The Chalice
Newsletter of the Oberlin Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
April 2021

If you have announcements for The Chalice, send them to at least one week before the first of the month. 
Thank You!

Upcoming Services
April 2021
April 4

What is Our Easter Message?
This service will be presented by members of the Oberlin-Olmsted study group “What Would Jesus Do?”

Easter Sunday is a sacred holy day for many Christians, who celebrate the bodily resurrection of Jesus and ascension into Heaven. Most Unitarian Universalists reject those beliefs about Jesus, and often celebrate Easter as the spring rebirth of all life. But the roots of our founding religions, Unitarian and Universalist, come from Protestant Christianity. Both religions embraced the concepts of universal love and ethical behavior as taught by Jesus, while separating from Christian doctrines such as the trinity and hell. A significant minority of UU’s do identify as Christian. Others relate to Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, or
Humanism, or identify as Agnostic or Atheist. How can we integrate Jesus’s teachings into our own evolving and inclusive beliefs and spirituality, while welcoming members and visitors of all faiths?

April 7, 4:00 pm

"Blind-Sided by the Right: What’s driving the rise of the extreme right in the U.S.?"
Rev. Mary Grigolia

Rev. Mary Grigolia shares insights based on columns by Heather Cox Richardson, professor of American History at Boston College. Followed by discussion. All are welcome. 

April 11
TED Talk
Caitlin Chapman, Jeff Witmer, Ann
Cook-Frantz and Brian Warren.

April 18

"A Celebration of our Interwoven and Reciprocal Relationship with the Earth."
Lara Lillibridge, Emiliy WIlliams, Mary Baird, Linda Garvin, and Caitlin Chapman.

This service braids science, spirit, and story in a celebration of our interdependent and reciprocal relationship with the Earth through poetry, prose, photography, and song.

April 25

"Finding Common Ground, 2: Listening Across the Divide."
Zellda Zelley, Rev. Mary Grigolia

Underneath 'us against them', researchers find common ground among many Americans. How do we find it with those whose assumptions differ from our own? How do we listen across the divide? When is it possible and when is it not? And what do we do when it’s not likely?

Zoom Addresses
Sunday Service Zoom Login
Meeting ID: 926 2419 0519
Join via smartphone by dialing: 929-436-2866, then entering the
Meeting ID followed by the pound sign: 92624190519#, then entering the password: 134017#
OUUF Events Calendar
*events are online and times are PM unless otherwise specified* 
For more information, and to see when rooms are reserved for private use, 
1 Thu
  10:00-11:30am Morning Meditation via Zoom
1:00-2:00 WISE Women Weekly Check-in via Zoom
2:00-3:30 Dream Group via Zoom
7:00-8:00 Evening Meditation via Zoom
2 Fri
   12:30-1:30 Friday After Lunch UU Check-in with Rev. Mary via Zoom
3 Sat
4 Sun
   10:15-10:45am Children's Church via Zoom
11:00am Sunday Service via Zoom
5 Mon
   7:00-9:00 OUUF Men's Group via Zoom
6 Tue
7:00-8:00 Poetry Group via Zoom
7 Wed
  4:00 UU Kendal Gathering via Zoom
6:30-8:00 OUUF and OUUC Worship Teams Meeting via Zoom
8 Thu
  10:00-11:30am Morning Meditation via Zoom
1:00-2:00 WISE Women Weekly Check-in via Zoom
7:00-8:00 Evening Meditation via Zoom
9 Fri
12:30-1:30 Friday After Lunch UU Check-in with Rev. Mary via Zoom
7:00-9:00 Game Night via Zoom
10 Sat
11 Sun
  10:15-10:45am Children's Church via Zoom
11:00am Sunday Service via Zoom
12 Mon
   7:00-9:00 OUUF Men's Group via Zoom
13 Tue
14 Wed
15 Thu
   10:00-11:30am Morning Meditation via Zoom
2:00-3:30 WISE Women via Zoom
3:45-5:00 OUUF and OUUC Adult Program Teams Meeting via Zoom
7:00-8:00 Evening Meditation via Zoom
16 Fri
12:30-1:30 After Lunch UU Check-in with Rev. Mary via Zoom
17 Sat
18 Sun
   10:15-10:45am Children's Church via Zoom
11:00am Sunday Service via Zoom
19 Mon
   7:00-9:00 OUUF Men's Group via Zoom
20 Tue
21 Wed
6:30-8:00 OUUF and OUUC Worship Teams Meeting via Zoom
22 Thu
    10:00-11:30am Morning Meditation via Zoom
7:00-8:00 Evening Meditation via Zoom
23 Fri
    12:30-1:30 Friday After Lunch Check-in with Rev. Mary via Zoom
7:00-9:00 Current Events Discussion Group via Zoom
24 Sat
25 Sun
    10:15-10:45am Children's Church via Zoom
11:00am Sunday Service via Zoom
26 Mon
    7:00-9:00 OUUF Men's Group via Zoom
27 Tue
1:00 Listening to Writers of Color Book Group via Zoom
4:00-5:00 Care Givers Support Group
28 Wed
7:00-9:00 What Would Jesus Do? Covenant Group via Zoom
29 Thu
   10:00-11:30am Morning Meditation via Zoom
7:00-8:00 Evening Meditation via Zoom
30 Fri
   12:30-1:30 Friday After Lunch Check-in with Rev. Mary via Zoom

