A Note from our President, Lynn Ward

Dear Chamber Member,

It was great to see so many of you last night at our October Out for Business at the Palace Theater. There were lots of new faces! Thank you once again to Secor, Cassidy, & McPartland, P.C. for sponsoring this event and the Palace Theater for hosting us. You can see some photos from the event by clicking here.

Our next Out for Business will be held on Thursday, November 14 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at The Jameson Pub in Watertown. You can register here.

October is Manufacturing Month and we will be putting on spotlight on our area manufacturers with our special supplement that will be distributed on October 17 to more than 30,000 households and businesses in the region. Be sure to pick up the Republican American that day or call the Chamber to request a copy. We will highlight many of our area manufacturers, including Griffin Welding, Fascia's Chocolates, ReWard Technology, and Northeast Scientific, along with updates from many of our workforce development partners.

As part of that effort to get the next generation of students interested in manufacturing, we will be hosting a STEM Expo on November 1 at Naugatuck Valley Community College. If you are a manufacturer and would like to showcase your business, please contact Steve DelVecchio at sdelvecchio@waterburychamber.com

Congratulations to this year's Harold Webster Smith Award recipients:

  • Small Business of the Year - Green Wealth Management Group
  • Entrepreneur of the Year - Frances Batista of Muni Insurance
  • Manufacturer of the Year - Naugatuck Glass

Come help us celebrate this year's honorees during an awards breakfast on, Tuesday, October 29 at Aria. Register now by clicking here or click here to see the sponsorship opportunities.

Are you hiring? Don't forget about our new job board, which is an exclusive benefit for Chamber members. Get expanded visibility for your job openings with a listing. We will also be hosting a job fair at the Brass Mill Center on Wednesday, October 23 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Space is limited! Register your business or organization now and get in front of hundreds of motivated job seekers from the region. Learn more by clicking here.

Put it on your calendar now: our annual Holiday Gathering will be on Tuesday, December 17 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at La Bella Vista. Click here to register.

It's never to early to think about vacation plans. The Chamber's Travel program will be headed to Sicily in October 2025. This excursion will sell out! To learn more and to take advantage of early-bird pricing, click here.

Thank you to our Chamber members who are participating in the BlueBack Health Chamber Wellness Challenge. The combined efforts of our participating Chamber members recently had us 0.3 miles behind first place. Keep up the great work! This year's Wellness Challenge will benefit Connecticut Foodshare.

You can reach me, as always, at (203) 757-0701 or lward@waterburychamber.com. Keep scrolling for this month’s updates and events to take full advantage of what our Chamber has to offer.

Thank you, more than ever, for your continued membership,

Lynn Signature

In This Issue:

  • President's Note
  • Welcome New Members
  • Member Marketplace
  • Upcoming Ribbon Cuttings
  • Upcoming Events
  • HR Corner
  • Message From Our Newsletter Sponsor
  • Naugatuck Chamber
  • Southbury Chamber News
  • Watertown Oakville Chamber News
  • Hiring and Training Programs Available

Upcoming Events:

10/11: Wake Up Your Business Waterbury

10/18: Wake Up Your Business Southbury

10/23: Job Fair at the Brass Mill Center

Welcome to Our Newest Members
A warm welcome to our newest members!* We encourage you to connect with them soon and see where your next partnership can be!

Allstate Tire

Bottlehouse Wine & Liquor

Mamajuana Cafe Waterbury

R&R Roofing

Raasa Indian Cuisine

Thomas Gianni & Sons, Inc

*Joined September 6, 2024 to October 9, 2024

Member Marketplace

To advertise your business or organization in the November member marketplace and get premier placement for your company, contact David Huck at dhuck@waterburychamber.com or call 203-757-0701. Space is limited! $100 per ad.

Upcoming Ribbon Cuttings

  • Thursday, October 17 at 3 p.m. - Kanoon Restaurant - 91 Scott Road - Waterbury
  • Friday, October 18 at 11 a.m. - Zen Leaf - 237 E. Aurora Street - Waterbury

Come out and help your fellow Chamber members come celebrate their special occasion!

Travel to Sicily: October 2 to 10, 2025

Optional Three-Day Extension to Malta

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Chamber Member Benefit: Post University 20% Tuition Reduction on all Online Courses

Members of the Waterbury Regional Chamber and its employees, including families living in the household, are eligible to receive a tuition reduction under a partnership established with Post University. This partnership also extends to the three affiliate Chambers in Naugatuck, Southbury, and Watertown Oakville.

Through the partnership, the employees of businesses who belong to the Chamber, their spouses and their family living in the household are eligible for a 20 percent tuition reduction but they must complete the application process. The tuition reduction is for online undergraduate and graduate programs, including high school family members looking to complete college coursework for general education requirements as well as nurses looking for advanced degrees

To learn more about Post University or this Chamber partnership, visit partners.

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From Our Newsletter Sponsor: Post University

Think About Graduate Certificates for Working Professionals


For professionals looking to advance their education, enrolling in a graduate degree program may seem like a go-to choice. However, even though some may cater to working professionals with evening and weekend classes, the reality is that these degree programs could still take a few years to complete (depending on enrollment status and other factors).

Another viable option to consider, then, is pursuing a graduate certificate. While pursuing a graduate degree, such as a master’s degree, typically takes a few years to complete, most graduate certificate programs can be finished in less than a year and a half. Plus, many graduate certificate programs are offered entirely online making this a practical choice for busy professionals.


So, why get a graduate certificate? Dive into the details here to decide if a graduate certificate is right for you.

