Chalice News
Round Rock Christian Church

Embracing o ur neighbors
with Christ-like love 
April 9, 2019
In This Issue
This Sunday at RRCC 
April 14, 2019 -  Palm Sunday


"A King's Ransom "

T he message will be based on 
Luke 19:28-40 

From the Pastor   

Rev. Carlos Wilton passes along an old story that evangelist Dwight L. Moody used to tell. The story is about a young Frenchman, who wanted to avoid serving in Napoleon's army. He was drafted, but a friend presented himself to the recruiters to go in his place. The substitution was made, and some time later the surrogate was killed in battle.

Later, the army recruiters came by again, and tried to draft the young man into the army. "You can't take me," he told the startled officers. "I'm dead. I died on the battlefield."

This seemed an absurdity. They could see the young man standing right in front of them, but he insisted they look on the military rolls to find the record of his death. Sure enough, there was the man's name, with another name written beside it.

The case finally went to the emperor himself. After examining the evidence, Napoleon said, "Through a surrogate, this man has not only fought, but has died in his country's service. No man can die more than once, therefore the law has no claim on him."

Such was the result of the king's ransom Jesus paid for us. His name is forever written beside our own in the Book of Life.

With great humility and thanksgiving, let us approach the beginning of Holy Week this Sunday. As we hail the triumphant arrival of Jesus into Jerusalem, and as we wave our palms with reverence and joy, let us remember our utter dependence upon his saving work on the cross. On Calvary he liberated us from slavery to sin and death, and opened up to us healing, wholeness, and reconciliation with the Father. Thanks be to God!

Peace in Christ,
Pastor Mitch
Pastor Mitch Email Change

Pastor Mitch has a new email address! Please update the contact information you have for him!
Easter Offering

RRCC Fellowship Luncheon

Join us after the worship service for tacos and fellowship!   All are welcome! 

April Fellowship Lunch 

RRCC's Handcrafters will host the monthly fellowship luncheon on Sunday, April 14, following worship. Join us for a delicious taco bar with all the fixings, beans, fruit, and of course, the ever-popular dessert table. Donations will be applied to church projects as designated by the Guiding Board.   

Two or three desserts are still needed. 

If you can provide a dessert, please contact Bea Whitley at [email protected] .
The Handcrafters Ministry provides prayer shawls for members in need,  blankets and caps for newborn babies at Seton Williamson Hospital, and scarves for the Round Rock Area Serving Center's "Keep Round Rock Warm" program. We meet the second Saturday of each month from 9:30-11:00a.m. in the Open Circle Classroom. All are welcome to join in the crocheting, knitting, and fellowship (beginners are welcome, too!).
In the meantime, mark your calendar and plan to join in the fiesta on April 14!
RRCC is on Social Media

Follow us on Social Media!

We have joined the 21st Century! What is your favorite social media site?  Check us out on your apps!

We can be found on:
Twitter as @ChurchRound
Instagram as rrccdisciples
Cancelled Events

The Handcrafters and Men's Breakfast 
will not meet in the month of April 
because of  Hop into Easter.
Good Friday Prayer Vigil

Call Pastor Mitch or the Tuckers to sign up for a 30-minute slot on the all day Prayer Vigil on Good Friday (April 19, 2019). There are still a number of slots open. 
You can also simply sign up here 
by clicking on this link, 
which will take you to SignUpGenius:
Hop Into Easter


Thanks to all who have so willingly volunteered to help host RRCC's second annual HOP INTO EASTER on April 13 from 9:30-11:00 a.m.: Emmiline Greene, Irene Jenkins, Jim Kessler, Dan Knight, Ilene Kiser, Amy Tucker, Lisa Breeding, Sally Kelley, Barbara Barnett, Tara Pollock, Perry Mouser, Amy Osteen, Edie Heuss, Jean Bell, Darlia Hunt, Susan Putnam, Pam Knight, Lisa Walker, Anna Marie Blair, Katie Maybaum, Mildred Adair, Tricia Mouser, Janette Johnston, and Tasha York! If you have not yet signed up, it's still not too late. Help is always welcome. 

          WE NEED CANDY! Please drop your CANDY DONATIONS  (no chocolate, please) in the tub  in the Welcome Center.
SET-UP: This Friday, April 12, 1:00pm. 
All help is welcome!

