Please Welcome Our Newest Member, Center for Wildlife Studies!
The Center for Wildlife Studies (CWS) is a Maine-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose global mission is to provide accessible environmental education and promote wildlife conservation through science. CWS advances wildlife conservation by equipping students and professionals around the globe with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to be successful leaders in wildlife research, conservation, management, and education. CWS's three main activities include:
1. Providing specialized training for wildlife researchers, conservation specialists, natural resource professionals, and environmental educators.
2. Supporting wildlife research efforts to advance our scientific understanding of the natural world and to inform conservation efforts, resource management, and policy.
3. Delivering education programs to local communities to encourage environmental awareness and stewardship.
Funds from the race will go to supporting wildlife conservation in Maine and CWS's commitment to deliver community education programs in the region to encourage environmental awareness and stewardship. Find out more about the their team, their research and specialized course offerings, and their local education programs today!
36 High Street, Camden, ME 04843 | 330-703-4280 |
Recent New Members:
Searsport Self Storage | Fon's Kitchen | The Parsonage Gallery
Jon Linn Aerial Photography | Central Maine Power Co.