HR Corner: Your Newest Remote Hire Could be a North Korean Hacker

This HR Corner is brought to you by Carmody Torrance Sandak & Hennessey LLP. Written by Attorney Sherwin Yoder*

Do you know who your newest remote employee is? The candidate you Zoomed with could actually be a “mule” for a North Korean agent.

According to recent warnings from the FBI, the U.S. Department of State, and the U.S. Treasury Department, the North Korean government has dispatched thousands of impersonators across the U.S., China, Russia, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, and Africa to infiltrate U.S. companies and access sensitive data and systems, all while earning salaries that can then go to support North Korean weapons development in defiance of U.S. sanctions. These impersonators pose as citizens applying for remote work positions, and when hired, they can use their company devices to insert vulnerabilities, cause misconfigurations, or launch cyberattacks.

In the U.S., there have been several publicized cases of North Korean hacking attempts. KnowBe4, a security training company, reports that it hired a remote software engineer who cleared the interview and background check process. However, as soon as the company delivered its laptop to the new hire, the hacker immediately began installing malware. Fortunately, the company detected the malware because of the device’s onboard security software and remotely contained the malware before the hacker could use it to compromise the company’s internal systems. With assistance from the FBI and Mandiant, Google’s security subsidiary, KnowBe4 concluded that the new hire was in fact a North Korean hacker.

How is it possible for a North Korean to pass through interviews, a background check, and use an American-based computer? U.S. agencies believe these hackers often use falsified documents, purchase accounts on freelance services, or gain assistance from citizens known as “mules” to avoid detection.

On May 16, 2024, the Department of Justice announced the indictment of an Arizona woman and four others who helped North Koreans validate their stolen identities to pose as U.S. citizens. The woman allegedly received and hosted laptops issued by U.S. companies to falsify the workers’ locations. These individuals allegedly used dozens of different identities to net millions of dollars in wages and target more than 300 different companies.

Key Takeaways for Employers

Standard Screening Protocols: HR and procurement teams should establish and use standard procedures for screening applicants, particularly for remote work or consulting positions. This could include a video interview and vetting references. Consider using local interview and screening professionals who could meet with candidates in person. Sectors that hire many remote workers, like technology, should be especially vigilant; but all companies should remember that there are many outside entities that could be seeking company information (consider this Chinese agent case).

Privileged Access Tiers: Sensitive data access should be limited to essential personnel only and include additional required ID verification. These access levels must be updated regularly as employees are added, removed, and shift roles.

Cybersecurity Protocols Ready: IT teams should have protocols ready to deploy if company computers appear to be targeted by malware or hacking. These protocols should isolate the machine and protect company data. Likewise, unusual login behavior should flag investigation or potentially suspend access privileges.

Vet Third-Party Staffing or Consulting Firms: Request documentation to understand a company’s background check process and/or conduct your own. Conduct due diligence on the partner company and the personnel they are recommending, including obtaining a release to enable you to background check the worker yourself. 

Concluding Consideration

It is paramount for HR teams to ensure that they are hiring real candidates that represent themselves honestly. Take the time to follow a standardized vetting procedure for new hires, especially for remote workers, and maintain protocols for monitoring their IT system activity post hire.

*Sherwin Yoder is a partner at Carmody Torrance Sandak and Hennessey LLP and leads Carmody’s Privacy & Data Security practice.

This information is for educational purposes only, to provide general information and a general understanding of the law. It does not constitute legal advice and does not establish any attorney-client relationship. 

Naugatuck Chamber News

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Southbury Chamber News
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Watertown Oakville Chamber News

Three business leaders will be honored at the Watertown Oakville Chamber's Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner on Tuesday, November 19, 2024 at The Grand Oak Villa, as we celebrate our Chamber’s accomplishments and supporters. The Chamber will present three awards:

  • Community Leader of the Year: Sue Santopietro of Baribault Oil
  • Unsung Hero: Kimberly Calabrese, Fire Marshal
  • Beautification: The Middle
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Sponsorship Opportunities
Hiring & Training Programs Available

The Northwest Construction Careers Initiative

NCCI — The Northwest Construction Careers Initiative — offers Northwest Connecticut residents the opportunity to pursue a career in the construction and building trades. Job training and employment possibilities include: 

  • OSHA 10, OSHA 30, and Hazwoper certifications
  • CORE Curriculum, which includes HVAC, Plumbing and Electrical.

Orientation sessions are held each Thursday at 249 Thomaston Avenue in Waterbury, CT beginning at 10AM. You do not need to RSVP to attend, but you will need to be on time to participate. 

Healthcare training program

The NRWIB is currently offering training opportunities in the following fields:

  • Patient Care Technician
  • Central Sterile Processing
  • Emergency Medical Technician
  • Certified Nurse’s Aide
  • Community Health Worker

CT WHISP Program

Connecticut Workforce & High-Tech Industry Skills Partnership (CTWhisp) Program offers a variety of IT career training at schools such as Naugatuck Valley Community College and Patrick’s Academy.

Naugatuck Valley Community College in partnership with the Northwest Regional Workforce Investment Board is offering grant-funded, short-term (15 weeks), IT course clusters aligned with industry certifications and supportive services. Clusters include Networking, Programming, Systems, Software and Project Management. Each IT cluster has been mapped to Microsoft and/or CompTIA certifications. The course clusters are offered free of charge to eligible CTWHISP participants. Additional services include enrollment assistance, academic advising, and employment services. In addition to gaining skills and stackable credentials, participants at NVCC will earn between 9-12 college credits that may be used towards a degree.

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