Mon Jul 22 - Ribbon Cutting at 1:15 PM for
Camp High Hopes, 5804 Correctionville Rd. Camp High Hopes will unveil their newest fun feature, a giant swing.
Thur Jul 25 - Ribbon Cutting at 4:30 PM for
Shari Black, Independent Consultant for Mary Kay, 420 Pierce St. Shari Black is celebrating the opening of her storefront, the Pink Parlour, to showcase her products. Open house following the ribbon cutting until 8:00 PM.
Fri Jul 26 - Ribbon Cutting at 11:00 AM for
McDonald's, 5707 Sunnybrook Drive. They are celebrating the completion of their remodel.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM
Long Lines Family Rec Center
3rd Floor Conference Room
401 Gordon Drive
Learn how to effectively navigate the financial aspects of operating a nonprofit, including taxes and the IRS Form 990, visit with local tax professionals, and network with other nonprofit leaders.
The forum is free to attend, with an optional $10 lunch. Space is limited, so please RSVP to
McKenzie Matasovsky and include whether or not you would like lunch ordered.
Friday, July 26, 2019
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Siouxland Chamber Office
701 Pierce St., Ste. 100
(on-street parking available)
What happens when your wife’s grandpa gets a
Mr. Beer Kit
for Christmas and you ask too many questions…you become an entrepreneur and open a brewery! Join us for our next Entrepreneur Hour and learn how
Erik Martin
managed a full-time job as a 911 operator, a wife and family, and competed in local entrepreneur competitions to make his dream of opening
Marto Brewery
a reality.
Listen to past Entrepreneur Hours
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
8:00 AM to 9:00 AM
Siouxland Chamber Office
701 Pierce St., Ste. 100
(on-street parking available)
"Ransomware is here to stay.
What is your defense?"
presented by
Corey Munson, Vice President of
Marketing, PC Matic
Attendees will learn what is driving the ransomware epidemic and how ransomware infections happen and how they can be prevented.
Thur Jul 25 -
Walk to End Alzheimer’s® Kick-Off Event
hosted by the Alzheimer's Association at Famous Dave's, 201 Pierce St., from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Join the Alzheimer's Association for appetizers and 20% off your lunch and learn more about their upcoming
Walk to End Alzheimer’s®. RSVP to Jill at
Fri Jul 26 & Sat Jul 27 - Commercial Chaos for a Cure Two Day Truck Event benefiting the June E. Nylen Cancer Center in Sanborn, Iowa. Event includes a Truck Pull & Light Show, Poker Run and a Truck Show. For exact times and more information click
Tue Aug 6 - Alzheimer's Caregiver Support Group
hosted by The Heritage at Northern Hills, 4002 Teton Trace in the Chapel Room, 6:00 PM. Support Group meetings are held the 1st Tuesday of each month.
Fri Sep 13 - 2019 Golf Classic hosted by Connections Area Agency on Aging at the Dodge Riverside Golf Club in Council Bluffs. To register or find out more click
What are you currently most excited about with your work/career?
I'm most excited about the brand new hotel connected to our Convention Center - what a great addition to the Siouxland area!
What is your motto or favorite quote?
Good leaders are trailblazers, making a path for others to follow. Great leaders, however, inspire their people to reach higher, dream bigger, and achieve greater. Perhaps the most important leadership skill you can develop is the ability to provide inspiration to your team.
What are you looking forward to in the next 10 years?
I'm looking forward to the growth and development of our downtown area.
Sarah Vander Pol
Doon, IA 51235
Laura Pedersen, Owner/Designer
5705 Old Lakeport Rd.
Sioux City, IA 51106
Tyler Andersen, Realtor
100 Virginia St.
Sioux City, IA 51101
The following businesses and organizations are observing milestone anniversaries as Siouxland Chamber of Commerce investors.
40 Years
Abu Bekr Shrine Temple
35 Years
Morningside Dental Clinic
Southern Hills Eyecare
30 Years
IowaWORKS Greater Siouxland
River City Amusement Company
25 Years
Heritage Bank NA
The Heritage at Northern Hills Independent Living LLC
20 Years
KC Engineering, P.C.
KPTH - Fox 44
Midwest Alarm
15 Years
Waterbury Funeral Service
10 Years
Premier Realty Group
1 Year
Buena Vista University
Lakeport Dental Care
McDonalds Restaurants of Siouxland-Morningside
McDonalds Restaurants of Siouxland-Singing Hills
NCP Management LLC
Pella Gateway LLC
People Ready
Ward Electric Company
How many years has
your business been in Siouxland?
We have been in Siouxland for a little over 10 years.
What services do you offer?
We offer free therapeutic and educational programming to individuals with Down syndrome and their families.
What is a fun or surprising fact about your business?
Down syndrome is the largest chromosomal disability in our country and yet, it is the least funded.
Sioux Gateway Airport announces temporary airfield closures to accommodate the 17/35 Runway Reconstruction Project.
Planned closures are:
Thur Aug 15 at 8:00 AM through Sun Aug 18 at 8:00 PM
Fri Aug 23 at 8:00 AM through Sun Aug 25 at 8:00 PM
Sat Sep 14 at 8:00 AM through Sun Sep 15 at 8:00 PM