Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce

Health & Wellness Newsletter
November 2015
Welcome to the Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce Health & Wellness Newsletter

We are very excited to announce the newest addition to the Chamber's benefit lineup, our quarterly Health & Wellness Newsletter.  

Our goal is to bring you easy access to today's top apps, latest wellness information, healthy recipes and top exercise trends with a focus on giving you and your employees the tools and resources to stay happy and healthy.

Why are we doing this?  
  • The healthiest employees are three times more productive than unhealthy employees.
  • Healthy workers are also 9x less likely to be out sick.
  • A healthy, productive workforce means....
    • Fewer sick days
    • Less employee turnover
    • Better focus on the job
    • Higher job performance
    • A more POSITIVE work attitude
Our first newsletter will focus on the holiday season which we are soon embarking on.  This time of year, we all are very busy professionally and personally, so we hope you enjoy the quick articles and tools to make your season bright!


The MCCC Healthcare Council Steering Committee
Mindfulness during the Holidays

Is the holiday season stressful or even lonely? Heard about the scientific benefits of  mindfulness but just don't see how you could fit it in? Especially during the holidays? We often mistakenly think  meditation requires sitting in lotus posture, preferably on a lotus flower in the middle of a still lake in Thailand with birds chirping in the background.  Although that would be nice, it's clearly not always possible and the good news is that it's not necessary either! No matter what we are doing-whether it is commuting or traveling, eating or talking, sitting around or doing chores, each of these activities presents an opportunity for mindfulness! Here are 6 easy ways to integrate mindfulness into your holidays (and any day)!   This information was provided by Psychology Today  click on the link for more information.
Deskercise!  33 Ways to Exercise at Work

Remember the days when "work" meant manual labor with a side of blood, sweat, and tears? Neither do we. These days it seems we're more likely to log hour after idle hour with our bums glued to our seats. And while you may be an Excel champ by day and gym rat by night, recent research suggests that the recommended  30 minutes of cardio  five times per week may not undo the  health risks  of a sedentary lifestyle.   Read the whole story at greatist.com !
Issue: 1
In This Issue
Featured Recipe

Roasted Pork Tenderloin with Red Pepper Pesto

Brought to you by:
Tuscany Grill, Middletown
Featured App

The Headspace app
 is a gym membership for your mind!
Featured Exercise

A 10-minute Workout You Can Do Every Day (No Equipment Necessary)
Featured Event

Join the Women's Business Alliance event "Losing it for the Holidays"

Click here for more information.
Apps to Make Life Easier...


You know when you're browsing online and see something you love and don't want to forget? What do you do -- email it to yourself? Print it out and put it in a binder? Bookmark it on your computer? Now there's a simple way to compile all of the great things you find online -- from clothes to DIY  home  ideas to inspiration for your  bathroom remodel  -- on  Pinterest !

When you're in a store, scan a product's bar code and  RedLaser will tell you if the item can be found at a better price at a nearby store or online. RedLaser also can keep product lists, which is helpful when you're, say, shopping for food and gifts at the same time. 

If you do a lot of notetaking, attend multiple meetings during the week, and collaborate with others on projects, then OneNote can keep that flood of info neat and tidy. All your notes-even words in pictures-are searchable inside OneNote, and they're stored in the cloud and immediately accessible via the OneNote apps for any platform.

If you have a successful wellness story you would like to share, please let us know! 

Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce
www.middlesexchamber.com                  [email protected]            (860) 347-9504