Chamber Membership
Question of the Week
The way we do business has changed over the last two years. What new systems have you implemented that you plan to keep after we say goodbye to the pandemic?
Answer Below
Contactless payment options
Curbside pickup
Online stores
Virtual/digital loyalty cards
Mobile apps
Ordering ahead online
QR code menus
Results from Last Week's Survey:

How is the omicron surge most
affecting your business?
The Silverdale and Bremerton Chambers are committed to learning how best
we can engage and work for our business membership. Your participation
in poll questions like these help us to work better for you!
Click here for the most recent
county data reported by
WA House Approves Delaying Payroll Tax Until July 2023, Heads to Senate
State Rep. Alex Ramel, D-Bellingham, is at work in person in the House on Wednesday. A video monitor shows the faces of other lawmakers working remotely during debate on a measure that would delay implementation of a payroll tax to help offset the costs of long-term care. (Ted S. Warren / The Associated Press)
Washington House lawmakers Wednesday approved a pair of key bills to delay the payroll tax collections for WA Cares until July 2023 and make broad changes to the first-of-its-kind long-term care program in the face of criticism.

The votes come in the second week of the 60-day legislative session, with Democratic House lawmakers moving speedily to address critiques and concerns that have emerged over the program this past year.
House Bill 1732, which delays the payroll tax, passed 91-6, with just a handful of Republicans in opposition. It now heads to the Senate.

Dealing with Angry Customers When
You're Short-Staffed
The scene is a common one these days. Lines of people waiting to pay in a restaurant, retail establishment, or grocery store. Tempers flare. Customers yell at staff and wonder why there’s only one person checking people out. Your staff thinks, “Who needs this?” and they’re not wrong. They feel overworked and underappreciated. Customers are demanding and loud. Customers vow not to return. It makes for a bad situation for everyone.

So, what can you do to ensure it doesn’t happen in your business?

Silverdale Chamber January Luncheon - Join Us
News from Olympia:
2022 Legislative Session
This year's legislative session is referred to as a "short session" but is no less important with the work being done between now and March 10th. Just a week and a half into the 2022 session, progress is already being made on topics Washingtonians have strong concerns about, including the fate of the Long-Term Care program. Read on for all the legislative updates from the first week of work in Olympia, brought to you by Brad Boswell and your Silverdale and Bremerton Chambers of Commerce.
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