Chalice News
Round Rock Christian Church

Embracing o ur neighbors
with Christ-like love 
May 12, 2020
In This Issue
This Sunday in Worship -- May  17, 2020

Scripture: John 14:15-21  
Sermon title: 
"I Will Not Leave You Orphaned"  

Have family or friend relationships become strained 
due to your choice to follow Christ? Do you sometimes feel as though you've been abandoned?

A Message from Rev. Maxted

Wouldn't "preying mantis" be a more appropriate name for this ferocious little predator?
Three Christian women were talking once about the "Best" positions for prayer. One argued the importance of holding one's hand together and pointing upward. The second advocated that prayer was best when one was stretched out on the floor. The third thought standing was better than kneeling. As they talked, a telephone repairman listened as he worked on a nearby phone system.  

Finally, he couldn't contain himself any longer and said; "I have found that the most powerful prayer I ever made was while I was dangling upside down from a power pole, suspended 40 feet above the ground."

The important thing is not your position of prayer, but the fact that you pray!!! Our RRCC Elders right now are in the middle of a 40-Day Prayer Journal. The Journal is an extended exercise within the book Unbinding the Gospel by Martha Grace Reese.  The author has discovered through extensive research with growing congregations that they all have a very strong prayer program. Strong churches know that if they don't draw upon the power of the Holy Spirit, if they don't regularly stop to pray and "wait upon" the Lord, if they try serve God under their own power, they will burn out and the resulting church will be weaker, not stronger. We are excited about this special time of prayer. Among other things, it reminds us how vital our Caring Hearts prayer ministry is.

Peace in Christ,
Pastor Mitch
RRCC Online Giving

Even though we are unable to meet in person,
RRCC has three ways you can still give your tithe:
  1. Go to the RRCC website and click on the "GIVE HERE" button at the top of the main page. Or use the link at the top of each newsletter. It will take you to the same place.
  2. Use your bank's electronic bill pay feature to have a check mailed directly from your bank to RRCC.
  3. Mail your check directly to RRCC.
Address your envelope to:
Financial Secretary
Round Rock Christian Church
22 Chalice Way
Round Rock, TX 78665

Disciple Oaks Summer Camp Update
Please read the linked announcement concerning this year's summer programs at Camp Gonzo.

General Assembly Countdown

What Will It Look Like When We Eventually Return
to Our Church Buildings?

It's tempting to ask the question "When is the pandemic going to be over?" or "When can we get back to normal again?" But the real question we need to grapple with right now is "How do we continue?" We don't know how long it will take until a COVID-19 vaccine is widely available to the general public. That may be one or two years away yet. Therefore, in the meantime, how do we function? When we start to return to our church campus, what will that look like? What will we be comfortable with, and how can we make that happen? What cleaning and safety measures have to be in place? 

Your Ministries Council and Guiding Board have been talking about and prayerfully considering these kinds of questions.  We welcome your input regarding issues such as:

* Preparing and maintaining the buildings
* Morning worship
o Offering
o Communion
o Seating arrangement
o Greeting one another
o Other topics of concern when we are together in the sanctuary
* Group gatherings (church school, DWM, book and bible study groups, fellowship luncheons, special events, etc.)
* In addition to worshiping in our sanctuary, what about continuing some form of online worship (Zoom, Facebook-Live, streaming)
* Your topics 

We look forward to hearing from you. Respond to any or all of us. 

Linda Glover (moderator) [email protected]
Gary Tucker (vice moderator/chair of elders) [email protected]
Pastor Maxted (senior minister) [email protected]

Splinters from the Board

Your Guiding Board:

... Met on May 11, via Zoom. Reports from Sr. Minister, Mitch Maxted; Treasurer, Gary Collier; Financial Secretary, Irene Jenkins; Trustees Dan Knight and Tricia Mouser; Personnel, Kent Toomey; Property, Perry Mouser; Elders representative, Tasha York were presented.

.... Approved a proposal to underwrite the purchase of additional equipment that will provide webcasting opportunities when we once again worship in the sanctuary. These enhancements to our sight and sound technology will allow broadcasting remotely to members and friends.

.... Received feedback of membership regarding when to return to campus. The consensus is to remain safely at home at this time, meeting remotely for worship, study and fellowship. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and expressing your thanksgiving.

.... Approved the appointment of a task force to lay plans necessary for the safe return to our campus.. A date to return to 22 Chalice Way has not been made

.... Is appreciative of the behind the scenes commitment of:
  • Mike Kelley and Jim Kessler who continue maintain the church lawn
  • Darlia Hunt, Gary Collier, Katie Maybaum and Irene Collier who travel to the church routinely to provide for the financial accounting of the congregation.
  • Pastor Mitch and Molly Salzwedel who work from both home and the church office; to Randy Preston, Jimmy Horowitz, and Rod Walker, who work from home to provide music for morning worship.
  • the chairs of each of our Ministries as they plan for Christian Education, Disciples Men, Disciples Women, Deacons, Congregational Care, Outreach and their 40-day prayer journey from Easter to Pentecost and for "tending their Agape flocks" via phone calls, texts, emails and letters.
... Is Grateful for the dedication of our church family in their attendance at online worship services, Sunday school, bible studies and fellowship groups, and for the timeliness forwarding tithes and offerings. 

