Masthead with words Solutions The Newsletter

December 8, 2024

Checking out of residence halls for winter break: The last person leaving your dorm room should visit

What's New

Interested in Group Fitness Training?

Let Rec and Fitness Know!

The Recreation and Fitness team is looking to start group training sessions during the spring semester! 

Please complete this interest form, and watch for announcements about when the training sessions will begin. 

Once confirmed, sessions will be 75-90 minutes, once per week. Classes will be limited to 8-10 participants per session. 

Entrance to eat Cafe and Bites with a large metallic letters on a glossy black tiled wall

Resident Students Can Change Meal Plans, Commuters Can Add Meal Plans Through January 24

The deadline to change your meal plan for the spring semester is Friday, January 24. Visit the Meal Plan Selection Form to review meal plan options and make your selection for the upcoming semester. Commuter students are also welcome to add meal plans using the same form.

If you'd like to discuss which plan would best fit your needs, email or

Grad Students Encouraged to Apply for Broughton Fellowship;

Applications Due February 9, 2025

The Broughton Graduate Fellowship is an award for advanced scholarly research by graduate students. Students may apply as an individual or a team.

The fellowship committee updated the 2025-2026 Broughton Graduate Fellowship guidelines and application. The application deadline is February 9, 2025.

The provost's office encourages interested graduate students to apply for this prestigious award and be attentive to the details provided in the guidelines and application. Email Kathy McLaughlin in the provost's office with questions. 

outdoor close up of iron railings with greenery and stone stairs and a snowy sidewalk with person walking away in distance

From the Nutrition Department:

Grad and Undergrad Research Participants Needed

Researchers in the Nutrition Science department are conducting a study to understand what proportion of college students experience food insecurity and how it impacts their education and well-being. The researchers hope to use the findings to make recommendations on policies and the use of food assistance resources available to college students. If you agree, you are invited to participate in an online survey that will take about 10-15 minutes.

Participation in this study is voluntary, and your identity as a participant will remain anonymous during and after the study. All students aged 18 or older, enrolled in a two-year, four-year, or graduate degree program, and residing in the US are eligible to participate. You are welcome to forward this survey to others who may be interested and eligible.

If you have questions, please contact Assistant Professor Laura McClure at

A group of people standing behind piles of folded clothes

Women's Soccer Organizing Clothing Drive

The women's soccer team is holding a clothing drive to benefit local charities. Look for donation bins in KCC and the Armory in Albany and McKinstry in Troy. The clothing drive runs January 10-27.

From IT: Stay Cybersafe During the Holidays; Survey Reminder

The holiday season is full of excitement, but it's also prime time for cybercriminals looking to take advantage of your festive shopping and online activity. This year, make sure cybersecurity is at the top of your list. Check out IT's December newsletter with tips to stay cybersafe.

Thank you to everyone who has completed the IT survey. If you haven't done so yet there is still time to complete the survey before it closes on Friday, December 13.

Banner for the 2025 Rensselaer County SART Conference with topics listed Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault and Crime Analysis Centers and Use in Sexual Assault Investigations and Vicarious Trauma and Self Care

Registration Open for Rensselaer County Sexual Assault Response Team Conference, January 9, Troy Campus. FREE!

Students invited! A limited quantity of tickets has been reserved for the RSC community. Reserve your seat by January 2 by following the steps below.  

NOTE: It says "sold out" next to the RSC community option, but you will be able to add the ticket with the promo code and the steps below:

  • Visit the registration link
  • Click "Get tickets"  
  • Type "gator" in the promo code box
  • Click "Apply"
  • Add your ticket to your cart
  • Complete registration questions and submit!

You will receive a confirmation email with more details about the event. If you do not receive this email or have any questions, please email

four people standing with string instruments next to a person leaning on a table.

Students Can Attend Concerts for Free

Friends of Chamber Music of Troy, New York has invited Russell Sage students to attend any of their concerts for free (with a student ID). Tickets for the general public are $35, so this is a generous offer.

The next performance is Catalyst Quartet with Stewart Goodyear on Sunday, December 15, at 3 p.m. in the Massry Center for the Arts at The College of Saint Rose campus.

