It's starting to feel like summer in Revelstoke and the change of season brings other changes as well.

We'll be undergoing a change in leadership for the Chamber as I have issued my letter of resignation, stepping back from day-to-day operations effective June 24, and then a full exit for August 31. It is time for a new leader to bring fresh energy and a renewed enthusiasm to continue the hard work that we have achieved over the past 2.5 years during my tenure.

Recruitment for a new Executive Director will begin soon- there are many strong and amazing people who live in Revelstoke or would LOVE to live in Revelstoke, and I am confident that our Board of Directors will find the right person to work with them. There are many learning opportunities ahead for the new Executive Director, as they will work alongside a tremendous group of community leaders on our Board.

It has been an absolute privilege to serve my home town community, even through and especially during the most difficult times throughout the pandemic. Serving the membership allowed me to do work that was impactful and I am grateful that I was afforded this opportunity.

Revelstoke continues to evolve and change and I would encourage every member of the Chamber to remember that your voice matters, and that together you are stronger as one membership. A group of 377 businesses and organizations most certainly can provide valuable insight and should be heard on issues that affect Revelstoke. It has been my philosophy that the Chamber can be helpful as a resource, sounding board, and partner to other organizations. We've been here for 127 years so far, and the organization will continue to do great things. The rewards are in the sound knowledge that we've helped many businesses and organizations whether the recent storms, with a small but mighty team and a lot of heart. Exciting things lie ahead for the Revelstoke Chamber of Commerce- of this I am sure.

Best wishes for continued success,
Stacey Brensrud | Executive Director

We've collected about 75% of our membership renewals and are sending out your newly formatted certificate, complete with our corporate seal. We're also including a digital badge for you to use on your website and social channels if you'd like. Watch your email for the incoming files.
Thank you for you renewals, and if you haven't already remitted payment, please do so as soon as possible. The Chamber was able to forgive some invoices during 2020 and 2021 as we were receiving some COVID-19 funding support, but we are no longer in the position to continue this practice. We sure need every member and we would love to keep you on board.
Please provide accurate information about your business or organization. Click here to update your Member Profile.
Starbucks Coffee Canada | starbucks.ca/careers
"We like to say that we are not in the coffee business serving people, but in the people business serving coffee. Our employees – who we call partners – are at the heart of the Starbucks experience. We are committed to making our partners proud and investing in their health, well-being and success and to creating a culture of belonging where everyone is welcome."
Revy Riders Dirtbike Club | facebook.com/revyriders
"We are a not-for-profit dirtbike club, supporting the Revelstoke Dirtbike community. We engage in our community and bring in tourism dollars every summer non-directly with the club."

Tourism Revelstoke is looking for feedback and engagement on their next 5-year Tourism Strategic Business Plan. As part of their industry consultation process, please join them for live music & libations at the Spring Tourism Stakeholder Open House.

When: May 31, 2022
Where: Revelstoke Railway Museum
Time: 4:30pm-6:30pm
Cost: FREE

For those who cannot attend the open house, Tourism Revelstoke is asking for stakeholder feedback on their draft strategy by June 1. Don't miss the opportunity to have your say.
We won't be having a June Luncheon as both the Executive Director and Chamber President will be away attending the BC Chamber AGM. We're working on an Après and will send out an email once details are confirmed.

We have a great speaker lined up for September's luncheon- if your business would like to present or host a luncheon or après event, please contact info@revelstokechamber.com.
The 2022 Banff Mountain Film Festival exceeded our expectations. This is a fundraiser for the Chamber, and we were able to raise more money this year than in previous years, thanks to all attendees, volunteers, sponsors and donors.

Huge thanks to Revelstoke Review, Shearing Consultants Limited, Revy Outdoors, Revelstoke Credit Union, Apex Rafting, The Copeland and of course to our event partner Roxy Theatre Revelstoke!

Community Futures Revelstoke has added one more in-person workshop for the popular Revelstoke Ready program. They are offering a short 1 hour workshop which will help guide you to having your business/organization prepared for any emergency that could come your way.

There are two times to choose from on June 1st, click here to register and then complete the simple forms and get entered for your chance to win big!
Onboarding new staff for the summer? Interested in free, high-quality, Revelstoke-specific training for your team? The NEW Revelstoke Summer Ambassador Program is now available for you and your team! Click here to learn more.
Small Business BC, in partnership with WorkSafeBC, has announced the return of an annual highlight in their educational calendar – June FREE Education Month. Click here to learn more or visit our calendar to register. More events will be added this week - check back for more courses.
There's still help available free of charge to all businesses and organizations in Revelstoke via the Chamber's Business Outreach Program, funded by ETSI-BC. Please reach out to Carolyn Gibson at (250) 814-3952 or to the Chamber at info@revelstokechamber.com and we can help you with questions or refer you to the right organization to provide the support you might be looking for.
The Chamber offered Board Governance Training to several different non-profits and we were blown away by the response, having 20 attendees for our first course. This validates that there is room to further support our volunteers by arming them with the tools they need to continue to give to our community.

Due to high demand of this course, we have started a waitlist for a second round of sessions. If you or your Board of Directors want to improve and streamline your organization, be educated on roles, duties, and responsibilities as Directors, contact us here, we invite all Board Directors from all local non-profits to attend.
Learn how to take full advantage of your Chamber membership by exploring your options here.
Our team has bid farewell to Mr. Rowan Hargreaves, who was our interim Visitor Experience Manager. Rowan was a key asset to our organizations and will be missed. We are very pleased to welcome back Guylaine St-Gelais from her maternity leave toward the end of June.

Special thanks to Tourism Revelstoke for all the support given to the Chamber during this transitional phase!
The Revelstoke Chamber of Commerce gratefully acknowledges that we live, work and play on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territories of the Sinixt, Ktunaxa, Secwepemc and the Syilx peoples.