Mary's Musings

“Roots Hold Me Close, Wings Set Me Free”

“Roots and wings’ has been a common way of thinking about UU spiritual
community: We support one another in growing roots of connection, meaning
and authenticity, developing passions and skills, sharing them to make a
difference in the world, enabling ourselves and others to soar.

During pandemic, to maintain inner balance, I’ve limited exposure to murder-
and-mayhem videos, currently ‘rooted’ in the PBS TV series, “Finding Your
Roots,” with Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

Perhaps like me you’ve been less than enthusiastic about genealogical research. Times have changed. Science and historical archives have grown exponentially. But the real reason to tune in is for witnessing and being touched by the real-life human dramas that Gates uncovers. His guests are all prominent in their field, from science to art to media. All asked him to uncover mysteries in their family trees. And every week his staff dives deep into American and world history through the eyes of family.

They explore not just when did your ancestor arrive on American shores but why and how did they get here? What was going on in this country or in their country of origin? What terrible choices did their ancestors face? How did they survive? What happened to those left behind?

Guests are told of ancestors impelled by famine or war, leaving families, sending for families, enduring the brutality of slavery, and of those who persevered without family support. Ancestors who beat the odds. (We are, after all, watching the stories of those whose lines survived.)

Most powerfully in this time of pandemic, Gates doesn’t sugar-coat human history. His staff finds pictures and records documenting unimaginable and widespread human suffering, revealing how simplistically we face the challenges in our own time. Guest after guest, Gates reveals what their ancestors faced and how they survived. We who bear witness come through with compassion for the depth of suffering faced by those who made it possible for us to be here. And with renewed humility and awe at the tenacious human spirit, reminded of the depth of human cruelty even as we marvel at the resilience of families and individuals who survive.

It doesn’t make light of our struggles today, but reminds us that we are not alone. Our ancestors too faced uncertainty and immeasurably deep challenges. Some survived. We grieve and remember the others, so that we may lessen the cruelty and find ways to reach across divides to those who do not share our beliefs, ethnicity, or political assumptions.

Last month I pondered my commitment and our commitment to helping to strengthen democracy. Watching “Finding Your Roots” has kept me from becoming discouraged by the challenges our country and world faces today. I hope you too are finding ways to let our shared history, our roots, strengthen you for this time of peril and possibility.

April 2021 Cause of the Month

As part of our covenant with one another, OUUF members have made a commitment to live our values in the world through Causes of the Month, which we support through our offering. 

 The Cause of the Month for April 2021 is Lorain County Rape Crisis

Lorain County Rape Crisis (LCRC), a service of the Nord Center, provides free and confidential support and advocacy 24/7 to men and women of all ages in Lorain County who are survivors of all forms of sexual assault. The program assists survivors with the aspects of assault aftermath including legal and medical advocacy and referral for psychological needs. LCRC also provides educational services to survivors, service providers, and the larger community. Emphasizing empowerment, LCRC is committed to cultural sensitivity and diversity. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

JULY 2020 - JUNE 2021

JULY Oberlin Weekday Community Meals
AUGUST League of Women Voters- Oberlin Area
Education Fund
OCTOBER Genesis House
NOVEMBER OCS Helping Hands
DECEMBER UU Service Committee- Guest At Your Table
JANUARY Let's Get Real
FEBRUARY The Haven Center of Neighborhood Alliance
MARCH Lorain Co. Free Clinic
APRIL Lorain Co. Rape Crisis Center
MAY UUA Disaster Relief Fund
JUNE Family Planning Service of Lorain Co.