... Gives thanks to our brothers and sisters in Christ, the Shalom Seventh-Day Adventist congregation who worship and fellowship on our campus. These good stewards have given their usual rental fee for April and May even though they, like us, have not used our facilities. Please keep them and the Manantial de Vida (Spring of Life) congregation in your prayers.

... Suggests that members read on the church website (Members Resources pull-down menu) the monthly reports from Pastor Maxted and the Treasurer, as well as the minutes of Board.

.... As always, I welcome your suggestions, concerns and prayers. I look forward to hearing from you.
                                                                                 Linda Glover, Moderator

Should you have any comments or concerns, please reach out via email to Linda Glover at
[email protected] .

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the  Lord, plans for welfare, 
to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

Chancel Choir

Chancel Choir will be meeting via ZOOM Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.:

Amazon Smile
Do you find that you are placing more orders through Amazon?
Remember that you can financially benefit RRCC by ordering through!

It is important to add SMILE to the beginning of the Amazon web address and choose
Round Rock Christian Church as your preferred charity (as seen below):

Step 1:

Step 2:
Try Financial Peace for Free!

You WILL make it to the other side of this. For the first time ever, we're giving away our Financial Peace Membership FREE for 14 days.  You'll receive all nine lessons of Financial Peace University and the EveryDollar Plus budgeting app-for free for 2 weeks! If you've been waiting for a sign to know if this proven plan works, here's your sign. Get started today!

($129/year if not cancelled before the end of the 14 day free trial)

Did You Miss a Newsletter?

Past newsletters dating back to mid-March 2020 are currently archived under the "ABOUT US" tab on the RRCC Website.
This is a more efficient way to access past newsletters and Friday "Reminders" than to hunt back through old emails.
Find a Place to Serve Here at RRCC

Here are the ways you can contribute to Sunday Morning Worship:

Upcoming B irthdays

May 15
- Ilene Kiser
Prayer Needs

1. Our staff--Jimmy, Mitch, Katie, Randy, and Molly
2. Guiding Board, Ministries Council, Elders, Deacons, Ministries and Teams as they discern what congregational life will look like when we slowly begin to return to activities at our church campus.
3. Ad Hoc Youth Programming Team and youth director search
4. Our El ders as they begin the 4th week of their 40-Day Prayer Journal
5. Shut-In Servers & Caring Hearts Prayer Group
6. Stephen Ministries (Care Receivers and Caregivers)
7. Our music ministries and their leaders: Randy Preston, Rod Walker, and Jimmy Horowitz
8. Our partnership with Shalom Seventh Day Adventist & Manantial de Vida congregations (and their pastors Edy Rosa Paez and Maria Rosario) 
9. Reverends Christal Fisher (South Texas) and Andy Mangum (CCSW)
10. Gary Collier, Tara Pollock, Randy Preston, Katie Maybaum, Molly Salzwedel, and other tech support people from our congregation who are helping us to stay connected and active, even during this time of STAY HOME STAY SAFE. 


1. Bell, Jean (son Chris has made great progress with infusions to combat cancer)
2. Davis, Marilyn (now living with Duane and Keri Davis, her son and daughter-in-law) 

3. Fennimore, Nancy, (sister Joan recently diagnosed with ALS)
4. Guilbeau, Rick & Cynthia; Hubbard, Harold
5. Habtemariam, Solomon and Meaza
6. Maybaum, Liz (platelet count)
7. Plough, Paul
8. Pollock, Paula
9. Putnam, Jim (upcoming hip surgery)
19. Sanford, Collin and Sonya
11. Sherry, Bea (no visitors allowed at this time)
12. Singer, Merle (Tara Pollock's family -- advanced cancer)
13. Smith, Rev. Barry (heart stent and hospitalization earlier this week--now home)
14. Snider, Rev. Ed (no visitors allowed at this time)
15. Switzer, Jackie (was in an automobile accident last week)
16. Terrell, Hank and Gwen (brother and sister-in-law of Anna Marie) Gwen recently had heart valve surgery and an ablation
17. Toomey, Kent (had outpatient shoulder surgery last Friday; doing well)
18. Whitley, Charles (recovering from shingles)
19. Skyler David Shoop-York arrived early Monday morning, April 27th by emergency C-section. Baby and birth mother are doing well. 

