Creative New England, Online
Change is Coming to CreativeGround
"Early Light" monotype print by Kathleen DeMeo (Old Lyme, Connecticut)
Hi there, CreativeGround Community,
The upgraded CreativeGround platform is thiiiissss close to being launched. The web developers are putting final touches on the code, and the CreativeGround team is crossing our t’s and dotting our i’s on user-friendlier language throughout the site. We are planning on a soft launch before the winter holidays.
Wait- what is a soft launch? A soft launch means the refreshed site will replace the one you’re used to in the next two months, but some changes will still be in progress. We will be entirely focused on our current site users (i.e. you!) during soft launch. We’ll keep you posted as any updates go live, and we will provide tutorials, webinars, and community chats to help you all navigate the new and improved functionality. Come 2022, we'll be shouting from the rooftops - about the new CreativeGround and all of the wonderful creative people and places that call New England home. Keep an eye out for fun, easy ways NEFA, our partners, and you can spread the word about CreativeGround's blossoming into a more accessible platform for all.
We’re excited to share this major milestone - the manifestation of you and your creative neighbors’ input and dreams for an improved CreativeGround. All in pursuit of a more visible, connected, and knowledgeable New England Creative Economy Network - one that is sustainable for decades to come.
Warmest Regards,
The CreativeGround Team
Senior Program Director, Research & Creative Economy
Community Engagement Coordinator, Creative Economy
Program Administrator, Creative Economy
You might be wondering...
Should I keep making updates to my profile on the current site?
Yes! All of your info will migrate over to the new platform. Make your edits as you have capacity and materials to include.
With focus on the upgrade, is the current site still being promoted?
Yes! We're still sharing the directory on social media, at events (like the recent New England Library Association conference), and with our partners. CreativeGround is the official arts and culture directory for the six state arts agencies (SAAs) of New England. AND, CreativeGround continues to host the SAA rosters for Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. We're excited to have Maine's rosters included on the upgraded site!
Psst... We launched an Instagram! Follow us @CreativeGround.NEFA (we'll follow back!). Let us know if you'd be interested in doing an Instagram takeover to share your experience as a member of New England's creative economy.
Will the site change affect my profile's eligibility for NEFA grants?
No! Just make sure that you are meeting the profile qualifications specified on the relevant NEFA grant page. Please contact us or the appropriate grant program staff if you have any questions or concerns about how your profile is included on a grant application.
My media gallery images are displaying oddly on my profile. Help?
This issue will be resolved with the launch of the upgraded platform. The images are still in that profile's gallery; to see any images not displaying properly, the viewer needs to click on any thumbnail in the gallery and will be able to scroll through all media that you have uploaded. YouTube and Vimeo links still function by pasting the URL into the relevant fields in the Image and Video Gallery. We apologize for the inconvenience, and we promise that we are dedicating our efforts to having the new platform's functionality help you/r work shine!
Inspired to make updates to your profile now? Or claim a profile that you need to refresh?
Upcoming Opportunities from NEFA
For Artists
The Public Art Learning Fund (PALF) provides grants of $500 to $2,000 to support professional development opportunities for New England artists to strengthen their public art practices.
Deadline: December 13
New Work New England provides grants of $7,500-$15,000 directly to artists in dance, film, interdisciplinary work, music, musical theater, opera, poetry, storytelling, and theater to support making new work that will be shared with multiple New England communities.
Deadline: December 6
For Presenters
and their collaborators
New England States Touring (NEST) funds performances, readings, and screenings of work by regional, national, and international artists presented by New England-based nonprofit organizations.
Next Deadline: March 1, 2022
NEFA's 19th Annual Idea Swap
Join the virtual event on Whova Nov 17-18
The Idea Swap is an annual networking event for New England-based nonprofit cultural organizations and artists to share touring project ideas, including those that may qualify for funding from NEFA’s grant programs.
Register for the event and then submit a project idea for consideration. A selection of submitted projects will be presented at the Idea Swap.
Regional Opportunities
Your State Arts Agency
Presenters, CenterStage is booking tours for Season 6 artists. Learn more>
National Endowment for the Arts
Additional National Highlights
Morganna Becker (she/her/hers)
Community Engagement Coordinator, Creative Economy
A project of the New England Foundation for the Arts (NEFA), CreativeGround is brought to you through ongoing partnerships with the National Endowment for the Arts, the Connecticut Office of the Arts, the Maine Arts Commission, the Massachusetts Cultural Council, the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts, the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts, and the Vermont Arts Council.
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