Adult Programs
Poetry Group, Tuesday, April 6, 7-8 p.m. on Zoom
Bring poems that speak to your life, that spark your imagination in these winter days; come to listen and share. (Poems do not have to reference Groundhogs). All are welcome.

Zoom login for Poetry is:  
Meeting ID: 999 2808 1815
Passcode: 559893
Join by smartphone by dialing: 301-715-8592, then entering the Meeting ID plus pound: 99928081815#, then entering the passcode plus pound: 559893 

Care-Givers Support Group, Tuesday, April 27, 4-5 p.m. on Zoom. 
Do you care for a spouse, partner, parent, friend or child? Join us. Led by Rev. Mary. All are welcome. (usually 4th Tuesdays, meeting monthly)

Zoom login for Care-Givers is:
Meeting ID: 910 8383 9716
Passcode: 510093
Join by smartphone by dialing: 929-436-2866, then entering the Meeting ID plus pound: 91083839716#, (then perhaps: 0#,) then entering the passcode plus pound: 510093# 

Book Group: Listening to Writers of Color, Tuesday, April 27, 1:00 p.m. on Zoom
Our April Read is Dear Scarlet By Teresa Wong. 

Zoom Login:
Meeting ID: 843 3513 8667
Passcode: 302751

What Would Jesus Do? Covenant Group, Wednesday, April 28, 7:00-9:00 p.m. on Zoom
You are warmly invited to explore with us all the ways in which the seven principles of Unitarian Universalism lie at the heart of Jesus' consciousness.

Zoom Login:
Meeting ID: 993 562 54184
Passcode: 580 483

Thursday Morning Meditation, (weekly on Thursdays),10-11:30 a.m. on Zoom.
Welcoming awareness as the wise body, beautiful heart, responsive mind, and boundless spirit. Drawing wisdom from many traditions. All are welcome. Led by Rev. Mary. 

Zoom login for Meditation is:
Meeting ID: 975 1560 4579
Passcode: 679876
Join by smartphone by dialing: 929-436-2866, then entering the Meeting ID plus pound: 97515604579#, (then perhaps: 0#,) then entering the passcode plus pound: 679876# 

Evening Meditation, weekly on Thursdays, 7:00-8:00 p.m. on Zoom
"Meditation can give you what you cannot get from any other source, it introduces you to yourself. It allows you to see that the Spirit is within you. You
are no longer alone." - Swami Rama

The meditation group that started as a Sangha in Michael Reitz's (Casper) apartment a year ago has continued to meet, using his excellent format as a guide. We would be delighted if others would like to join us.

Call or email Ann Cook-Frantz, convener, if you would like to join us, and she will send you the zoom link: or 5087-572-0563

Dream Group - Thursday, April 1, 2-3 p.m. on Zoom.
Exploring spiritual growth through metaphors, stories, roles and relationships, wisdom and humor of dreams. Bring a dream (or dream cameo) to share. All are welcome.

Zoom login for Dream Group is:
Meeting ID: 931 2202 9279
Passcode: 238245
Join by smartphone by dialing: 929-205-6099, then entering the Meeting ID plus pound: 93122029279#, then entering the passcode plus pound: 238245#

WISE Women Weekly Check-in’s on Zoom, April 1 & 8, 1-2 p.m. on Zoom
to support one another in our Fun, Kind, Courageous 31-Day spring cleaning challenge. (same login as WISE Women monthly meeting, below)

WISE Women - Thursday, April 15, 2-3:30 p.m. on Zoom. 
Explore our monthly theme, Imagination, How are you experiencing Imagination this month? All are welcome.

Zoom login for WISE Women is:
Meeting ID: 912 8009 9980
Passcode: 527342
Join by smartphone by dialing: 929-205-6099, then entering the Meeting ID plus pound: 91280099980#, then entering the passcode plus pound: 527342#

Friday After-Lunch UU Check-in with Rev. Mary, Fridays, 12:30-1:30 p.m. on Zoom
  • In this time of turbulence, when faith in democracy and the common good is needed:What's touching you in current affairs?
  • What's happening in your family and friendships?
  • How are you personally?

