Due to COVID symptoms in the congregation, including people involved in presenting the service, we will not be having our typical Sunday service this week on 1/23/22.
Instead we are joining with other churches to hear about the 8th Principle Project. Please feel free to join the workshop afterwords and know that this is a workshop for congregations who have already decided to do 8th Principle work, and is not the place to question that work. UUCSR will be providing opportunities in the future to discuss the 8th Principle and what it means for our congregation.
The information below will help guide you to the service zoom link or simply click here:
Sunday, January 23, 2022, 10:30AM
NOTE: This service has a unique worship link (see below)
You can also join the zoom by going to the Mission Peak UU Congregation website at www. mpuuc.org and clicking the blue button on the home page that says "Link to Virtual Service."
Today we combine with other UU congregations to hear from Paula Cole Jones, the originator of the proposed 8th Principle of Unitarian Universalism! Let's explore this principle and how it helps us to grow Beloved Community by challenging racism and oppression.
(see notes above for UUCSR participation in the post-service)
Are you interested in attending a POST-SERVICE WORKSHOP with Paula Cole Jones for a deeper dive on the 8th principle? THIS SUNDAY, all are welcome for a POST-SERVICE workshop from 1-4pm (zoom link on Mission Peak UU's website). This is an opportunity to learn more about the history, context, and journey that has led to the development of this principle.
More details about the topic of Sunday's service and featured speaker:
For as long as the U.S. has existed, two things have been true: (1) Unitarians have exerted a religious influence; and (2) black persons have been enslaved and exploited. There has not been a time where Unitarians have been silent on the issue. Challenging racism has always been a good idea, but not a core purpose and principle. As we approach our 200 year anniversary in this country, are we ready to name ending systemic racism as a core principle?
Paula Cole Jones is a lifelong member of All Souls Church, Unitarian in Washington, DC. Her professional work within the UU community spans 20 years. She has had a wide range of opportunities at the district, regional and national levels of the UUA. You may know her for her work in racial and social justice. She has been working on the 8th Principle for 13 years.
The 8th Principle reads:
"We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions."