April 21, 2022
Bremerton & Silverdale
Chamber Weekly Survey
What should be the primary focus
of our Chamber website?
Please choose only your top answer
Business Directory
Business Education
Member Services/Support
Member News
Local Issues
Local Events
Visitor Information
All of the above
*Survey questions are run for 2 consecutive weeks to capture all of our readers.
The Silverdale and Bremerton Chambers are committed to learning how best
to serve our business membership and community. Your participation
in poll questions like these help us to work better for you! 
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WA Retail Association
Rolls Out Organized Retail Theft Resource Guide
Washington State experienced over $2.7 billion in retail theft in 2021, the second-highest in the nation per capita, according to the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA).

Organized retail crime (ORC) rings have targeted jewelers, pharmacies, high-end retailers, convenience stores, hardware stores, cannabis dispensaries, and other retailers. Could your business fall victim to an organized retail crime incident?

Do You Have These 10 Things on Your Business Website? You Should.
If you’re a small business, you probably bootstrapped your website content, picking it up here and there, copying what you like from other sites (hopefully not word for word), and adding as you go. That’s the way most small businesspeople do it unless you’re lucky enough to know someone who offered their writing services or have it in your budget to have it written for you.

But do you ever wonder if you have the type of content that will transform the casual web visitor into someone who buys?


Feeling Anxiety About Returning to the Office?
Originally published in the Seattle Times on April 18, 2022

Returning to an office setting and all that comes with it — bumper-to-bumper commute traffic, frustrating coworkers, left-behind family members at home — is understandably stressful for many whose pandemic-era routines are changing this spring.

Some may be concerned about safety and coronavirus restrictions as offices reopen. Others may be dreading change, after developing systems at home that helped create a more balanced life.

Many jobs have required in-person work throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. For other people who have been working remotely, returning to an office environment can bring a range of emotions.

“There’s some anger because people have proven over the last couple years that remote working is something that works,” said Andrew Rogersa licensed mental health counselor based in Seattle and Tacoma. “They can be responsible and get their work done while still working from home, which gives them the opportunity to do things in their life that they didn’t have enough time for otherwise."

Graphics: Gabriel Campanario/The Seattle Times)

WA Hospitality Association:
What You Need to Know
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