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WVIP 93.5 FM HD2
Live tonight on
WOR 710 AM Metro NY
9 PM - 10 PM EST
Host Talkline With Zev Brenner
Talkline With Zev Brenner
9:00 PM- 10 PM EST
WVIP 93.5 FM HD 2
Tonight's Guests on WOR 710 AM
& on WVIP 93.5 FM HD2 @ 9-10 PM

The Challenges of Being a Lone Solider in the Israel Defense Forces

Daniella Symonds
Lone Soldier from America

Discovering His Parents Holocaust Secrets after their death
Jerry Elman
Miracles Through Hell

Click Below to watch the podcast of
Talkline with Zev Brenner with
Lebanese Choson Eliyah Hawila & Rabbi Avraham Reich
EXCLUSIVE on the his conversion to Judaism and what it means for his marriage to his Syrian Jewish Bride when it was presumed he was not Jewish.

24 Hour/Day Listen Lines:

Israel Listen Line: 011-972-765990097

U.K. Listen Line: 44-330-9981169

Podcast Line:  701-719-1032

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