Your Chamber Opportunities - January 17, 2024

Please note, Membership Payments are due by 1/31/24. Second notices have been mailed, please call The Chamber office if you have a question at 856-351-2245.

Thursday Evening - Join Area Business Leaders for GREAT Networking at the Penns Grove Elks Lodge

First Presbyterian Church of Salem Welcomes The Community to Upcoming Events

First Presbyterian Church of Salem lists upcoming events, all are welcome!

Thai Chi Class - Every Tuesday at 11am held in the Church Annex. Rev. Dr. Gary Cecil is certified and teaches the class. Wear comfortable clothing.

January 14, 2024 at 3:00 in the Sanctuary

Delaware Valley Opera Company Presents Glen Carol Menotti’s Amahl And The Night Visitors & Community Carol Sing

This is a free event and all are welcome.

First Presbyterian Church of Salem offers a handicapped accessible elevator to reach the sanctuary. Parking is available on street or in the lot behind the Church.

First Presbyterian Church of Salem

Rev. Dr. Gary Cecil, Pastor

88 Market Street

Salem, NJ 08079


Services every Sunday at 11am - all are welcome

Salem Health & Wellness Foundation Seeks Proposals for Salem Public Health Fellowship Grant

The Salem Health and Wellness Foundation is seeking proposals for a Salem Public Health Fellowship grant opportunity. Attached you will find the formal Request for Proposals. This is a new opportunity and is part of the Foundation’s efforts to engage more actively with Salem community partners interested in system improvement and system change projects. The due date for eligible applicants is Friday, March 8th, 2024, by 5:00 pm. The Foundation will host a pre-proposal conference for applicants for the project and to answer any questions about the Fellowship. The funding amount for year one of this effort will be $50,000, with continued funding contingent on the progress made in the first year.


The Fellowship can address any public health, safety or wellness issue in Salem County. The applicants must have a presence in Salem County and must be providing services and/or supports to Salem County citizens. Additionally, the ideal candidate should the organizational history and capacity to manage complex projects. 


The Foundation is seeking applicants who will propose a project that goes beyond an individual program and provides a path towards innovation and change for the purpose of improving outcomes in a way that can be sustained and brought to scale. The organization can add to or supplement the amount committed to the Fellowship. However, all the Foundation's grant dollars must be spent on the Fellowship. There are also funds to support some of the organization’s administrative costs for the effort.


You are invited to a virtual Q+A session to be held on Monday, January 22nd, 2024, at 2:00 pm. Please see the following Zoom link to attend:


If you have any questions about this opportunity, please reach out to me or Paul. Have a great weekend!


Emily Hernandez

Grants Administrator

856-299-4460 ext. 101

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers


BBQ Slider King at Farmers & Bankers Brewing

Slider King Food Truck at Farmers & Bankers Brewing 

2 - 8 pm

New Year, New Excursions at Woodstown Central Rail

Here are the click-through links to add with the email:

The BYO & Cheese Excursion >

The Continental Excursion >

The Twilight Limited Excursion >

Learn More about our other Excursions >

Learn More about P City Bakery >

Learn More about Salem Oak Vineyards >


January 17 at Farmers & Bankers Brewing

Atlantic City Beer Festival Ticket Event (image attached)

Are you looking to score tickets to The Atlantic City Beer & Music Festival, save some loot and have a beer on US?!

We have you covered, join the Good Time Tricycle Crew on Wednesday, January 17th at one of New Jersey’s favorite breweries, Farmers & Bankers Brewing for our ticket and beer promo!

At this event, you can grab your tickets for $75 +(taxes 12.6%) ABSOLUTELY NO TICKETMASTER FEES!!! This saves you $14 per ticket. 

PLUS, your first craft beer is on us (1 beer token per transaction, no takeout, or flights)

Wednesday, January 17th 

Only at Farmers & Bankers Brewing 

8 N Main St. Woodstown, NJ 08098

6pm – 8pm ONLY! 

New Listings from Kirsten Oravec

February 1, 2024 State of the County Update Luncheon

This event is always completely sold out. Don't wait, register today to attend Click HERE

If you would prefer an invoice, please call The Chamber office at 856-351-2245 or email

February 8, 2024 Morning Coffee and Connections Networking Hosted & Sponsored by the Forman Acton Foundation

Join us for great networking, you'll be amazed how many new business connections you'll make.

Please The Chamber office at 856-351-2245 or email

February 9, 2024 Business Education Workshop "Get the Life You Deserve - Find Your It"

Getting the life you deserve, what is it? How do you obtain it? What does it look like? Would you recognize it? Is it a result of fate or luck? Is it a result of hard work?

Join us as we learn tips and best practices for establishing priorities, setting goals, and building a plan for success.

