Zaki's Reflections
Zaki Hamid, LT'22, KUOW Public Radio
A conversation our Lab Team (All The Pizzas) had about access and leadership resonated with me for days. We agreed that centering the people most affected by an issue in the conversation, especially about solutions, is essential. But how often do we do that? How often do we create opportunities for people with lived experience (i.e. expertise) to be a part of the team fighting for meaningful change? And how often do we create obstacles for people to successfully navigate the very systems we say are created to help them?
So I realized that an important aspect of my job as a manager and leader is to remove the structural barriers that exist between good ideas and their path to fruition. Providing access, removing barriers, and helping with system navigation is how change happens.
Two quotes during the day stuck with me as well. The first is from one of my lab teammates, who said, “Focus on reaching out, instead of expecting others to reach in.” The second is from my classmate who wrote: “Leadership should be centered on curiosity.”
I am thankful for this day, for the insights that I gained, and the wonderful conversations I had with so many committed people. Thank you to LT for providing the access and removing the barriers.