Changes to NSW COVID Restrictions | What You Need to Know
The NSW Government says it “is taking a staged and flexible approach to the easing of restrictions as the State continues to take a measured response to managing COVID-19”. These changes to COVID Restrictions means, get ready for hybrid workplace settings!

From the beginning of Friday, 18 February 2022, the following adjustments will be made to the current settings:
  • No density limits (previously one person per 2sqm for hospitality venues);
  • QR check-ins will only be required for nightclubs, and for all music festivals with more than 1,000 people. Hospitals, aged and disability facilities may use their existing systems for recording visitors;
  • Singing and dancing will be permitted at all venues, except music festivals, where singing and dancing can recommence from 25 February;
  • The recommendation to work from home will change and be returned to the employer’s discretion.