This opportunity is included in your Membership package, courtesy of our Sponsors

Atlantic City Electric

Salem Community College

PSEG Nuclear

Please RSVP with your intention to attend by calling The Chamber office at 856-351-2245 or email

February 10 at Farmers & Bankers Brewing

Arts and Crafts at Farmers and Bankers Brewing

Saturday, Feb 10

Reservations here:


February 24, 2024 Habitat for Humanity Pocketbook Bingo

Hope that you are having a great start to 2024! Habitat is kicking off the first quarter with another fun filled Pocketbook Bingo event!

The past events have been extremely successful and have raised enough funds each time to fund the foundation for one new home! We are building 2 homes this year in Salem County, one in Manninton and one in Penns Grove. We have selected the families and they are very excited to get started as soon as the weather warms up a bit!!! 


Your donation of $100 sponsors a pocketbook which is recognized on our social media and very nicely displayed at the event. Our past Bingo events have hosted over 300 fun filled bingo players!


OR a gift card for your business to include in our Gift Card Wreath - great way to find a new client!


I have attached a letter of request and hope that you can support us with either a monetary donation or gift card for our gift card wreath! Please send your check or drop off a gift card to me at the address below or contact me and someone from our Fund Raising Committee will stop by!


If you would like to attend, here is the link - tickets sell out quickly so don't hesitate if you are considering attending! Reservations for groups of 8 or more!


Thank you for you past and future support - we truly appreciate you!!!

Sue Ann



Sue Ann Leighty, Executive Director

Habitat for Humanity of Salem County, NJ

416 S. Pennsville Auburn Road

Carneys Point, NJ 08069

856 299-7995 office

856 514-3126 fax

February 27, Salem Family Success Center's Healthy Heart Health Fair

The Salem Family Success Center will be hosting a Healthy Heart Health Fair on Tuesday, February 27, 2024. It will be located at: the Salem Family Success Center,14 New Market Street, Salem, NJ 08079 from 11am-1p.m. I am enclosing a Vendor Participation Form (attached), if you are interested in attending to do screenings, be our guest Speaker or be a part of it in anyway

please complete the form, email or fax it to Daffonie Moore at or Fax to (856) 935-0897. 


Feel free to call (856) 935-8768 for any inquiries.


Looking forward to your participation.


Best Regards,

Daffonie Moore

Family Worker

Salem Family Success Center

14 New Market Street, Salem, NJ 08079

P)856-935-8768 x 2124



March 8, 2024 First Annual Bankers & Brokers Economic Forum

The Salem County Bankers and Brokers Economic Forum has been created to empower our rural community with knowledge, connections and the inspiration it needs to thrive economically. The Chamber is committed to creating and delivering an informative, valuable and enjoyable morning that encourages and highlights growth, fosters relationships and fuels economic prosperity for our community. 

There will be ample time for networking as well as hearing informative presentations from area leaders, lenders and real estate brokers. 

Confirmed program participants include:

Keynote Updates

Hon. Ed Ramsay, County of Salem Board of Commissioners

Christina Renna, President, Chamber of Commerce of Southern NJ

Tim Sullivan, Chief Executive Officer, New Jersey Economic Development Authority

Discussion Panelists

Leor Hemo, President & CEO, Vantage Commercial Real Estate

Kevin Gibala, Regional Vice President & Director of Business Banking, TD Bank

John Bibeau, Regional Developer

We are offering Sponsorships and Vendor Display spaces, for complete details Click HERE

Payment may be made for Sponsorships or Vendor tables via this link:

Special thanks to our planning team, they are working diligently to create a high value event to showcase Salem County

Chris Hooks, Broker/Owner, The Pino Agency - Committee Chair & Event Concept Creator

Rob Bender, Chief Lending Officer, First National Bank of Elmer

Lou Joyce, Director, South Jersey Economic Development District

Annie McClash, Manager, Fulton Bank

Christy Myers, The Christy Myers Group at American Dream Realty

Kirsten Oravec, Realtor, HomeSmart First Advantage Realty

Fred Young, Executive Director, Salem County Department of Economic Development

March 14, 2024 Power Hour Networking Lunch at Nellie's Food Lounge - Seeking Sponsors

Join us for lunch and great networking.

We are seeking Sponsors to cover the cost of lunch. Three Sponsorships are available at $200.

Networking event Sponsorships include:

Event Sponsorships - $200 each

Sponsor logos are included on the event invitation. Sponsors have the opportunity to provide a 2 minute “Sponsor Minute” at the event and may bring brochures/chachkas for distribution. The $200 cost pays for the event refreshments. To reserve your Sponsorship Click HERE

To RSVP to attend call The Chamber office at 856-351-2245 or email

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