Crews will continue work on utilities next week with a focus on switching over water services and the installation of electrical and communications conduit, stormwater infrastructure, and duct bank.
Water tie-in work is anticipated to take place early next week and will require water service disruptions. Temporary water services disruptions are anticipated to last for approximately 4 hours and impact businesses and residents along portions of Lyman Avenue (Monday, December 19), Morse Place and Batchelder Street (Wednesday, December 21), and Ferguson Avenue (Thursday, December 22) all east of Foster Street. Impacted businesses and residents will be notified 48 hours in advance by Burlington Water Resources.
Crews will continue installing duct bank along Briggs Street and Home Avenue. The installation of stormwater infrastructure will continue between Flynn and Home Avenues. Crews will continue installing stormwater infrastructure along Briggs Street working south. In addition, crews will begin installing stormwater infrastructure along the connecting streets on Ferguson Avenue, Lyman Avenue, and Morse Place.
Next week, crews will be installing electrical and communications conduit along Ferguson and Lyman Avenues. This work will require service connections to residences over the upcoming weeks. A member of the Champlain Parkway project team will be reaching out to property owners in advance to schedule service connections.
Work will continue off the roadway in the area between Sears Lane and Flynn Avenue. Crews will continue working on the stormwater detention pond and installing the drainage and subbase on the area near the box culvert.
Independent utility companies will be onsite over the next several weeks relocating existing utilities. Next week, Consolidated Communications, BED, and Burlington Telecom will be completing cutovers on Flynn Avenue.