This Saturday, April 13, 9:30-11:00am
Guiding Board

The Guiding Board meeting
has been moved
to April 29, at 7:00 p.m.
RRCC Easter Service Schedule
Giving Opportunity
Our  Easter Special Day Offering  is one of 4 Disciples Special Day Offerings received throughout the year. Whereas the Christmas offering went towards regional ministries, the Easter offering goes to Disciples Mission Fund. The DMF supports many ministries throughout our denomination, such as the Center for Faith and Giving, the Central Pastoral Office for Hispanic Ministries, the Disciples Historical Society, Disciples Home Mission, Disciples Women, Global Ministries, the National Benevolent Association, and many other ministries. This offering will be received in worship the next two Sundays: April 14 and 21 (Palm Sunday and Easter).  Want to know more about Disciples Mission Fund? Click on the link below for a short video explanation:  Learn about DISCIPLES MISSION FUND
2019 Bluebonnet Area/LRGVD Assembly

Click on this link to register for the Assembly: 

Click here  to view the complete schedule of events for that day.

Plastic Shopping Bags Needed

The Round Rock Serving Center is in desperate need of plastic shopping bags for their food pantry customers. Please bring some and leave the in the Welcome Center on Sunday.
Pantry Focus for April: Toilet Paper
"Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me." (Matthew 25:40)
April is "Toilet Paper Month" at RRCC. One necessity that families are unable to purchase with food stamps is toilet paper. Because of the great demand and low supply, families are limited to one roll per monthly visit. Let's load our food pantry shelves in the Welcome Center to overflowing each Sunday! Your donations of toilet paper (or cash or check designated for the Round Rock Area Serving Center) will help stock empty shelves and fill a vital need in our community.
Mark your shopping list every week for the Round Rock Area Serving Center.
Box Tops for Education
"Who woulda' thunk it?!"
A visitor, who now comes frequently,  related that one of the reasons she was drawn to our church originally was by our participation in the Box Tops for Education program. Giving is a blessing in many different ways! Giving when it does not even cost you anything is a double blessing! Put your Box Tops in the marked box where the Serving Center goods reside. Don't forget they expire, so you want to get them in ASAP.

The school decides how to use the money - computers, books, playground equipment - anything it needs.   RRCC contributed 45 more unexpired box tops in March to help raise the school's current total for the year to  $357.70.   

Sign up at  for special offers, coupons, and to track the progress of the school. 

Sign up at  for special offers, coupons, and to track the progress of the school.  

Contributing is an easy and painless process:
  • hundreds of products > 
  •  CLIP Box Tops from each package.
  •  You can now pick up a collection paper to act as a reminder or print your own here  
  • Bring the labels to church
  •  Place them in the collection box each week.                                        
  • Give yourself a big pat on the back. Box Tops are each worth 10ยข for Union Hill Elementary School
  • Thank you!! 
2019 Monthly Fellowship Lunch Host Groups

Jan. 19, 2019 DWM Fried Chicken Snowmen
Feb. 10, 2019 Admin Team Chili Dogs Valentine's Day
Mar. 10, 2019 Book Club King Ranch Casserole Texas
Apr. 14, 2019 Hand Crafters Tacos
May 19, 2019 Christian Ed/ Sunday School Pulled Pork Graduation
Jun. 9, 2019 All Church Pot Luck Summer/Beach
Jul. 14, 2019
All Church
Pot Luck
Aug. 11, 2019
All Church
Pot Luck
Back to School
Sept. 8, 2019 GB/ Worship Committee
Fried Chicken
Oct. 13, 2019 Chancel Choir
Church Birthday
Nov. 10, 2019
Chili? Patriotic?
Dec. 8, 2019 Tricia Lasagna Christmas
     Special thanks to all of the church "small groups" that have volunteered to host a Fellowship Lunch in 2019! This is the most current "draft schedule" of the monthly lunches, with a few menus and details to be determined as the dates get closer. DWM "kicked-off" the lunches this year, with donations of over $400 received for the January luncheon. Revenues from the lunches (moving forward) will be put in a reserve fund for use with property needs, as they arise. These lunches have become a regular source of wonderful fellowship with each other...a time to sit back and enjoy visiting with friends over a meal. Our neighborhood firefighters also enjoy any residual foods!
      What a blessing to "Grow" in community and fellowship!
Serving With You This Sunday, April 14
Worship Leader:

AnnaMarie Blair

Ilene Kiser
Sunday Treats:

Gary Tucker
Rod Walker (Offering) and Katherine Cratin (Communion)

Emmiline Greene, Amy Tucker, and Gary Tucker
Find a Place to Serve here at RRCC

Here are the ways you can contribute to Sunday Morning Worship:

Upcoming Birthdays
April 9
- Charles Whitley
April 13
- Linda Glover
April 14
- Crispin Harmel
April 14
- David Camarillo
April 15
- Katsuo Maxted
April 17
- Bryan Camarillo
April 18
- Patricia Mouser
Prayer Needs

