July 28, 2020 Covington Chamber of Commerce Newsletter
Keep the summer boredom at bay by participating in  ReadySetPlay !
8/3-9/30 2020!
This is a completely FREE and fun annual summer program for elementary school-aged kiddos in the Covington area, made possible through a partnership between the Covington Chamber of Commerce, the Kent School District and the City of Covington .
Safe Start WA: Phase 2 UPDATES 7.23.20
Please note that Gov.Inslee Announced updates 7.23.20 HERE
Please Follow Industry Specific Guidelines with the implementation of 2 as stated in the above link. Industry Specific Guidelines: https://www.governor.wa.gov/issues/issues/covid-19-resources/covid-19-reopening-guidance-businesses-and-workers
"Safe Start Washington Governor Jay Inslee Governor Jay Inslee, in collaboration with the Washington State Department of Health, has established a data-driven approach to reopen Washington and modify physical distancing measures while minimizing the health impacts of COVID-19. This approach reduces the risk of COVID-19 to Washington’s most vulnerable populations and preserves capacity in our health care system, while safely opening up businesses and resuming gatherings, travel, shopping, and recreation. The plan involves assessing COVID-19 activity in the state along with health care system readiness, testing capacity and availability, case and contact investigations, and ability to protect high-risk populations." - Quoted from: https://www.governor.wa.gov/sites/default/files/SafeStartWA_4May20_1pm.pdf
LUNCH-"IN" 8.13.20
Sponsored By Lakepointe Covington
" AN OAKPOINTE UPDATE " Covington Chamber Lunch "IN" via Zoom on 8/13! 11:30-12 is our normal general hangout time (just done virtually) then at 12 noon our presentation will begin!
Thank you to our proud members Lakepointe Covington for sponsoring this event. We look forward to engaging with you! "SEE" you soon!
Join Zoom Meeting: 889 0158 2805
Meeting ID & Password: 909273
*Please note that to protect our meeting there is a password and 'waiting room' to enter - host will add you after you enter the zoom link & password. You are "muted" upon entry. Thank you!
Covington Water District was formed in 1960, with less than a hundred customers primarily around Lake Morton. Over the years, a number of small districts merged into Covington Water District and more customers were added as development occurred. The District currently serves a population of approximately 50,000 through 18,600 connections as of June 2020. The District's service area contains residential homes, apartments, small farm, commercial, governmental, schools and medical facilities.
The District's water supply consists of groundwater via our production wells allotted to us by the State of Washington (our Water Right), and water from the Green River Watershed via the Regional Water Supply System. The District has production wells, treatment plants, emergency interties with neighboring agencies, and millions of gallons of storage in steel and concrete tanks at locations throughout the District, and miles of pipeline.
The District's service area of approximately 55 square miles is roughly bounded by SR-18 on the northwest, the Maple Valley Highway on the northeast, Ravensdale on the east, and the Green River on the south. Each month CWD draws over 40 water samples from key locations throughout our service area and tests them for the presence of coliform. Testing is performed by state certified labs and test results are routinely submitted to DOH, which monitors CWD’s compliance with the many regulatory standards and testing protocols required to assure safe drinking water.                                                                   
Covington Water District: Vision of Tomorrow—Action Today!
18631 SE 300th Place, Covington, WA 98042
AWB Rebound & Recovery
Are you looking for WA state made PPE? Are you in need of free business resources for reopening? Check out Association of Washington Business Rebound & Recovery! https://www.reboundandrecovery.org/?utm_source=fast-facts&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=awb-recover
Please remember that COVID-19 updates are fluid and ever changing. Make sure to follow credible sources of information and always fact check. If you have questions please contact us so that we may direct you to the correct source and provide up to date information: info@covingtonchamber.org

8/3 Food Truck Mondays at Real Life Church CLICK HERE

8/10 (now through 8/10) Pollard Chiropractic Food Drive for Storehouse. Click HERE for info.

8/13 Lunch "IN" 11:30am-1pm Virtually "An Update on Oakpointe" sponsored by Lakepointe Covington FACEBOOK INFO HERE .


For additional info on the above events, view our Community Calendar  

Promote Your Events!
Covington Chamber of Commerce| 253-329-0999| info@covingtonchamber.org| www.covingtonchamber.org