Mary's Morning Message
~ Change or Challenge ~

Change is described as:  To make something different.  Take on a different position, course or direction.  To Replace. To make a Shift with another.  To Undergo Transformation or Transition

Challenge is described as:  To demand as something due or rightful.  To have a claim.  To call into question, dare, dispute, oppose or provoke.  To Agree to Disagree.

Humans have always gone through Change and Challenges, that can ultimately create a Cause and Effect on self, other, and to all that is. 

To Change or remain in a Challenge is a Choice of Free Will that may Produce a Placement of Positioning thyself in an Alignment of Balance producing Harmony, or a possible Dispute or Discord that may erupt into Despair.   

As this New Year opened a Gate of Goodness, it has been slated as one of those years that can be amazing. And through Trust and Faith, the Energy of New Experiences are about to occur, as the Conscious and Co-Collective beings come together as a Team of Triumph.  

Breaking the Patterns of the Old Corrupted, Clogged, Congested, and Coded ways can be Healed by offerings of Forgiveness and Love.

~ The Universe in its amazing power of Love,

always shares everything in Light ~

Do we want these Changes so badly, that we are actually creating Challenges at the same time? 

When the Past is Resolved, we begin to Evolve into a Present, which offers us Gifts of Grace, Peace and Balance. 

If one is open to CHANGE, and wants to really make amends from their past, they may still be CHALLENGED of their own self or from another while in their Transitioning process.   

We have all come to a place in life that CHANGES are occurring, and although it may seem very difficult at times . . . please remember, We Are the Ones that we have Waited for to assist with Change in times of Challenge, and are here as a Co-Collective to “Get er’ Done and Get it Right” this time.  

We know that it has taken eons of time to Remember the wrong doings of History, and that of what has taken place, though as we move Forward into this Future We See a greater Picture that is Divinely Designed, and is Unfolding many Challenges that can be addressed with either Love and Light or Hatred and Darkness, once again. . . it’s a Choice, to make a Change or stay in the Challenge.

Once we begin to open the Locked Chains that block us from Receiving, then the movement of Change is more noticeable to the greater possibilities of Peace. 

There are so many individuals that have worked so hard to complete their old contracts, patterns of repetitiveness, and lifting the Stagnant Seeds of Stunted Growth.  As we come into the New Beginnings, it is just as important to begin to focus on the Co-Collective Connectivity, as we begin to interweave the Divine elements as we Sow this New Garden.

Trusting the process that Everything we are Doing, every Step we are taking, every Mountain we are Moving is for something that is towards a Greater Tomorrow, that one may begin to live in, right here Today


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Today, Just for Today, may we be Released from any old Energy of Debt, that has created any misfortune in our lives.  Today, may we be Released from any Scorned Memories that our Mental thoughts hold onto, that is still triggered by Fear or False ideas.  Today, may we be given Knowledge and Wisdom that will help us during times of Change to make a Choice, that if we are still Challenged, to make a Discernment of our Divine Truths.  Today May we be Blessed with the Greater opportunities to Walk in Beauty Side by Side, Standing Tall, Positioned and Poised with Strength and Dignity, Humility and Kindness.   And So, It Is.

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We are witnessing a most ‘delicate’ turnover in the infrastructure of our earth plane.  With the Pride of People, we are gathering and going toward an unprecedented New Energy Field of this Living Light and New Experiences.  We are being Infused and Invoked with the Mastery Plan of Peace versus Pain.

Let us bring forth the call of the Mighty I Am Presence, and Invoke the Light of Love.

I Am the Light of Love as I Sing from Here Above.

I Am the Light of Love as I Sing from Here Below.

I Am that I Am, I Am that I Am, I Am that Light I Am.

When the Light of the I Am is called upon, chanted and decreed, the Energy Frequency of Old is Increased, as it begins to Rise up and out to its Fullest Release.  While at the same time, the light of the Divine rises to Envelope and Harness this light, as to awaken the Brand New within you and All that is. 

So, let us Flow with the Changes of Change, releasing Challenges that still want to be Challenged, and we shall learn to set Sail in the Calm Waters versus drowning in the Tempest of Seas in a depth of Emotional Sorrow and Suffering.

Just for today, Live Simple, be your True Authentic Self, be Happy and Live your Life in Love. 

“If it doesn’t Challenge you, it doesn’t Change you ~ Be grateful that we have been Challenged, because it creates a space to discern and to be alert to one’s surroundings, happenings and people.  Challenges have always been a part of one’s lives as an opportunity to Agree to Disagree, to prove of, or to provide for.   These Challenges have opened doors to the next, as Choices were made to Change and Re-arrange lives appropriately.   With Ego, the Mental will continue to Challenge as Choices are made . . . with Love, the Heart will continue to invite inwardly Changes dedicated to Peace.”   And So, It Is!

Many Blessings to thee, and may the Divine Elements hold and support you always.

Mary Martin
Minister ~ Messenger ~ Medium 

Spiritual Mastery Teacher-Healer 
Offering Transmissional-Teachings in the Keys of Self-Mastery, the I Am Presence and the Return of the Divine Feminine. 

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