1. All affected by the COVID-19 (coronavirus) around the world (those who are ill, their families, health professionals)
2. All people who are persecuted for their faith throughout the world 
3. Our military personnel and families
4. International cooperation in responding to climate change challenges
5. Development of an immigration policy for the U.S. that is fair, just, and responsible 
6. For all efforts toward universal, affordable access to health care here in the U.S.
7. All who don't know Jesus
8. U.S. lawmakers and community leaders to work together to solve the problem of frequent, deadly mass shootings
9. Reaching out to our neighborhood families through the schools: a. Hopewell gift cards b. Adopt-a-Child ministry at Union Hill and Hopewell c. Literacy Partners at Union Hill  d. Staff Appreciation Breakfasts  e. school supplies for Hopewell Middle School  f. Hopewell "Swarm the Hive" back to school event  g. Our annual neighborhood welcoming events such as Trunk n Treat, Breakfast with Santa, and Hop into Easter.
RRISD will not return to school buildings this academic year.
Sunday School Classes

[There will be no Sunday School classes at the church for the foreseeable future. Some classes will be meeting via Zoom during this time of social distancing.]
Early Childhood Class (ages 4-7) - Taught by Lisa Walker

Intermediate Class
(3rd - 5th grade) - Taught by Jennifer Kienzle 
Chi Rho Class -  (6th - 8th grade)  ( studying the book, "Middle School TalkSheets" for ages 11-14.  "These TalkSheets present every aspect of Jesus' life in a way that young teens can connect with as they learn to apply the lessons to their own lives.")
CYF Class (9th - 12th grade)  
Open Circle (primarily adult women) - 10:00 a.m. Sunday mornings via ZOOM, Studying Searching for Sunday, by Rachel Held Evans .
Explorers (mixed adults) - 10:00 a.m. Sunday mornings via ZOOM, Facilitator is Mildred Adair; studying a gospel of Luke resource by John MacArthur.
RRCC is on Social Media

Follow us on Social Media!

We can be found on:
Twitter as @ChurchRound
Instagram as rrccdisciples
Photo Submissions

Submitting a photo? Awesome! 
We love pictures of congregational life!
Please remember to include
identification (who, what, when, where, why)  
 for each photograph s ubmitted to the office.  
Also, please indicate  where you would like the photo to be used (RRCC website,  social media, weekly newsletter, etc.)

Please email photos to the church office: [email protected]
RRCC Newsletter Deadlines

Please submit your
Tuesday Newsletter articles  and pictures 
before  10:00 a.m. on Mondays.
 and your  Friday Reminders articles and pictures 
before 12 :00 p.m. on Thursdays.
Thank you!
RRCC Office Hours

9 :30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
9 :30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
9 :30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
9 :30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Upcoming Events 

There will be no events/meetings held in the RRCC facility until further notice.  Many RRCC activities and events have been cancelled until further notice. Some are continuing online.

Tuesday, May 12 , 2020
7:00 p.m.
- Elders "Group Meeting" for Prayer Journal (via Zoom)
7:00 p.m.
- Shalom Congregation (via Zoom)

Wednesday, May  13, 2020
1:00 p.m.
- Caring Hearts Prayer Group (via ZOOM)
7:00 p.m.
- Chancel Choir (via ZOOM)

Thursday, May 14, 2020
1:30 p.m.
- Book Group
7:00 p.m.
- Book Group (via ZOOM)

Friday, May 15, 2020
John 16:33
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

Saturday, May 16, 2020
8:00 a.m.
- Shalom Congregation (live stream)

Sunday, May 17 , 2020 
9:45 a.m.
Explorers Sunday School (via ZOOM)
10:00 a.m.
- Open Circle Sunday School (via ZOOM)
11:00 a.m.
- Worship with us (via ZOOM)
1:00 p.m.
- Elders Meeting (via ZOOM)
- Manantial de Vida Congregation (off site)

Monday, May 18 , 2020
Psalm 46:10
- He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

Tuesday, May 19, 2020
7:00 p.m. - Elders "Group Meeting" for Prayer Journal (via Zoom)
7:00 p.m.
- Shalom Congregation (off site)

Events and details can be viewed on the  RRCC Calendar
Elder's Prayer Corner/Closing Message

Recently I was reading a devotional from one of my books and the title of this devotional caught my eye.  It was "Over the Hill". The woman was facing a millstone birthday (60) and was taken aback at how old she was feeling.  Her knees hurt, her hearing was lessening, she had dental work going on...she was feeling her age.  She wondered if God could still use her or would she become irrelevant and useless.  Then she read Psalm 92:14a..."In old age they still produce fruit..." "They" being us. I laughed. As I face 80, I have several ways I serve the Lord and am thankful I can. I've tried to say I'm too old but it never seems to work! We have many positions held in RRCC by the OLDER generation. We can thank God for letting us know that no matter how old we are, He can use us in His Kingdom. There are many opportunities for all.  The key is to be faithful and fruitful.

Sustainer of life, thank you for assuring me that you can still use me in your kingdom, no matter how old I am. Give me the strength to serve you to the best of my ability. Amen.