Message from Liz Holt, Executive Director of the
OPRF Chamber of Commerce
As per our By-Laws, as a 501(c)6 membership-based organization, please accept this as notification of the official slate for the 2023 Board of Directors and Offices.
Instructions for presenting alternate candidates are described below following the slate for each.
The slates as presented to the Board of Directors at our regular monthly meeting on November 1, 2022 are as follows:
1. The Nominating Committee Presented the following slate of Officers for 2023:
President - Darien Marion-Burton (D.M.Burton)
Vice President - Rob Guenthner (Kettlestrings Tavern)
Secretary - Aracelis Sanchez (Dominican University)
Treasurer - Andy Kaczkowski (WestPoint Financial Group)
Member At Large - Esther Grachan (Grachan Agency)
Past President - Sam Yousif (B-Health)
The slate above was presented by the Nominating Committee to the Board of Directors at its regularly scheduled November Board Meeting, as per the By-Laws of the organization. At the December Board Meeting, the President will call for additional nominations from sitting Board members present at the meeting. If there are none, those so nominated will become the new officers for 2023. If additional names are offered, a secret, written ballot by the current Directors will determine the new officers.
2. The Nominating Committee has presented the following slate of candidates to fill three-year terms:
Rob Guenthner (Kettlestrings Tavern)
Tina Shrader (Empower Family Therapy)
Jeffrey Hines (Jeffrey Hines State Farm)
Carrie Summy (Oak Park-River Forest Community Foundation)
Caroline Heskett (Rush Oak Park Hospital)
If you wish to submit an alternative nominee for one of these five open positions, you may do so by submitting the name of your candidate along with the genuine signatures of representatives from 25 members in good standing to the Executive Director at the Chamber Office no later than November 25, 2022. If no additional candidates are presented, the nominating process will be declared closed and the slate as presented will be declared elected at the Chamber’s regular monthly Board meeting on December 6, 2022. However, if a valid petition shall present additional candidates, an Election Committee will be appointed at the December 6, 2022 Board Meeting to oversee an election process in December, which will present ballots to all members in good standing via email.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call or email me directly.
Thank you for continuing to support your Chamber and all that we do for the community!
Kind regards,
Liz Holt
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Executive Director
OPRF Chamber of Commerce
708.613.0550 (o)
630-747-4422 (c)