 Current Events Discussion Group, April 23, 7:00-9:00 p.m. on Zoom
We gather to enhance our awareness of current events and provide emotional support to one another in responding to them with vigor.

Zoom Login:
Meeting ID: 937 7402 1775
Passcode: 294 216


OUUC Sunday Services & & OUUF Worship teams meet on Wednesday,
April 7, 6:30-8 p.m. on Zoom
to discuss moving to dual-platform services (in person
and on Zoom). All are welcome. (Same login as Sunday morning.)

OUUC Sunday Services & & OUUF Worship teams meet together on
Wednesday, April 21, 6:30-8 p.m. on Zoom
for our monthly review, assessment and preview of Sunday services. All are welcome.
Zoom login for Sunday Services Committee is:
Meeting ID: 926 2419 0519
Passcode: 134017
Join by smartphone by dialing: 301-715-8592, then entering the Meeting ID
plus pound: 92624190519#, (then, perhaps, 0#,), then when prompted
entering the passcode plus pound: 134017#

Care Team OUUF
Our mission is to make visible the "spirit of caring fellowship", facilitating care for members and friends in their times of need. 
Adult Program Team
Our mission is to provide transformational adult programs for spiritual exploration and ethical living for members and friends of OUUF and the larger community. 
Adult Program Team meets on Thursday, April 15 at 3:45 p.m. via Zoom. All are welcome! 
Join Zoom Meeting by computer:

Meeting ID: 970 5577 1526
Passcode: 975903
Join by smartphone by dialing: 301-715-8592, then when prompted entering the Meeting ID plus pound: 97055771526#, then when prompted entering the passcode plus pound: 975903#

Communications Committee
The Communications Committee is looking for new members! If you are interested in joining, please send an email stating your interest to

UUA News

UUA Youth Opportunities
From involvement in drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to leading the faith caucus to establish the International Criminal Court, to overcoming UN apathy about sexual orientation & gender identity issues, the Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office (UU-UNO) has a long history of providing strong leadership in all aspects of human rights at a policy level.

With a deep passion for and commitment to international human rights, youth and adults from all over North America gather annually for our three day seminar to dig deeply into issues with global impact.

The intergenerational seminar is an opportunity to collaborate with others while learning how to be a global activist. Through workshops, peer and expert-led panel discussions, community building activities, and worship services, participants undergo a transformative process of learning, reflection, and growth as we explore some of the most challenging issues facing humanity today. Registration for the Virtual 2021 Intergenerational Spring Seminar will open in December 2020.

Exploring Class and Classism

UU Class Conversations provides Unitarian Universalist congregations and organizations with the tools and language to explore class and classism through a distinctly UU lens.
Building upon our faith community's ongoing diversity work - from race to gender to sexual orientation to gender identity - the project aims to produce more welcoming congregations while strengthening our shared commitment to social justice.

Multicultural Leadership & Inclusion

Effective justice ministry depends on partnership, since racial discrimination touches everyone. UU partners in racial justice work, beyond the Unitarian Universalist Association, include UU State Action Networks, the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, the UU College of Social JusticeDiverse & Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries (DRUUMM), and Allies for Racial Equity. UUs also form interfaith partnerships, such as with the Interfaith Organizing InitiativeCongregation-Based Community Organizations, the Forward Together movement, the NAACP, and the Living Legacy Project. Learn more here.

Reproductive Justice

Decisions about children, families and sexuality are some of life's most profound. We advocate not only for the freedom of those choices in each person's life journey, but also for the ability of all families and communities to realize a sense of wholeness with regard to their sexual and reproductive lives. We create safe and healthy environments for children in our faith communities and campaign publicly for just and compassionate laws for family planning, reproductive health, and gender equality. Read about what we're doing here.


Oberlin Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

355 E. Lorain St.
Oberlin, Ohio 44074
Phone: 440-775-0355     

Services every Sunday on Zoom
at 11:00am

All Are Welcome!
Mary Grigolia
Office Manager:
Eva Wynn
Director of Religious Exploration:
Lara Lillibridge
Music Director:
Katie Cross 
Board of Trustees '20-'21
President, Stephanie Gibson; 
Vice-President, Jeff Witmer;
Secretary, Sarah King; 
Treasurer, Cindy Frantz;
Members-at-Large, Elizabeth Aldrich