Another new year is here! Have you made any new resolutions? An Olympic Gold Medalist said recently that she doesn't make any New Year's Resolutions, she makes 365, because every day is a new beginning and a fresh start. How insightful is that? We are excited for 2021 here at the Chamber and the possibility of growth and development for all of us.
We will continue with our #mystreetmyneighbour initiative and would like to feature your business! If I have not contacted you yet, please feel free to contact me to set up a time for us to come by to record your video. This is such a great opportunity to share what your business offers and for others in the community to see those that operate it.
We also issued many certificates during the holiday season to promote local shopping. They may show up at your store within the coming weeks. Please gather them together and bring them by the office and we will provide you with payment for them.
As always, please feel free to email me or give me a call if you ever have any questions.
Best wishes to all of you in 2021!