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Chamber Notebook Article:

Miss Harbor Cities Organization, Inc.

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Photo: Miss Maritime Bay’s Outstanding Teen 2020, Brooklyn Heyn (left); Miss Harbor Cities’ Outstanding Teen 2020, Ellie Krohn (center); and Miss Harbor Cities 2020 Katrina Mazier (right) ringing bells for the Salvation Army Kettle.

The Miss Harbor Cities Scholarship Organization was formed in 2014 as a local preliminary scholarship competition to Miss Wisconsin and Miss America. The Miss America Organization is the largest provider of scholarship assistance to young women in the United States, awarding millions of dollars annually in cash awards and in-kind scholarships.

Each year, young women ages 13-26 from across the state of Wisconsin come to Manitowoc to compete in this competition for the titles of Miss Harbor Cities and Miss Harbor Cities’ Outstanding Teen. In 2020 & 2022, the title of Miss Maritime Bay’s Outstanding teen was also added! The winners not only receive scholarships to continue their education, but also go on to represent the Manitowoc-Two Rivers area at the annual Miss Wisconsin and Miss Wisconsin’s Outstanding Teen competitions held in June, in Oshkosh, WI.

Photo Below: Miss Maritime Bay’s Outstanding Teen 2020, Brooklyn Heyn (right); Miss Harbor Cities’ Outstanding Teen 2020, Ellie Krohn (left); ride in the Lakeshore Holiday Parade.

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The Miss Harbor Cities Organization, a recognized 501(c)3, provides scholarship assistance to young women ages 13-26, fosters mentorship and professional development opportunities, and supports social impact initiatives in the communities we serve. This year’s competition will be held Sunday, February 27, 2022 at the Capitol Civic Centre at 4 p.m. and is open to the public. The show will feature Miss Wisconsin and the organization will host a silent auction and raffle. Tickets are on sale via Eventbrite.

Former Miss Harbor Cities include: Michelle Neumann (2014); Jessica Johnson (2015); Tianna Vanderhei (2016); Alyssa Bohm (2017); Serena Larie (2018); Sarah Niehueser (2019); and Katrina Mazier (2020/2021). Former Miss Harbor Cities’ Outstanding Teens include: Sloan Schmitz (2014); Sophia Pollman (2015); Sarah Niehauser (2016); Grace Stanke (2017); Olivia Lulich (2018); Zoe Rucinsky (2019); and Ellie Krohn (2020/2021) and Miss Maritime Bay’s Outstanding Teen, Brooklyn Heyn (2020/2021). In 2017, as Miss Harbor Cities’ Outstanding Teen, Grace Stanke won the title of Miss Wisconsin’s Outstanding Teen; in 2018, Tianna Vanderhei (Miss Harbor Cities 2016) won the title of Miss Wisconsin and in 2019, and Alyssa

Bohm (Miss Harbor Cities 2017) won the title of Miss Wisconsin.

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The Miss Harbor Cities Scholarship Organization is always open to collaboration and partnerships within the community. If you are interested in sponsorship, partnering, volunteering, donating, having Miss Harbor Cities, Miss Harbor Cities Outstanding Teen or Miss Maritime Bay’s Outstanding Teen at an upcoming event or virtual appearance (including virtual classrooms), or have any ideas you want to discuss, please reach out to the Miss Harbor Cities Scholarship Organization at

Photo: Miss Maritime Bay’s Outstanding Teen 2020, Brooklyn Heyn (right); Miss Harbor Cities’ Outstanding Teen 2020, Ellie Krohn (left); on board the USS Cobia for Subfest.

To learn more about the Miss Harbor Cities Scholarship Organization visit or on Facebook at or on Instagram.

(All photos courtesy of MHC Organization.)

“The Chamber of Manitowoc County, with its publishing of The Chamber NOTEBOOK, provides space for Chamber members to present information about their business. The publishing of this information is in no way intended as showing preference for that business by The Chamber.”
