorial candle at home on the eve of the yahrzeit. You may also find it meaningful while kindling the yahrzeit candle to offer prayers of remembrance or reflect on your loved one’s life. Many also choose this time to make monetary donations in memory of loved ones.
Yahrzeit Memorial Plaques
When remembering loved ones who have passed away, we invite you to commemorate their lives and blessings with a memorial plaque for the TBC wall of remembrance. Ordering information is available here.
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ShopRaise Now for TBC!
Whether you're shopping for food or decor for your home, or anything else, we've got you covered. A portion of every purchase you make with the ShopRaise app can benefit TBC. Make today a time for giving.
More information about ShopRaise for TBC can be found here.
Contributions to TBC add up! You can shop at hundreds of stores, including Macy's, Walmart, Wayfair, Nordstrom, Petsmart, and Bed Bath & Beyond.
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Handmade Kippot
The kippot are $18 each, and we will continue to use the proceeds to ship Machzorim to the community and also send the balance of the proceeds to purchase food! Please make checks payable to: Temple B'nai Chaim, with 'TBC Social Action Fund-Ugandan Jewry' in the memo line. Additional donations are welcome through the TBC Social Action Fund on the TBC Donation Page with a note indicating 'Ugandan Jewry' as the recipient.
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You Can Make a Difference at TBC | |
Have you been thinking about making a donation to support TBC in some way? We have made it easier for you to do just that! Please check out our new Donate Now button below! Don't forget, you can sponsor and oneg, preneg or flowers for Shabbat Services.
Sponsor a TBC Oneg or Service Flowers!
TBC's B'nai Cafe is Looking for Sponsors!!
TBC is looking for sponsors for our B'nai Cafe on the following dates: 3/3, 4/7, 5/5.
To sponsor, please click here!
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TBC Links
Website - Calendar - Membership
Previous issues of Chailites and other Temple News are listed
on the TBC website here
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