1.  Rev. Mitch Maxted
2.  Guiding Board, Admin Team, Ministries Council, Elders, Deacons, Ministries and Committees (including Ad Hoc Restructuring Team)
3. Personnel and Admin Team as they work to fill needed book keeping and youth leadership positions
4. Volunteers who are helping through this transition time
5. Shut-In Servers & Caring Hearts Prayer Group
6. Jackie Switzer - Stephen Ministries Leader; Jean Bell, Gayle Boles, Darlia Hunt, and Ilene Kiser - Stephen Ministries Caregivers
7. Our music ministries and their leaders: Randy Preston, Rod Walker, Jimmy Horowitz
8. Enable us to develop a passion for praying and increase our tithes and offerings
9. Our partnership with Shalom Seventh Day Adventist & Manantial de Vida congregations (and their pastors Edy Rosa Paez and Maria Rosario)
10. Our Vision Advisory Committee and our efforts as a congregation to embrace our neighbors with Christ-like love. Strengthening our strategies:

1. Acree, Mary (shingles recovery)
2. Baker, Rev. David (recent back surgery)
3. Carpenter, Rich and Pat (Rich had surgery recently)
4. Davis, Marilyn
5. Glover, Steven (recovery from oral surgeries)
6.  Graham, Marty (cancer treatments)
7. Guilbeau, Rick & Cynthia; Hubbard, Harold
8.  Maxted, Mana (will try a new medication)
9. Maybaum, Liz - continued monitoring and doctor consultations
10. Mehlow, Carolyn & Leroy
11.  Plough, Margaret
12. Pollock, Paula
13.  Sanford, Collin
14. Scarborough, Rilda (continued hip fracture recovery)
15. Snider, Ed
16. Toomey, Kent (recovery from cancer treatments)
17. Whitley, Bea (knee replacement surgery recovery)

1. People who are persecuted for their faith throughout the world
2. Development of an immigration policy for the U.S. that is fair, just, and responsible 
3. The empowerment of national political leaders who will work to bring people together, not divide and erect barriers  
4. For all efforts toward universal, affordable access to health care here in the U.S.
5. All who don't know Jesus
6. Our military personnel and families
7. Reaching out to our neighborhood families through the schools: 1. Hopewell gift cards 2. Adopt-a-Child ministry at Union Hill and Hopewell (blessing to all the children and youth who received gifts, and their families)  3. Literacy Partners at Union Hill  4. Breakfast for teachers at Union Hill and Hopewell
8. Our next neighborhood welcoming event will be "Hop into Easter" (April 13--this Saturday
Sunday School Classes

Please, join us!
Early Childhood Class (ages 4-7) - Taught by Lisa Walker

Intermediate Class
(3rd - 5th grade) - Taught by Jennifer Kienzle 
Chi Rho Class (6th - 8th grade) - studying the book, "Middle School TalkSheets" for ages 11-14.  "These TalkSheets present every aspect of Jesus' life in a way that young teens can connect with as they learn to apply the lessons to their own lives." 
CYF Class (9th - 12th grade)  
Open Circle (primarily adult women) - Studying An Altar in the World.
Explorers (mixed adults) - Facilitator is Mildred Adair; studying the gospel of Mark by John MacArthur.
Upcoming Events

Tuesday, April 9, 2019
7:00 p.m.
- Shalom Congregation

Wednesday, April 10, 2019
1:00 p.m.
- Caring Hearts Prayer Group
5:30 p.m.
- Texas Heat Volleyball
7:00 p.m.
- Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, April 11, 2019
1:00 p.m.
- Book Group
6:00 p.m.
- Texas Heat Volleyball
6:30 p.m.
- Disciple Fast Track Bible Study
7:00 p.m.
- Book Group

Friday, April 12, 2019
1:00 p.m.
- Hop into Easter Gym Set Up

Saturday, April 13, 2019
8:00 a.m.
- Shalo m Congregation
9:30 a.m.
- Hop into Easter

Sunday, April 14, 2019
Palm Sunday
9:30 a.m. - Sunday School
10:30 a.m.
- Fellowship
11:00 a.m.
- Worship
12:15 p.m.
- RRCC All Church Fellowship Luncheon
1:15 p.m.
- Christian Education Meeting
4:00 p.m.
- Ministerio Internacional Manantial de Vida

Monday, April 15, 2019
5:30 p.m.
- Texas Heat Volleyball
Events can be viewed on the  RRCC Calendar
Elder's Prayer Corner/Closing Message

38 "You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.' 39 But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. 40 If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat also. 41 Whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two. 42 Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.
43 "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' 44 But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47 If you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? 48 Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 5:38-48
When we serve others in some way, we are really serving Christ Jesus. Even the smallest deed we do for someone, we are doing it for Christ. We have his word for it. That should be enough for us to try to help someone as often as the opportunity presents itself to us, be that family members or others we encounter in day to day activities.
Holy Father, you are always one with us, encouraging us to see you in others and to help them in any way we can. Let us serve you as often as you set it up for us to do so. Amen