Upcoming performances also include:

  • Baltimore Consort - The Food of Love: Songs, Dances, and Fancies for Shakespeare, Sunday, January 12, at 3 p.m., Main Stage, Performing Arts Center, University at Albany
  • Tetzlaff Quartet - Medicus Memorial Concert, Wednesday, March 26, 7 p.m., Main Stage, Performing Arts Center, University at Albany

See the Friends of Chamber Music website for more details. The Friends of Chamber Music has presented world-class performances featuring groups of national and international repute and breakout performances by up-and-coming ensembles since its founding in 1949.

Way to Go!

smiling woman in glasses

Returning Student Finishes Degree She Started Nearly 20 Years Ago

This month, Liza Kerwin will finish the bachelor's in Sociology that she started nearly 20 years ago. Read more about Kerwin and what inspired her return to RSC.

Congratulations to all December graduates!

Three adults and two children on stage set with black and white photos in background

In the News

Read Q&A: 5 Questions with David Baecker of 'A Christmas Story' at Cohoes' Playhouse Stage on the Daily Gazette's Nippertown event site.

Baecker was also interviewed for A musical version of A Christmas Story at Cohoes Music Hall, which appeared in The Troy Record and The Saratogian, and he spoke about reuniting with RSC graduate Nick Martiniano and Theatre Institute at Sage actor Jack Holick for a writeup on

women with glasses and closed mouth smile faces camera with neckline of green dress visible

OT Professor Honored

Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy Leslie Bennett has been named to the American Occupational Therapy Association’s Roster of Fellows. The award recognizes Bennett’s contributions as an ethical leader shaping future occupational therapy practitioners. She will be formally honored at the association’s annual Inspire Conference, to be held in Philadelphia in April 2025.


Three snowboarders giving a high five on a snowy mountain slope with mountains and a cabin in the background

Volunteer with SHRED on the Slopes:

Sign Ups Close December 9

SHRED is a local organization with a mission to provide life skills and career paths to marginalized youth through snowboarding. RSC's Recreation and Fitness team is organizing SHRED volunteers for Sundays, January 12-March 23. Find more information and a signup form or email with questions. 

PT researchers seeking volunteers for study: Do you know someone who qualifies?: Researchers from Physical Therapy are evaluating the effectiveness of low-level laser therapy on pain in individuals with painful peripheral diabetic neuropathy. They are seeking individuals between 40 and 70 years old with a diagnosis of painful peripheral diabetic neuropathy and the ability to walk with or without an assistive device to participate. Participants will be compensated $50 for their time. Reach out to Associate Professor of Physical Therapy Rupali Singh at or 518-244-4550.

Gator Bite Specials from Papa Johns: Thanks to a partnership with the athletics department, Papa Johns on New Scotland Avenue is offering two Gator Bite specials. Order at or call 518-438-7272:

  • Two medium one-topping pizzas for $5.99 each; must buy in group of two (code: gator1).
  • Medium one-topping pizza and bread or garlic parm sticks for $12.98 (code: gator2).

Discounts for RSC students: Receive a discount at businesses in Troy with your RSC ID. Find a list of merchants and discounts.

Hope to hear from YOU! Email with photos, events, achievements, or other news you would like us to consider including in the college newsletters.

Have questions?: There are Solutions desks in each library, where you can ask anything. Stop by, call 518-244-2020, or email*

*Unless you have something you would like us to consider for Solutions: The Newsletter! In that caseplease email by Wednesday for the following Sunday's newsletter.

Office Hours

Some of the places listed below may not return to regular hours until the spring semester begins on January 21, 2025. Please reach out to before you make a special trip to the campuses during winter break.

Campuses will be completely closed December 18-January 1.


Freddie's, Kahl Campus Center, Lower Level (Albany)

McClellan Student Center, McKinstry Hall (Troy)

Open daily, noon-9 p.m.

Commuter Lounge, Hart Hall (Troy)

7:30 a.m.-9 p.m.


Armory Fitstop (Albany)

McKinstry Fitness Center (Troy)

Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-10 p.m.

Friday, 9 a.m.-7 p.m.

Saturday-Sunday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

NOTE: The final day of fall 2024 operation is Friday, December 6. Both facilities will resume regular hours Tuesday, January 21.


Kahl Campus Center, Lower Level (Albany)

Kellas Hall, 1st Floor (Troy)

Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.

After-Hours Care


Albany bookstore, 41 Union Drive, in the Albany College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences' Gozzo Student Center

Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Friday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

M.o.s.s. books and other provisions (Gurley Hall, Troy)

Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Friday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Have a Restful and Wonderful

Winter Break!

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